Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:26 AM

Chapter 1142

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For the writers of the Chinese Writers Association, they look down on their own industry, and every filmmaker can feel that these words of Xiao Yunhai are simply taking their army.

Zhang xuanlin, who was sitting next to him, was calm, but his heart was already bursting with anger, and his hands were unconsciously clenched. If the chief executive had not been sitting here, he would have stood up and cursed.

No. 1 leader nodded and said, "Yunhai is good. For the first two suggestions, I will let the Ministry of culture take charge of it. If not, let CCTV set up an entertainment company in Hollywood to set up an example for you. As for the third proposal, I think it is very good and pragmatic. Today's film and television industry has become the most important part of the Chinese cultural industry. We literati and writers should not look at the new situation with the old ideas of the past. Mr. Zhang, you are the president of the Chinese writers' Association. You just came to talk about this matter. "

Hearing the words of chief executive No. 1, all the films on the scene were laughing madly.

Aren't the scholars of the Chinese Writers Association very good? Don't you look down on us? Now it's up to you.

Zhang xuanlin tried to squeeze out a smile and said: "chief executive, I will inform every writer of Xiao Yunhai's proposal, encourage them to write scripts, and help the film and television industry achieve greater development."

Xiao Yunhai said: "teacher Zhang said well. On behalf of our Chinese TV filmmakers, I thank you. With the help of the Chinese Literature Association, the spring of Chinese film and TV plays will come soon. Ha ha, all the teachers here are leading figures in the Chinese literary world. It should not be difficult to write an excellent script. I think if you can take the lead and set an example for other writers, and then help publicize it, I believe the effect will be better. "

Wang Huatao said in a hurry: "but we have never written about this?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "scripts are born out of literary works. As long as you can read a script at will on the Internet, it is not a problem at all. I've never written prose before. I'll write one tonight even if I don't sleep. Dear teachers, the future of Huaxia film and TV is in your writing. I hope you can pay attention to it. "

Chen Qingqing said: "the proportion of the film and television industry in the national finance has reached 12%, which is likely to exceed 20% in a few years. Now, the cultural conflicts between Chinese and English teachers are very fierce, and whether they can rely on TV shows alone or not. "

Other filmmakers also spoke in succession, putting these literati directly on the shelves.

No. 1 chief executive said with a smile: "dear teachers, you see the representatives of these film and television circles are all in such a hurry. You have agreed, and it is considered as contributing to the country."

Even the No. 1 chief said so. What else could Zhang xuanlin and others say, they could only recognize it with their noses.

The first chief said happily, "that's very good. Every year, the government invites the leaders of various industries to come to the meeting, not to let everyone complain, but to think of a good way to solve some practical problems. Mr. Zhang made a good start for us. Yunhai, tell me what else you think. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "chief executive, I mentioned to you that we hope the state can give us greater support to the film and television industry. For example, if I want to make a war film, I need to use aircraft carriers, missiles, fighter planes, tanks and so on. Under the current system of China, it is impossible to give me these things. I have no choice but to go to America to film. It's too much trouble to come and go. "

"I remember you said this, and I hope the army can open the door to the film and television industry. Our government once held a meeting to study this issue. At that time, many people, especially the important members of the army, expressed strong opposition, so they delayed it. Now the rapid development of the film and television industry is becoming more and more important to China. I believe this problem will be solved soon. Is there anything else? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no more."

The No.1 chief executive said with a smile: "then you can go to the No.3 conference room. It is estimated that they are still arguing. By the way, your partner Wu Yifa seems to be in a bad situation. "

As soon as the words came to an end, a staff member knocked on the open door and said, "chief, the second chief wants to invite Mr. Xiao to attend the business group's talks. You see... "

When Cao Cao arrived, he said, "really

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "good. Chief, ladies and gentlemen, I will go first. "

As the staff entered the No. 3 conference room, there were dozens of people sitting in it.

Xiao Yunhai saw Xiao Chongyang sitting in the first place and said, "chief, do you call me?"

On such an occasion, Xiao Yunhai can't be called Er Bo.

Xiao Chongyang nodded, pointed to a seat and said, "you sit down first. Is this new e-commerce model to be abolished

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "why cancel? What's the harm of big cloud shopping to Huaxia

"Mr. Xiao, many people here think that electronic online shopping has seriously affected the real economy of China and should be banned immediately," said Wu Yifa, who is not very good-lookingXiao Yunhai said: "banned Yunyi shopping network, let stell business network enter? I'm kidding. Ladies and gentlemen, I admit that electronic online shopping will have some adverse effects on the real economy, but it is not only bad and no good. First of all, it organically connects the banking, transportation, communication, express delivery and other industries in China, making them more closely connected. Second, the shopping network gives Chinese consumers great convenience. They can buy what they want without leaving home. This will directly stimulate consumption and stimulate domestic demand. Thirdly, we have brought millions of jobs to Huaxia. Once it is banned, what should these laid-off workers do? "

Since Yunyi shopping network fire, various express companies have sprung up.

According to statistics, there are at least 30 express companies with more than 50000 employees in China, and there are many small express companies in various provinces. Roughly estimated, there are more than 3 million couriers living on this basis.

Wang Yifei, the boss of Huaxia's largest supermarket chain, said: "no matter what you say, Mr. Xiao, the e-commerce between you and Mr. Wu has great disadvantages for the real industry. Not to mention anything else, tens of thousands of physical stores have closed this year alone. Why? It's not because of the same things that Yunyi sells online is cheaper than what they sell. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's the choice of consumers. They are certainly willing to buy it because of its high quality and low price. It would be too much for the government to ban us because of our strong competitiveness in e-commerce. Mr. Wang, e-commerce will be the inevitable development in the future. Otherwise, telnet won't come. "

Wu Yifa said: "I'd like to tell you a piece of news. Stell business network will soon be settled in China. At that time, the competition in the field of e-commerce will be more and more intense. Huaxia is a market economy, which has just started in this field. If it is removed before it sprouts, it will not be painful for relatives and quick for enemies. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "seriously, the rise of e-commerce, I dare say that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, will play a huge role in stimulating and promoting the economy of China."

The scene was quiet, and they all looked at Xiao Chongyang, who was sitting on the rostrum.

Xiao Chongyang took a sip of tea and said calmly: "we have just made a very detailed exposition on the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce. To be honest, it is meaningless. Not to mention that it has also brought us a lot of benefits, such as tax revenue, employment, and so on, but there is no benefit at all. The Chinese government has no right or reason to stop the operation of e-commerce in China. Our economy is a market economy, which stresses the survival of the fittest. Unless it does great harm to China, we must not interfere with normal business activities. Otherwise, Huaxia will not be able to attract investment. Yunhai, do you have any proposal? Take this opportunity to say something about it. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I have no proposal. All of my industries are in charge of by professionals, and I don't manage them at all. So I really can't say what suggestions or opinions you want me to say. "

Wang Yifei said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao doesn't know business. He can become the richest man in the world. It really makes us blush."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as a leader, I just need to learn how to use people. Professional things should be handed over to professional people. Of course, I can't understand at all. If they fool me, I'll be in big trouble. So after finishing the work at hand, I am ready to go to business administration school to study hard and make progress day by day, striving to understand the financial statements that my economic adviser gave me. I can't even see this thing. It's a shame to say it. "

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