Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:28 AM

Chapter 1141

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Next, Wang Huatao put forward the problem of rectifying the general environment of the literary circle.

In particular, many people in the circle, including Xiao Yunhai, have been criticized for abusing their personal status.

Through this meeting, Xiao Yunhai suddenly found that people in the entertainment industry seemed to be a head shorter than these writers. Zhang xuanlin, Wang Huatao and others seemed to despise the entertainment industry.

Even when Chen Qingqing and Wang Guoan are talking, Xiao Yunhai also sees contempt in these people's eyes.

The ancients said that actors were merciless, and the status of performers in ancient society was inferior to the three evils.

Today, in the new society, even though the entertainment industry accounts for half of the Chinese economy, these traditional cultural people still look down on actors and singers, thinking that they are selling flesh and vulgar, while they are elegant.

Xiao Yunhai has no way to deal with this phenomenon. Fortunately, the social status of stars is generally higher than that of previous lives, and they earn much more money.

Another problem is that the issues raised do not seem to have much effect on the development of the whole industry. With that, it even became a meeting to vent discontent.

Xiao Yunhai sighed in his heart. What's the use of such a meeting.

After more than an hour's language bombing, Xiao Yunhai was about to turn. At this time, the door suddenly opened.

They turned their heads and saw the first chief and two or three of his entourage came in.

Everyone stands up to welcome.

With a smile, No. 1 chief said, "you are welcome. Please take a seat. I've come here mainly to hear what problems our group is discussing? We all heard yesterday's government report that the proportion of the cultural industry in the gross national product has exceeded 12%. We have to pay attention to it. Who is the next to speak? "

The host said, "it's Mr. Xiao Yunhai."

On hearing this, the No.1 chief officer was directly happy and looked at Xiao Yunhai and said: "this is too coincident. Yunhai, we are old acquaintances. I remember the year before last, you swore to me that within five years, I would be the richest man in the world. At that time, although I admired your courage, I didn't think you could do it. I didn't expect that it took you only two years to complete the goal, which can be regarded as adding luster to our Chinese culture. There was a lot of noise in the business group just now. The group asked you to go there. It seems that you are busy today

When they heard that chief executive No. 1 could speak to Xiao Yunhai in this tone, and they had known each other for a long time, they were all surprised and envied.

None of the people present has been received by the chief one.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "how can I know what business? Chief, I'd better not go, so as not to be laughed at by their real big entrepreneurs. "

No. 1 chief said: "you are the arrow figure in the Chinese business circle now. Even if you don't want to go, No. 2 will send someone to call you later. Because their problems never leave you. OK, let's talk about your proposal on the cultural industry. At the beginning, I got a lot of inspiration from your words, and the successful implementation of many policies also came from you. Talk about it. I want to hear it. "

People were once again surprised by the words of the No. 1 chief. The national policy actually came from Xiao Yunhai, which was too frightening.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, I'll talk about my topic. Chief executive, dear teachers, with the development of culture and entertainment industry, we are in line with the world. I checked. Last year, more than 100 films and TV series were jointly produced by Huaxia and Hollywood, which greatly promoted the development of our film and television industry. "

"But there is a big problem. I don't know if you have seen it. That is to say, only a few dozen of these films are dominated by our own Huaxia film and television company. More than 90% of the other films are made by foreign film and television companies looking for Chinese actors to make money. Ha ha, in China, we have become the passive side, which is very abnormal. "

"What's more, since the disappearance of entertainment barriers in China, Hollywood has come to China to set up branches and set up television stations. It is estimated that there are more than 40 entertainment companies in China. And what about us? There's no one in Hollywood. I don't understand. Is Hollywood that scary? Let us Chinese entertainment company not a dare to set up a branch? "

" they can use our actors to shoot movies and TV dramas that Chinese people like, so why can't we use their actors to shoot movies and TV plays that audiences in Europe and America like? I think it's a matter of confidence

Mo Kaixuan, the national master, suddenly said, "what Mr. Xiao said is good. For a long time, Hollywood has been the world's film and television entertainment center. This concept has been deeply rooted in the minds of the president, director and actor of Huaxia entertainment company. Many people can't even think about it, let alone do it. "

Hearing Mo Kaixuan agree with his own point of view, Xiao Yunhai can't help but be stunned. He doesn't understand which song the old guy is.

"Is it to release kindness to yourself?" Xiao Yunhai couldn't help thinking.Chen Qingqing said: "this is not incomprehensible. Hollywood has the most perfect film industry system, and has a very high position in the hearts of TV and film. We are afraid that after going there, we will lose our blood in the competition of strong players. There are no other Huaxia companies in China except Mr. Xiao Yunhai's marvel. "

The chief executive nodded and said, "Yunhai, I've heard you say that the biggest advantage of Hollywood before was technology. Last year, your dream special effects company developed 3D special effects, which swept the world. We should be the ones who have the advantages now. But now we are still in a dominant position. Obviously, this is a matter of concept. What do you think should be done? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "first, let everyone understand that today's Huaxia has become a new film and Television Center, and the advantages of Hollywood are no longer there."

"The second is to encourage everyone to go out and not to stay at home and compete with others. You're a loser if you fight. Because China's market is so big, even if foreign film and television companies only get a small piece, they also snatch it from our mouth. The so-called attack is the best defense. We can't wait for death all the time. We should take the initiative to attack. "

"The third is the source of film and television dramas -- screenwriters. Many cultural people in China have always held the mentality that stars are inferior to the bottom of the line, and despise the film and television industry from the bottom of their hearts, let alone help write scripts. Chief, it's hard to cook without rice. No matter how good a director is, he still can't make a good play without a good script. Therefore, I think the Chinese Writers Association should take on the task of delivering ammunition for the film and television industry, so as to ensure the faster and better development of Chinese culture. After all, in today's world, the spread of films and TV plays has far more advantages than books. "

Xiao Yunhai's last suggestion was almost applauded by the filmmakers present. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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