Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:55 AM

Chapter 115

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When they came to the arena, Xiao Yunhai, in accordance with the rules of martial arts, clasped his fist and said, "Xingyi Taiji gate, Xiao Yunhai, please."

Liang Hu was stunned, also learning from Xiao Yunhai's appearance, holding fists and saluting: "Thai boxing, Liang Hu, please."

The voice just fell, Liang Hu seems to incarnate into a sudden outbreak of fierce beast.

He ran several steps, came to Xiao Yunhai, hands and arms crossed, tightly protect the face door, only a pair of eyes to see Xiao Yunhai. The right leg kicks out fiercely, attacks to Xiao Yunhai's chest.

"Isn't that cruel?"

All the crew members were shocked by Liang Hu's ferocious moves. Even the old people like Chen Qingqing and Huang Peiqi have never seen such a kind of Kung Fu, let alone young people like Deng Yue and Gao Wei.

Some timid girls just closed their eyes and did not dare to look again.

Zhao Wanqing ah, covered his mouth, looked at the stage in panic, worried about Xiao Yunhai.

Luo Tianxiong next to him saw Zhao Wanqing's extraordinary concern for his younger martial brother. He immediately guessed the relationship between them. He said in a low voice, "don't worry, sister-in-law. With your Kung Fu, there's no problem."

Xiao Yunhai's face did not change at all in the face of Liang Hu's fierce fighting method. His right hand changed his fist. Facing Liang Hu's knee was a heavy blow. It's the gun fist in Xingyi boxing.

Liang Hu saw that Xiao Yunhai even dared to use his fist to collide with his knee. He was really at a loss. In his heart, he regretted that he should not have given such a heavy hand.

Unfortunately, he didn't practice Kung Fu very well, so he couldn't do it freely. He could only keep his strength and watch his knees and hands collide with each other.

Who knows, at the moment of the collision, the knee felt a burst of pain, and at the same time felt a powerful force spread to the whole body through the knee, pushing him back and backward, and withdrawing more than ten steps in a row, which stopped.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai has been merciful. At the moment of contact between the two sides, he felt that Liang Hu's strength was recovered.

Originally, he wanted to teach Liang Hu a lesson, but he did not expect that he would be merciful to himself. Therefore, he had a lot of affection for him, which turned his strength into softness.

Otherwise, any Liang tiger legs such as steel, also have to go to the hospital to lie down for a month.

"Well done." The brother of luojiaban cried out.

Experts know if there is one.

Liang Hu couldn't believe looking at the man in front of him. He couldn't imagine why this not so strong body would contain such a powerful force.

He has practiced Muay Thai for seven or eight years. Since the day of his practice, he has never met an opponent. Even in the face of the two bodyguards sent by his mother, he dare not say that he will win, but he will not lose. He did not expect that Xiao Yunhai is so powerful.

Liang Hu rubbed his red knee, bit steel teeth, and attacked Xiao Yunhai again.

When he stepped on the ground lightly, the whole man rose up in the air, his hands covered his body, his legs standing side by side, and he rushed to Xiao Yunhai crazily.

He has already tried Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu, so he is no longer merciful, and he has made every effort.

Xiao Yunhai in the moment, the body suddenly shook, the whole body dripped around a circle, to avoid Liang Hu's powerful blow.

In hiding in the past moment, Xiao Yunhai's momentum suddenly changed, the whole person seems to have become a hungry tiger for many days!

With a towering momentum, Xiao Yunhai's body is like electricity, and his hand is even more fierce and domineering. With one blow, he broke Liang Hu's defense. Then, his right fist suddenly went up and hit Liang Hu's shoulder like Mount Tai.

Liang Hu was beaten by Xiao Yunhai's fierce bombardment. He was no longer able to resist. He looked at the opponent's fist on his shoulder. After waiting for a while, he found that there was no pain at all.

Xiao Yunhai takes back his fist, smiles and says, "you lost."

Liang Hu looked at Xiao Yunhai in shock and asked, "what kind of Kung Fu are you doing?"

"Xingyi Quan, one of the three great Neijia boxing in China."

"Xingyiquan." Liang Hu murmured two words, looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "you won. I will keep my promise. "

Liang Hu pour also simply, the voice fell, then led a group of people to leave.

"Yes. We won. "

Step by step, the crew cheered with joy.

Deng Yue and other young people saw Xiao Yunhai's footprints on the challenge arena, and unconsciously spat out their tongues and looked at Xiao Yunhai with adoring eyes.

Today, they also opened their eyes and really saw the fight between Kung Fu and Kung Fu.

Compared with those martial arts scenes in the movies and TV series, they are just children's children.

Chen Qingqing and other old people are also a long sigh of relief, glad that nothing big has happened.

Xiao Yunhai jumped off the challenge arena and came to Chen Qingqing. He said apologetically, "I'm sorry, director Chen. I'm the one who got the crew into trouble. "

Chen Qingqing waved his hand and said, "I heard Wan Qing talk about the cause and effect of this matter. You are right."

"Younger martial brother, no wonder the master said that you are a martial arts wizard. I never thought that you were young enough to practice Kung Fu to the level of dark strength. It's not easy to put it in and out freely. Well, now that it's perfectly settled, we'll go back to filming. "Luotianxiong claps Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder, nodded to Chen Qingqing, huangpaiqi and others, and then takes Luo family back.

After dinner that afternoon, Zhao Yanqing pulled Xiao Yunhai to his room and scolded him at a dog blood spray head.

Until xiaoyunhai made countless guarantees and signed countless unequal treaties, zhaowanqing let him go.

Through this matter, Xiao Yunhai felt that the two people's feelings were much closer.

The "step by step" crew returned to normal shooting, but when we looked at Xiao Yunhai, they couldn't help but pay a little respect.

Especially those young actors, they no longer make a fuss with his unscrupulous smile.

Xiao Yunhai did not want to do so. He tried all kinds of methods, and with the help of zhaowanqing, he finally returned to the previous state.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Liang Hu, who was competing with him.

Since the next day, Liang Hu disbanded the tiger gang and sealed his Thai boxing club. He reported to the theatre team every day, and kept time than the actors.

He did not disturb the crew to make the play. Only when Xiao Yunhai was idle, he would come to him, bring tea and deliver water for him, ask him for Kung Fu, and still couldn't help asking about the metaphysical taijimen.

At first, the crew worried that he had come to make trouble. Later, he was familiar with it. Only then did he find that the boy was not bad in nature, but a martial fool.

What tiger gang and Thai boxing club are established are just his idle and free play.

Xiao Yunhai admired Liang Hu's heart of Wu. In modern society, it is not easy to meet such a pure warrior. He also has a love mind in his heart.

Finally, under the soft and hard bubble of Liang Hu, Xiao Yunhai gave him his recommendation letter, and asked him to go to Henan to find his grandfather and let the grandfather teach other Chinese arts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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