Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:30 AM

Chapter 1140

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After Zhang xuanlin's words were finished, everyone turned their heads and looked at Xiao Yunhai to see what his attitude was.

Chen Qingqing, Wang Guoan and more than a dozen people familiar with Xiao Yunhai are worried, for fear that he can't help but quarrel with Zhang xuanlin.

In such an occasion, whether we can win or not, it is not good for Xiao Yunhai.

Fortunately, the things they were worried about did not happen. Xiao Yunhai sat there with his usual expression. He just wrote something in his notebook with a pen. He seemed to listen very carefully, as if he were not saying it.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai was so calm and indifferent to his words, Zhang xuanlin felt a little upset and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you think I'm right?"

Zhang xuanlin is a typical scholar. He always talks straight and has the character of a scholar. Even if Xiao Yunhai is xiaojiada Shao, the richest man in the world, and an international superstar, he has nothing to fear. He has nothing to say.

Such people, let alone Xiao Yunhai, are the ancient emperors who can't do anything about them.

Xiao Yunhai has a headache, but he can't see any clue on his face.

He gently put down his pen and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, I am a younger generation. It is inevitable that I will consider things one sidedly. I need to think carefully about your proposal. After all, you can't talk nonsense on such an occasion. "

No one would have thought that Xiao Yunhai, such a powerful figure in the world, would say such weak words, and at the same time, he felt very admirable for his mind and bearing.

Compared with the two, Zhang xuanlin seems a little aggressive.

Wang Huatao, a professor at Tsinghua University, said, "let me say a few words first. I totally agree with Mr. Zhang. For martial arts novels, fantasy novels and other fast food culture, I really can't stand it. Like my 18-year-old grandson holding fantasy novels all day long, he doesn't even care about college entrance examination. I asked him, what's good about this kind of book? His answer was that it was a hundred times better than my book. I heard that, and I almost collapsed. "

"As for Mr. Xiao's martial arts novels, he bought two sets before and after, and read them back and forth for dozens of times. His academic performance plummeted, so did many students in his class. We old people look in the eyes and worry in the heart. "

Several other old people have also expressed their own views, that is, to prohibit fantasy, martial arts and other novels published in China.

Wang Guoan, Chen Qingqing and other people in the entertainment industry did not speak up, so they did not comment on it. They're not writers. It's a long way from them.

Xiao Yun put his eyes on everyone again.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "what the teachers said is very reasonable. Yunhai has been taught. It's just that I don't understand why novels like martial arts and fantasy are so bad that they can be popular in China? "

Zhang xuanlin said: "because they attract people through the shallow story line, so that teenagers can not extricate themselves."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's what Mr. Wang's grandson said. Ha ha, in fact, in my opinion, the reason why such a situation has occurred in the literary and artistic circles is largely due to our cultural workers' inability to grasp the pulse of the times. We modern people work, study pressure, want to read some books to relax. The teachers are knowledgeable, and their writings contain rich truth and emotion. But these things are too profound to understand very difficult. People want to relax, but after reading these books, they find that they are more tired than before. Of course, they don't want to. "

"The reason why fast food culture is formed is that they want to get the pleasure and satisfaction that they can never get in life, and online novels just give them this, so we are so crazy and obsessed."

Wang Huatao frowned: "what does Mr. Xiao mean? Is it true that online novels are done? Have you ever thought that in the long run, there will be a fault in Chinese culture. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if there is no online novel, will there be no cultural gap in China? I don't know. Whether we are prose, poetry, novels or stories, in the final analysis or to see the quality of the work. Your works are not attractive. Do you have to blame others for robbing your readers? "

"Of course, I am also very disgusted with some unhealthy things in it, which requires the government to conduct comprehensive monitoring by various means. As for whether it should be published, it is the matter of the publishing house, and I will not make any evaluation. "

Zhang xuanlin said, "what about martial arts novels? As a Chinese martial arts knight, Xiao Yunhai said, "who do you mean by Mr. Zhang? Is it not the Chinese Literature Association? "

If you don't admit it, Mr. Wang Wentao will not. We still have some character of literati. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. These days, I will send my writing to the Internet. You can judge the quality. As for the status of martial arts novels, I don't need anyone to admit it. I just want to prove that the people who write martial arts novels are also excellent writers. "

The official who presided over the meeting saw that the scene was so fierce that he quickly came to an end and said, "teachers, Mr. Xiao, I feel that you are not biased."Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's really a partial topic. Mr. Zhang's proposal to prohibit the publication of online novels and martial arts novels is very clear, and I do not agree with it. "

Zhang xuanlin is an old man with high prestige. If it comes to ordinary things, Xiao Yunhai will not oppose him so fiercely.

However, his proposal is too frightening to allow online novels and martial arts novels to be published, let alone the relevant writers and publishers, and even the readers all over China will not agree.

Seeing how Xiao Yunhai objected with a clear-cut stance, other people who felt that it was inappropriate also expressed their own views. Although the words were euphemistic, the meaning was the same as Xiao Yunhai.

Zhang xuanlin was very angry when he saw that his proposal was hit in the head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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