Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:32 AM

Chapter 1139

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The next day, the Spring Festival arrived, the Xiao family gathered in Xiao Yunhai's villa, very lively.

Especially when Xiao Shengli announced that he was going to have a grandson in public, the atmosphere was even more enthusiastic.

With great relief, Xiao began to sing Peking Opera in public.

On the first day of the new year, Xiao Yunhai didn't follow him to the courtyard. Instead, he changed to Xiao Yuanyang, vice governor of Shaanxi and Gansu Province.

Taking advantage of nothing, Xiao Yunhai took Zhao Wanqing to go around for a long time to pay New Year greetings to relatives, teachers and friends.

On the second day of new year's day, Xiao Changfeng and his family went to visit Chen Jiahong by plane.

Seeing two lovely grandsons and granddaughters, Chen Jiahong couldn't close her mouth.

After staying with my grandfather for three or four days, the family flew back to Yanjing.

At 8:30 a.m. on the seventh day of the new year's day, Xiao Yunhai, wearing a gray suit, a white shirt and a blue tie around his neck, came to the Great Hall of the government with a serious look.

Just got out of the car, dozens of reporters surrounded it.

"Mr. Xiao, how do you feel when you come to the government work conference for the first time?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "happy, excited, proud, for a while, I really don't know."

In fact, what he said was just scene words, and his mood was no different from usual.

In his previous life, during the two sessions of the National People's Congress every year, Xiao Yunhai envied the stars who were qualified to attend the meeting. He always imagined when he could go in and talk with the leaders.

After arriving in this world, Xiao Yunhai has everything that a successful man should have, including family, wealth, status, fame.

Finally able to attend the government meeting, Xiao Yunhai found that he was surprisingly calm, without any waves in his heart, as if this matter had become irrelevant.

In the face of reporters, there is no exception.

"Mr. Xiao, as a representative of business and literary circles, what is your topic?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm sorry, keep it secret for the time being. Well, dear journalists, it's almost time. I don't want to be late for the first meeting. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai walked through the press group and entered the great hall.

An old man in his sixties sighed, "it's really the actors who are in charge. Mr. Wang, we've been writing books all our lives. It's not as good as a martial arts novel. Hehe, is martial arts novel a kind of literature? I think most of them are popular books. It's so sad. "

An old man about the same age said, "who said it wasn't. It's time to make a good rectification in the current literary and artistic circles. To tell you the truth, my proposal is about rectifying the ethos of the literary and artistic circles. "

The identity of these two people is not simple. In the literary circle, they can be called Taishan Beidou.

The first speaker was Zhang xuanlin, who just took office last year as president of the Literary Association. He loved Chinese literature since childhood. He has written more than 100 essays, novels, plays, poems and other works in the past 40 years, and he is an absolute great figure in the literary circle.

Wang Huatao, who came with him, is also a great man in the literary world. He teaches at Tsinghua University. He is good at poetry and novels, and his position is no less than that of Zhang xuanlin.

In their status, even if the leaders see them, they should treat them with courtesy.

It's a pity that these two people are not cold to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai did not know all this. After entering the meeting hall, he quickly found his place in the last row of literary and art circles.

Then came Zhang xuanlin and Wang Huatao sitting in the first row.

When he came to Xiao Yunhai, Zhang xuanlin also gave him a meaningful look.

Although Xiao Yunhai did not know the old man, he nodded politely.

After a while, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Good morning, Yunhai."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw that it was Wang Guoan, the film emperor. He quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, long time no see.". I gave you New Year's greetings on the first day of junior high school. I didn't want you to go out. "

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "I usually go out at 8:30 and come back at 3:00 in the afternoon. It's strange that you can see me. I heard you just finished a kung fu movie? The goal will not be another 20 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile. The reason why "2012" has been able to win such a high box office is completely opportunistic, with the light of 3D special effects technology. "

Wang Guoan said: "I'm afraid it's not just 2012. Like the previous "Dr. variation" and "Captain America" have won more than 10 billion box office, ha ha, you are using the benefits of 3D special effects technology to the extreme. Unfortunately, the commercialization of these two films is too heavy, far from being comparable to 2012. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "manwei's superheroes are all commercial films, which nobody can change. That's what happened in X-Men and iron man. "

Wang Guoan nodded and said, "you man Wei's reputation is completely out. It is a miracle in the history of film that five consecutive films dominate the top five box office in the worldAt this time, Chen Qingqing came over and said, "Teacher Wang, what miracle are you talking about?"

Xiao Yunhai hastened to say hello.

Wang Guoan talked about Marvel's achievements in winning the top five box office in the world. Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "this is indeed a miracle. Yunhai, I really didn't dream of it. In just three or four years, you can go to the whole situation. "

Xiao Yunhai quickly said, "please don't praise me any more. If you go on boasting, I will blush

Wang Guoan said with a smile, "don't come here. I often hear Wan Qing say that you have thicker skin than the city wall. If a few words can make you blush, then unless the sun comes out from the West

After chatting for a while, they all returned to their seats when they saw that the meeting time was coming.

At nine o'clock sharp, accompanied by the majestic music, several leaders came in from the door.

All the participants stood up and applauded.

Raise the national flag, play the national anthem, and the meeting will begin.

As the second Chief Executive in charge of the national economic work, Xiao Chongyang delivered a report on the work of the government for more than an hour at the conference, comprehensively describing the achievements and problems encountered in the economic development of the country in this year.

Besides Xiao Chongyang, several other leaders also made speeches one after another.

So the day went by.

This is still concise, if it is really lengthy, it is estimated that three days can not finish. After all, the country is too big and there are too many things to do, so we can only pick some key points.

The next day, the conference held a group discussion. Under the leadership of a staff member, more than 60 representatives of Xiao Yunhai's literary and art circles came to a large conference room.

The meeting was presided over by a government official. After some opening remarks, the free speech time began.

Xiao Yunhai is the youngest among these people. He wanted to keep a low profile, but things often can't go as people want.

Zhang xuanlin, President of the Literary Association, was the first to make a speech. In the first five minutes, he only talked about some bad habits in the literary and artistic circles, which was a platitude.

But all of a sudden, the wind of his words turned sharply, and the spearhead directly pointed to Xiao Yunhai.

"To write truly excellent literary works, we literary creators need to constantly learn and accumulate, extract nutrients from life, and then concentrate them into their own words. But now some of the popular novels on the Internet are fast food culture, there is no readability at all. The words are often wrongly written. Some great writers can even write 40000 words a day. I just want to ask whether such novels can be read? "

"Some of us here are leaders of fast food culture. They have spent more than two years writing five martial arts novels, with more than 4 million words and more than 200 million sales. That is to say, 200 million people have read these martial arts novels. It's terrible to think about it. "

"What are martial arts novels? This is the dross of literature. It is full of swords, intrigues and bloody violence. How much negative impact will such works have on society. I propose that all fast-food literature and martial arts novels on the Internet should be banned, so as not to poison Chinese teenagers. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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