Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:36 AM

Chapter 1136

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People say that there is no double blessing, but misfortune never comes singly.

STEL network company to Xiao Yunhai brought big trouble, not to say, the capital side is not stable, the main problem is Xiao Yunhai's new coal company.

Some people accused Xiao Shengli and Xiao Yunhai, saying that Xiao Shengli colluded with Xiao Yunhai to defraud the state of coal resources by using power for personal gain. The person who sued them was Wang Zhenya.

The strength of the Wang family was second only to the Xiao family. After several months of political struggle after the Xiao Yunhai incident, the Wang family was beaten down by 80% of its strength. Other members of the Wang family were also defeated and scattered, and they all went to other heights.

Wang's family has changed from a top political family to a second-class one, which makes Wang Zhenya hate Xiao Yunhai deeply.

Without him, his two sons would not have been killed and arrested; without him, the Wang family would not have been reduced to this level.

However, Xiao Yunhai was decent and had no control. Wang Zhenya felt that he had no place to speak. However, his heart of revenge was more firm and almost crazy.

Until recently, I heard that Kristi, Xiao Yunhai's chief financial adviser, was negotiating in Beijing and bought a super large coal mine of at least 1.4 billion tons in Liaoyang, which made Wang Zhenya keenly aware of the problems.

So he sent people to find some members of the investigation team. After learning about the situation, he met with Xiao Shengli's old friend in person, and thoroughly grasped the context of the matter.

Wang Zhenya was very excited, and sent a relative of the Wang family who worked in the Resource Management Bureau to directly Sue Xiao Shengli and Xiao Yunhai.

It has to be said that hatred can make people crazy.

Wang Zhenya's way of doing this is completely the rhythm of breaking the face with the Xiao family.

Everyone knows that no matter whether he can win or not, the Xiao family will never tolerate Wang Zhenya's behavior. I'm afraid his job will not last long.

Xiao Yuanyang soon learned the situation and immediately called Xiao Yunhai.

"Yunhai, why do you suddenly set up a coal company? The Wang family is a mad dog now, let them grasp the handle, we are in big trouble. "

Xiao Yuanyang said to Xiao Yunhai with an unprecedented dignified tone.

Xiao Yunhai said: "elder brother, the main purpose of my uncle and I in discussing the establishment of such a company is to resettle the veterans of Liaoyang military region, not to make money. As for the matter of the coal mine, my second uncle also handled the certificate for me. I sent Kristi to sign a contract with the government. Everything was carried out in the sunshine and did not conflict with the law. Why should the Wangs sue me

Xiao Yuanyang said: "if so, there is no problem. Now the most important thing is how much do you pay for the mining rights? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I spent a full $56 billion to buy the mining rights for 30 years. At the same time, the government also accounted for 15% of the dry shares. Brother, I'm dying. Yaya, bah, you may let the Wang family sue, unless he can bring down the government as well. "

Xiao Yuanyang was surprised and said, "how can it be so expensive?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm not a fool. The Xiao family is too powerful. How can I give others an opportunity. Brother, you may rest assured that all procedures are legal. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "no wonder after I told my father about this, he didn't show any sign. It turns out that the government has taken advantage of you. Hehe, the Wangs are stealing chicken and not eating rice. "

Xiao Yunhai asked: "elder brother, I don't understand. Why does Wang Zhenya want to sue me foolishly? Doesn't he know to go over the contract we signed with the government? "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile, "do you think this is something you want to find out? The price of natural resources needs to be kept strictly confidential. Don't mention the mayor of Yanjing City, even an official even bigger than him. The people in the Resource Management Bureau are very strict. It is impossible to get words out of them. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. I understand. Elder brother, I won't be called to ask questions from Yanjing, right? I'm very busy here

Xiao Yuanyang said: "don't worry. The government has taken advantage of you. If you can't handle this matter properly, it's too unreasonable. By the way, I have good news for you. I may go to Shaanxi and Gansu Province as the executive vice governor in charge of economy after the new year. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai said: "brother, I really want to congratulate you. If you can take this step, you will not be far away from uncle

"Nonsense." Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile, "I'm still a thousand miles away, OK? Well, I have something else here. I won't talk to you

Time flies. It's been half a month since Xiao Yuanyang called. Things about the coal company seem to have gone through the wind without any waves. Obviously, the government has settled this matter.

Xiao Yunhai's two films "Harry Potter 3" and "Lord of the rings 2" have made good achievements in box office.

"Harry Potter" has been painted at this time, with a global box office of 3.827 billion US dollars. Together with the Internet revenue, Xiao Yunhai made a profit of 1.557 billion US dollars.

"Lord of the rings 2" was released for about 10 days on January 15. It beat Paramount's science fiction blockbuster cleanly and won $4.245 billion. It is estimated that it will break through 5 billion without any problem.The 3D version of "super hero" has been finished, which makes him very happy.

Although Xiao Yunhai didn't watch it, Raul and Daniel both agreed that it was a good movie.

After checking the release date of paramount's films on the Internet, Xiao Yunhai directly arranged "Dr. strange" to January 28, while Paramount's cartoon "Maggie bear" was on January 30.

As soon as the schedule of Dr. strange was released, it caused a great stir in Hollywood.

You know, this is the second 3D film in the history of film. Success is almost a matter of nail on the board. No one is willing to compete with it.

Even the well-known Warner backed away and delayed the war blockbuster "the storm of World War II", which was scheduled to premiere on February 5, for a whole week, not to mention other small and medium-sized companies.

Almost all the companies in Hollywood have adjusted more or less, except paramount.

"Dr. strange" chose to release two days earlier than Maggie bear. Everyone knows that this is Xiao Yunhai's revenge for the Lord of the rings 2.

Although "the Lord of the rings 2" won a great victory, Xiao Yunhai obviously did not let them go.

In paramount CEO's office

Ricky Franklin's face was gloomy and his brow was tight. Suddenly, he hit his desk with a fist, which shocked the film director Ilana across the street.

Since Franklin came to power, he has always been very calm, shrewd and capable. Even if the film lost to the Lord of the rings 2, he did not get as angry as Hanks before.

But I didn't expect that this time Marvel just announced the release date of Dr. variation, and he was so angry.

"Boss, shall we change the premiere time of Maggie bear to avoid Marvel's 3D movie?" Irana asked carefully

Ricky Franklin looked up at him and said, "all Hollywood companies know that Shaw is here for us. What would they think of us if they avoided it. Remember, we Paramount Pictures would rather die standing than live on our knees. A short-term failure is not afraid of anything. What's really terrible is that you lose your spirit and spirit

"But Maggie bear is an animated film that we spent a lot of manpower and money to make. If it was defeated by Dr. mutation, it would be a great blow to us, especially to the animation department," Ilana said

Ricky Franklin said, "so we have to be strategic. A fool would do something like hitting a stone with an egg. "

Irana couldn't help but feel confused. What the boss said seemed contradictory.

Ricky Franklin pondered and said, "well. "Maggie bear" is so popular in Europe and the United States that changing the release date will not only cost too much, but also make fans laugh. Therefore, the time in this area should not be changed. But it is much better in Asia, which can be postponed for half a month. In this way, we can not only avoid losses, but also show the outside world that we are not afraid of them

Ilana thumbed up and said, "boss, you are still thoughtful."

Ricky Franklin shook his head and said, "it's just a temporary measure. The most important thing is the quality of the film. How's our 3D movie going? "

Since paramount signed a contract with dreamland, directors including Weaver went to Huaxia to receive 3D film technical training. Of course, the training cost was increased by Xiao Yunhai ten times.

After the directors came back, paramount started shooting six 3D films in one breath, which caused a great sensation in Hollywood.

"Two are already on, and the other four will not be ready until February," Irana said

Ricky Franklin said: "let them speed up. Money is not a problem, but the quality must be guaranteed. The reason why Xiao is able to be today is because he strictly controls the quality of films and TV plays. "

Ilana nodded and said, "yes, boss."

When Irana left, Ricky frankly sighed and said, "offending Shaw is a real trouble." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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