Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:57 AM

Chapter 114

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"Da Yin is hiding in the city. Who would have thought that Shen Qianqiu, the big star, was a top swordsman. Next week, I'm here to learn your swordsmanship. We are divided into high and low, and we are determined to live and die. "

Zhang Menglong in front of the surveillance plane saw Chen Jie's performance and nodded. He was very satisfied. The requirements of this paragraph are very high. It needs Chen Jie to show the whole person's ferocity, coldness and unscrupulousness with his lines and expressions. However, Chen Jie does not live up to the expectations and completes it very well.

Now it's Xiao Yunhai's turn.

Hearing Chen Jie's words, Xiao Yunhai's pupils shrank slightly, a trace of helplessness flashed across his face, and then his eyes burst out. His whole body was as straight as a sword.

When the right foot is lifted, the sword on the ground comes to the hand. The whole movement is smooth and smooth.

He pulled out his long sword, and the tip of the sword dropped slowly. The body of the six foot sword looked like an autumn water in the light of the light.

Xiao Yunhai stood with his sword in his hand, his clothes swayed, his eyes fixed on Chen Jie, and his whole body exuded a strong sense of war.

"What a superb swordsman with white clothes like snow."

All Xiao Yunhai's Micro expressions and movements were perfectly captured by the camera. Zhang Menglong almost called out the good words in his mouth.

No wonder Xiao Yunhai can be the hero of Chen Qingqing at a young age. His acting skills are really powerful, not under the bones of those old dramas.

The slight contraction of pupil means that Chen Jie is an extremely dangerous person in front of him.

The color of helplessness shows that people in the Wulin can't help themselves once they enter the world.

Long sword scabbard represents the fearless and fearless swordsman.

Before shooting, Zhang Menglong made all the requirements of Xiao Yunhai, and Xiao Yunhai made them perfectly.

Next, the duel between Xiao Yunhai and Chen Jie is very smooth. They have performed several times in the following section, showing their own swordsmanship characteristics. The final result is naturally that Xiao Yunhai is killed by Chen Jie.

"Good, great."

It took less than half an hour to finish the play, which was originally prepared for an afternoon. Zhang Menglong was extremely satisfied and took the lead in clapping. Other staff and actors applauded.

Xiao Yunhai and Chen Jie clapped hands to celebrate the success of the performance.

Luo Tianxiong patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect your acting skills are so powerful. By the way, just now your mobile phone rings many times. Please ask me quickly. "

Xiao Yunhai takes the mobile phone and looks at the caller ID. it's Zhao Wanqing calling.

"Hello, Wanqing, I miss you for a while?"

Zhao Wanqing said angrily, "Yunhai, you must not come back. Some gangsters and gangsters came to the crew that night and said they wanted to trouble you

"What?" Xiao Yunhai frowned: "you let Chen guide them to stabilize them first, I will go back immediately."

Xiao Yun Customs on the mobile phone, while changing clothes, said to Luo Tianxiong: "elder martial brother, a group of underworld people come to my troupe. I have to go back and deal with it immediately. "

"There are still people who dare to come to our trouble. It's a long time to hang up." Luo Tianxiong finished, and then roared: "listen to the brothers of Luo family class, there is a underworld to provoke our younger martial brother, what should we do?"

"Damn it."

"Yes, kill him."

Luo Tianxiong was very satisfied with the performance of his brothers, and said to Zhang Menglong, "director Zhang, I..."

Zhang Menglong waved his hand and said, "go. Pay attention to the heat. "

Luo Tianxiong nodded and said to Xiao Yunhai, "younger martial brother, let's go. I'd like to see who ate the gall of bear heart leopard and come to provoke us to Xingyi Taiji gate. "

Xiao Yunhai was not polite. He led the way first. More than 20 martial arts masters of luojiaban followed Xiao Yunhai and ran to the startling set.

When Xiao Yunhai arrived on the set, he found that the crew was confronting a group of people in Thai Boxing Club clothes. Chen Qingqing's expression is very serious, frown, is talking with the leader. Judging from the situation, it seems that the talk is not very good.

Xiao Yunhai sank into the elixir field and yelled, "are you looking for me?"

Xiao Yunhai's voice was like thunder, which suppressed the sound of the scene. Everyone looked at him.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming, Zhao Wanqing ran over and said anxiously, "don't you want to come? You just don't listen. "

Seeing Zhao Wanqing's urgency, Xiao Yunhai almost shed tears. He was deeply moved and said in a soft voice, "don't worry. I've seen so many things like this. There's nothing wrong with it."

"You don't know. Liang Hu, the leader of the other party, is the son of the Minister of Publicity Department of Zhejiang Province. He is a typical Prince party. According to the person in charge of Hengdian, Liang Hu practiced Thai Boxing since he was a child. He set up a Thai Boxing Club in Hengdian, and many people followed him. In Hengdian, he is a bully here, even the Public Security Bureau dare not manage. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and looked at Liang Hu, who was coming towards him.

He is about the same age as Xiao Yunhai. He is 1.9 meters tall. He wears a white vest on his upper body and red shorts on his lower body. His skin is dark and muscular. His whole body seems to be full of infinite strength.Liang Hu walked to the place three meters away from Xiao Yunhai, with a smile on his face. He pointed to Xiao Yunhai and asked Lin Ge, who is black and blue, beside him: "XIAOLINZI, this is the boy who repaired you. It doesn't look very good either."

Lin Ge, with a sad face, said, "yes, it's him. He looks like a harmless young man, but when he starts, it's quick and hard. I'm sure this is a kung fu master. "

Liang Hu's eyes brightened, and he looked at Xiao Yunhai with interest and said, "this master looks calm. It's better for us to have a fight."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed and said with disdain: "I came to solve the problem, not to fight with you. To tell you the truth, I really despise what you brothers have done

Liang Hu listened, ha ha a smile, said: "you boy is a kind, dare to say my brother in my Liang Hu's territory. But you are right. I didn't care about his bullshit, so I fixed him. But what's wrong with him? You don't have to do it. "

"Well, I won't bully you either. We've had a fight. If you win, you will write off all the things about beating my brother. If you continue to shoot your plays, I will never make trouble. If you lose, I will not trouble your crew, but you should kowtow to them and apologize and compensate them for their medical expenses. "

Xiao Yunhai was also worried about the involvement of the crew. Now hearing Liang Hu's suggestion, his worries suddenly dropped by more than half. He said, "OK, we'll win or lose the first battle."

Zhao Wanqing listens to Liang Hu's fight with Xiao Yunhai. Her face gets tense. She grabs Xiao Yunhai's clothes and looks at him nervously.

Luo Tianxiong, who was also afraid of Xiao Yunhai's loss, said, "younger martial brother, let me come."

Xiao Yunhai gave Zhao Wanqing a reassuring look and said to Luo Tianxiong, "elder martial brother, I will solve my own problems by myself. Liang Hu, there is a challenge arena in front of us. Let's go there and have a fight. "

The tiger nods. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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