Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:38 AM

Chapter 1135

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When the movie was in full swing, a bad news came to Xiao Yunhai's ears.

"Sea of clouds, stell networks has come up with a move."

This is Wu's game.

A few months ago, Xiao Yunhai contacted General Electric Company of the United States, hoping that the two companies would cooperate to open Yunyi shopping network in the United States.

The next day, Jeff Welch went to Huaxia and visited Yunyi shopping website. He was in a good match with Wu's game.

Due to the strong strength of General Electric Company, Yunyi shopping online opened in Europe and America in the past month.

In terms of advertising expenses alone, the two companies have invested a terrible billion dollars, which can be described as overwhelming.

It is said that the turnover this month is still good, reaching US $1.20 million. There are 2.784 million registered members, and it is increasing rapidly every day.

Nowadays, almost all people in Europe and America know that there is a Yunyi shopping network on the Internet, which is very convenient to buy things. And you can also use a special cloud communication device to directly talk to the boss of an online store, and you can buy goods at the cheapest price.

The rise of Yunyi shopping network has inevitably affected the business of stell business network. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai is not surprised by its move.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what has STEL network company done?"

Wu Yifa said: "their business network has 23 million members, ten times more than ours. Now we are expanding our business, signing contracts with many companies and attracting customers by means of price reduction and discount. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is normal. If it was me, I would certainly not wait to die. Before they did not pay enough attention to the business network, now see our cloud Yi shopping network development so good, naturally anxious. Don't worry, there is GM in Europe and America. We just need to sit and enjoy its achievements. "

Wu Yifa said with a wry smile: "of course, I'm not worried about this, but someone else's STEL network company is ready to enter our Asia. Today, they held a press conference in Yanjing to move their main business to China. The first thing is to spend 40 billion dollars to build three websites, one is business network, one is video network, and the other is music network. Almost all of them have something to do with you. Damn it, this big American is so rich. Sea of clouds, they don't come to you. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "fart. If David Stern was willing to pay such a price against me, he would not be what he is today. Of course, it's normal to hit me by the way. Well, if I can't get over the movie, I've turned my mind to other industries. David Stern is really an old fox

"You killed the son of others and killed him at least 150 billion yuan. If it was me, I would have killed you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Besides, no matter what website he set up, it has nothing to do with me. Yunyi shopping network is yours, Jiujiu music network is Hu Yaoting's, Xianyue video network is Wenbin brother's, at most, I just took some shares. Therefore, Mr. Wu, you will suffer and deal with it yourself. "

"Xiao Yunhai, you're really good. You've come to me with a retreat of 365."

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is the truth. I'm just telling the truth."

After the phone call, Xiao Yunhai's face immediately became dignified.

Although Xiao Yunhai said it easily, he knew that David Stern was coming to him.

Once he has a firm foothold in China, I am afraid the next thing to deal with will be himself.

However, Xiao Yunhai did not have the slightest fear.

In China, the time, the place and the people are in harmony. Xiao Yunhai has occupied all over China. David Stern can't help him in America, let alone Huaxia.

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and dialed Raul's phone.

"Boss, do you have any instructions for me?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "how is our TV station?"

Raul said with a smile, "it's very good. Donheim is a workaholic, the workload of a month to his hands, half a month to complete. In addition to the foundation that paramount has laid for us, it is estimated that it will be officially launched in early February. Boss, donheim told me something today. He wants to record American versions of good voice of China, run, brothers and multimillionaire. He thinks your three shows are very suitable for America. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I totally agree. Just give him the money and let him record it as soon as possible. Raul, what's going on with paramount? "

Raul thought about it and said, "Paramount is rebuilding its playground. More than 60 cities are under construction almost at the same time. It is estimated that it will be open in June next year. And one of their $1.2 billion movie will be released worldwide in a week, two days ahead of our Lord of the rings 2. I suspect they did it on purpose. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "even if it is not intentional, I will take the initiative to find its trouble. Now, let's start with the big picture, Raymond. Snipe at it whenever you have a chance. "

Raul, I understand. Hehe, our four superhero movies are enough for them to drink. By the way, boss, I have a grapevine to report to you. Paramount seems to be developing new special effects technology, and has made a big breakthrough. "Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "where did you get the news?"

"It was an employee who told me," Raul said. He and a team leader of paramount's R & D team are good friends. When they drink, they accidentally let out their mouths. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "this matter is very important. Once paramount is successfully developed, it will have a great impact on magic and fantasy. "

Raul said: "boss, I don't think their new technology is better than us. After all, the research and development will not be completed initially

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't be careless. There are a lot of great people in the Technology Department of stell networks, otherwise they would not have dominated the Internet for decades. Raul, don't worry about this. Tell Daniel to take care of it. "

Raul said, "I've told him. I think he's asking around."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, let's call it a day."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai look more dignified than before the call.

Stern network company's step-by-step pressure, let him feel the strength of each other for the first time. No matter the hardware or software of the global giant is not comparable, it is not.

Especially in the research and development of special effects technology, the technical reserve of the other party is obviously much stronger than that of magic and dream. How long has it taken to create a new technology without magic and fantasy.

Fortunately, I got the 3D technology first, otherwise it would be a big trouble. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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