Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:25 AM

Chapter 1143

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After the meeting, Xiao Yunhai went home for dinner, walked around outside, and went back to his study, turned on his computer, and was ready to write an article.

Just entered the webpage, a message appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai. It is mainly said that he and Zhang xuanlin bet that from today on, he will write a poem, prose and novel every day. After being recognized, Zhang xuanlin will personally recognize the status of martial arts novels in the literary world.

Xiao Yunhai secretly scolded: "shit, who said that? I'm afraid the world will not be in disorder. Anyway, I've learned a lot of famous articles. Just copy them down. "

After searching for a circle in his mind, Xiao Yunhai immediately selected a prose poem Haiyan written by Mr. Gorky.

In the vast sea, the wind gathered clouds. Between the dark clouds and the sea, petrels fly haughtily like black lightning. For a moment the wings hit the waves, and then the arrow went straight to the clouds

Xiao Yunhai posted the whole poem on his home page and wrote at the beginning: "a prose poem Haiyan is given to all brave, strong and fearless people. I hope we can break through the boundless darkness and usher in our own light like petrels."

As soon as this prose poem appeared, it was reprinted millions of times in just one hour. It quickly appeared on the famous forums and was recognized by countless people.

"Damn it, the swallow written by Emperor Yun is so wonderful. I'm greatly encouraged."

"After reading this" petrel ", I really feel as if there is a petrel fighting with heaven and earth. It's so exciting."

"I think with the quality of this prose poem, it can be put into the primary school textbooks, so that the children can learn it well."

"I agree with you upstairs. We sophisticated adults can all be baptized in this spirit, and it will be more effective for children. "

"The cloud emperor is so talented. Such articles can be written out. It's amazing. "

All netizens who see Haiyan are fascinated by the spirit and belief of Haiyan in the poem.

In a district of Yanjing, Zhang xuanlin, with a pair of reading glasses, is writing something under the desk lamp in his study.

Young people like to use computers to write. They think it's time-saving and effortless. But Zhang xuanlin doesn't like it very much, even to the level of disgust.

It's not that he doesn't know how to use a computer, but he writes on it. He feels very uncomfortable and has no inspiration.

In the process of thinking, he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Zhang xuanlin frowned and his face was very unhappy.

The article was written in its own right, but it was made by chance.

Being disturbed at this critical moment of inspiration, Zhang xuanlin was able to hold back his temper, which was already very self-restraint.

Opening the door, Zhang xuanlin saw his six-year-old grandson. He couldn't help smiling and said, "Xiaoling, is there anything I can do to find my grandfather?"

Xiao Ling said, "I'm here to deliver a message. My grandfather and mother let you have a look at a prose poem written by Mr. Xiao on the Internet. We are all talking about it

Zhang xuanlin was stunned. He didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to write an article so soon.

"Thank you, Xiaoling. My grandfather will see it right away." Zhang xuanlin fondly touched his grandson's head.

Xiao Ling pouted out his small mouth and said discontentedly, "I have told you many times that I am an adult. Please don't touch my head again. Well, grandfather, you are so bad that I won't play with you. "

His grandson's words made Zhang xuanlin laugh.

Back in the study, Zhang xuanlin opened the computer and saw the petrel stolen by Xiao Yunhai from his previous life.

“…… It's laughing, it's screaming It laughs at the dark clouds, it cries out for joy

“… It was convinced that dark clouds could not cover the sun - yes, it could not! “


"This is the brave petrel, flying haughtily in the roaring sea and among the lightning; this is the prophet of victory shouting: let the storm come more fiercely! "

after reading the whole chapter of Haiyan, Zhang xuanlin was still critical and immediately infected by the spirit of the article. He read it back and forth for more than ten times in one breath. Each time, he felt a kind of spirit that urged people to forge ahead and forge ahead bravely for the sake of faith.

Zhang xuanlin sighed deeply and said, "genius, what a genius. "

although Xiao Yunhai blocked himself up in the afternoon meeting, as a respected literary master, Zhang xuanlin could not speak a lie with his eyes open.

Since ancient times, Wen Wu took up his mobile phone and called Wang Huatao.

"Lao Wang, have you read Haiyan? What does it feel like? "

Wang Huatao said, "one word, good. Every word in it makes my skin numb and my blood boil. I have to admit that Xiao Yunhai is really a genius. This Haiyan is better than all my prose poems. If I didn't know that other people couldn't write such articles, I would suspect that he was looking for someone to write for him. Mr. Zhang, what do you think? "Zhang xuanlin said with a bitter smile: "it seems that I underestimated the richest man in the world. In terms of articles alone, there is hardly anything to be picky about. Even if I don't like him, I can't say without conscience that such articles are not good. Even I want to recommend them to the Ministry of education. The faith and spirit expressed in it are of great benefit to children. "

Wang Huatao said, "if so, you will lose."

Zhang xuanlin said: "if you lose, you lose. There are such articles appear, I lose also lose happy. But don't worry. Let's see what he has left tomorrow. "

Although Zhang xuanlin is conservative, has the old thought of traditional literati, and his temper is not very good, but his mind is very broad, not small bellied, jealous of the virtuous.

This is the reason why he was able to serve as the president of the Literary Association.

"God, is emperor Yun going crazy?"

"He's so brave that he says nothing about the old man."

"Are you stupid upstairs. The old people here don't mean the old people in reality, but people who are conservative and don't know how to change their ways, and they always hold on to the old rules. "

"Yes. If what emperor Yun said was really a real old man, he would not have scolded his grandfather, grandfather, father and mother. "

"I have to say that" young Chinese talk "is really amazing. Don't say that I'm a teenager. After reading, I've got goose bumps all over my body. I'd like to scream at the sky. "

"Majestic, my Chinese youth and the sky are not old, majestic, my Chinese youth and the country is boundless. fantastic. My son cried after reading, saying that he should stay away from the game, study hard and be a useful person for the country. Oh, Hello, I almost fell to tears with joy. Thank you

"Zhang xuanlin lost his bet with emperor Yun. If such articles are not recognized by the association, I will protest immediately. "

”Although Mr. Zhang has a bad temper, he is always open and aboveboard in his conduct. He will never say bad things without conscience.

"go and see. Zhang xuanlin made a comment on his homepage , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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