Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:42 AM

Chapter 1132

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It's been five days since I finished filming in Liaoyang.

Before leaving, the couple went to Liaoyang military area command again, and said goodbye to Xiao Shengli.

After the Northeast drama was finished, Xiao Yunhai asked the deputy director to take the crew to Guangzhou. He and Zhao Wanqing went back to Yanjing by private plane to attend the Golden Cup International Music Festival on December 26.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai didn't want to participate, but he couldn't help it. Mr. Mu called in person and invited him and Zhao Wanqing to be the prize presentation guests and performance guests. Xiao Yunhai could not but agree.

At this time, it was the 24th, which happened to be the Christmas Eve in the West. However, the Xiao family had never been accustomed to western festivals.

After filming for about half a month in Northeast China, Zhao Wanqing, who had never been away for such a long time, saw the children with tears of excitement and kept kissing them.

Xiao Yunhai also wanted to play with them for a day.

In the evening, after the two children fell asleep, Xiao Yunhai began to reserve the songs for the festival.

took all the duet songs out of her mind, and Xiao Yunhai quickly chose "love", sung by Chen Yixun and princess at the Spring Festival Gala.

This song is really suitable for him and Zhao Wanqing to sing.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai came to Tianhua media company with a sample and finished the accompaniment.

In the afternoon of that day, the couple came to the party scene. After rehearsal for several times, they felt that there was no problem, so they left.

On December 26, China golden cup international music festival attracted more than 100 world-class musicians from different countries.

It has to be said that a large part of the credit is due to the singer's night.

Because the program's ratings are very high all over the world, it has gathered the eyes of countless fans, and this has led to today's music boom.

To save time, the red carpet show starts at 5:30 p.m.

Since the first singer came out of the car, the whole scene of screams has not stopped.

You know, all the singers who can walk on the red carpet this time are the first-line singers from all over the world. Among them, more than 80% of them are from China and Europe and America. There are a large number of fans behind each of them. You can imagine the atmosphere of the scene.

"Mace, I love you."

"Rick, you are the best."

"Float, come on, you are the best."

"Sister Na is invincible. You must be the best singer."

The slogan of the earthquake made Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting in a nearby hotel room waiting to appear, smile bitterly.

Because his position in the music world is too detached, so the organizing committee arranged him and Zhao Wanqing to the final conclusion.

"Wife, have you found that the most lovely people in the world are the fans and fans. They seem to have unlimited passion in front of their idols. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes. Otherwise, how to say that fans are the most lovely group of people. What they do sometimes makes people feel silly, but it brings us more moving. Husband, it seems that you promised to give me an English album to make me a world-class singer. When are you going to write it to me? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "after shooting the master of a generation, I will put this matter on the agenda. I'm going to write you ten songs. The publicity strategy is the same as mine. I'm going to make a list one by one. If you reach my record, we will really become a miracle in the music industry

Zhao Wanqing said with a bitter smile: "what you think is too simple."

Xiao Yunhai said: "as long as you dare to think about it, you can realize it. If I can write ten songs that overwhelm the whole European and American music world, I can write ten more. Wife, you have to believe me. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I always believe in you, otherwise I would not marry you. OK, I'm waiting to be the world's queen next year. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "my wife, I wanted to hold a world tour after the release of" master of the generation ". But today, I suddenly had an idea. What do you think if we two join together to hold a couple of husband and wife concerts? "

Zhao Wanqing's eyes brightened and said, "well, this is a great idea. I totally agree with it."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, we'll come together then. Ha ha, this is another time to start the music industry. "

Time in the two husband and wife's chat, slowly passed.

At 7:30, the door of the room was knocked, and a staff member said respectfully, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, it's almost time. It's time for you to get on the bus and get ready."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, we'll go out now."

Down the stairs, sitting in a long version of the Great Wall sedan, slowly driving to the scene.

Ten minutes later, the car came to a steady stop on the other side of the red carpet.

"This is supposed to be the last star? Who would it be? ""The key is to see enough weight? If you can't hold it down, you'll make a joke

"The jury will certainly not make such a mistake. Who is it? "

The reporters at the scene were talking in succession, while they were waiting. The camera and camera lens were all aimed at the car.

Thousands of fans on both sides stopped the noise and quietly waited for the last star.

A waiter came to the car and opened the door.

Xiao Yunhai, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, came out of the car and waved to both sides with a smile.


The passion that just stopped was ignited again, and the screams and cries were like volcanic eruptions, resounding throughout the capital.

From the moment Xiao Yunhai appeared, the flash lamp did not stop for a moment, and the whole night was illuminated by them as bright as day.

"How could it be him? God, the emperor of cloud has come to the golden cup. "

"Isn't he not going to the golden cup Festival anymore?"

"Boss, people are not willing to participate in the prize contest, and did not say that they would not participate in the award party."

"Yunhuang has become the world's recognized king of music. If he comes to compete, what else will happen to other singers?"

Fans are the most excited.

"Cloud emperor, I love you."

"Yunhuang, you are the best."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

When the classic slogan sounded again, all the fans cried out with their throats.

The sound was so loud that it reached the venue.

"Isn't Yunhai filming? How did he come to the party? " Yao Na said in surprise.

Chen Huan said: "I heard that it was Mu Lao who personally invited him and Wanqing to come here. Otherwise, with this boy's virtue, it would be strange to be able to come."

Ye Yongren sighed: "2012 has won more than 20 billion US dollars at the box office. If we had changed the general director, we would have participated in the program all over the world. This guy's a good guy. He's lost. If it hadn't been for the launch of "master of the generation", he would have been out of sight for several months. I heard that he doesn't even have an agent. Many TV talk shows want to invite him, but they don't know who to give them. No way, I put the invitation letter to Hanhai film and television investment company. Good guy, it's estimated that it's five meters high now. "

Yao Na said with a wry smile: "but even if he doesn't come out normally, his popularity is still high and frightening. We've been in the entertainment industry all my life. It's better than him for three or four years. "

Chen Huan said: "still that sentence, don't compare with him. It's just that you're not comfortable. He can't be a man like him for decades. "

Other musicians are also talking about Xiao Yunhai. Some are envious, some are jealous, and some are secretly hating. There are all kinds of people.

Outside, Xiao Yunhai stood on the red carpet, bent down and stretched out his hand to pick up Zhao Wanqing, who was the most beautiful woman in the world.

"I knew it must be Qinghou who was with him."

"It seems to be more beautiful after having a baby."

"Yes. More than before a mature temperament, cloud emperor married her, it is really lucky

"The Organizing Committee of Jinzun asked them to stand down. It's a good choice."

Zhao Wanqing is wearing a striped off the shoulder skirt today. Her skin is white and her figure is even worse. She has a small white bag in her hand, which makes her look extremely mature.

Zhao Wanqing took Xiao Yunhai's arm and walked on the red carpet with a smile.

They are like a pair of golden girls. The men are natural and unrestrained and the women are beautiful. I don't know how much film they have consumed. The screams are even higher and higher.

More than 100 meters of red carpet, two people walk for full five minutes, this in a staff led, into the meeting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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