Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:13 AM

Chapter 1150

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With the awards awarded one by one, it was soon the turn of the best actor.

Xiao Yunhai stepped onto the stage with Annie Winslet.

"In America, Miss Winslet is the goddess in the hearts of all men. Today I can present the award with her. My little sweetheart is now plopping. It's really exciting for me. For this reason, I would like to thank the Organizing Committee for finding such a beautiful woman to partner with me. You are so considerate. "

Winslet was a Chinese expert. She could not only understand Xiao Yunhai's words, but also speak fluent Chinese. She said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, are you not afraid to be punished by Ms. Zhao for kneeling and kneeling when you go back to school


"Ha ha ha."

No one on the scene, including Xiao Yunhai, thought that Winslet, a peerless beauty full of aristocratic atmosphere, would say such interesting words, and could not help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "Miss Winslet, you speak Chinese so well. Why do I show an expression that I don't understand when I communicate with you just now

Winslet shrugged her shoulders and said, "I meant to tease you."

"Oh, I'll go."

"Ha ha ha."

"The emperor of cloud is so pitiful that his reputation will be destroyed once."

"All day fighting geese, but let the geese chisel eyes, cloud emperor is to meet the opponent."

Xiao Yunhai touched his forehead and said with a wry smile: "the ancients said that the more beautiful a woman is, the less she can believe it. It's a brilliant summary. "

Winslet said, "Mr. Xiao, which ancient man said this, I never seem to have heard it."

Xiao Yunhai was directly asked speechless.

"Gee .

seeing Xiao Yunhai rarely eat on the stage, both the stars and fans laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Miss Winslet, we'd better hurry up and give awards. I'm afraid the film makers can't wait. "

Winslet said with a smile, "let's take a look at the big screen."

Because there were so many excellent films last year, the number of best actor in this competition was the highest in history, reaching 12.

It took three minutes just to show their highlights.

Xiao Yunhai tore open the envelope, and everyone's eyes turned to his hand.

Seeing that he was about to take out the list, Xiao Yunhai suddenly stopped and asked, "Miss Winslet, who do you think can win the golden cup movie emperor among the 12 actors just now?"

Winslet said with a smile, "I don't know. Their performances are very wonderful, the characterization of the role can be described by the peak. So I won't be surprised who will be the film emperor. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "China Golden Cup International Film Festival can let 12 male artists compete for the film emperor and nine female artists compete for the film queen, which can be said to break the record in the film industry. I'm very happy about what happened. This fully shows how conscientious and responsible we are of the more than 500 judges from all over the world. The Golden Cup International Film Festival should capture all the best directors, artists and filmmakers in the world. "

"Of course, there is only one. To be able to stand out from the 12 top experts and gain the recognition of more than 500 judges, we can imagine the gold content of this golden cup film emperor. "

"Such an important award, I think the beauty next to me should announce it. I'm afraid I'll be beaten up by another 11 movie stars. "

"Ha ha ha."

More than ten movie masters all laughed.

Huang Qiusheng also made a fist gesture to him.

Winslet opened the envelope with a smile and said, "it is Huang Bo. "

" wow. "

"No, how could it be Huang Bo?"

"My God. Is this freezing? It won't be greasy, will it? "

"His opponents are four Chinese film emperors, three Oscar winners and four recognized quasi film emperors. It is impossible for him to turn his turn. It's incredible. "

"I think it's normal. That "dear", Huang Bo is really impeccable

The scene was so noisy that there was no applause. Even Huang Bo couldn't believe it. He thought that Winslet was wrong.

Xiao Yunhai is also very surprised, took a look at the list, a smile on his face, said: "neck, come up, it is you."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Huang Bo stood up, and his eyes flashed with tears. He even got the best actor of Jinzun from more than ten movie emperors and would-be movie emperors.

This is incredible.

After hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, all the people at the scene believed that Huang Bo's name was actually written on the list, and the overwhelming applause finally rang out.

Many competitors stood up and shook hands with him to express congratulations.Huang Qiusheng hugged him and said in his ear, "wake up quickly. Don't lose face in front of fans all over the world."

Huang Bo woke up like a dream and recovered.

Ecstasy, excitement, joy All the emotions came to my mind.

Taking advantage of Huang Bo's coming to the stage, Xiao Yunhai said, "Huang Bo is my good brother in the dormitory. I will make a decision for him and announce the number of votes he has won, so as not to think that he came from a relationship. Neck, don't you mind? "

Huang Bo stops and shakes his head.

Xiao Yunhai said: "of the 532 judges, 98 chose him, only four votes more than the second. According to the golden cup selection committee, if there is only three votes difference between the two actors in the initial round, then all the judges will choose between them again. There is a difference of four votes between them, so there is no need for a second round of voting

After that, Xiao Yunhai shook the list and said, "the organizing committee is so considerate that there are votes for all the actors and explanations for some special circumstances. Therefore, Huang Bo is worthy of his title. Come on, let's welcome the new 25-year-old golden cup film emperor to accept the award with the warmest applause. "

After Xiao Yunhai's explanation, the applause on the spot was more popular than before.

Huang Bo takes over the certificate from Winslet and hugs Xiao Yunhai fiercely. The whole face is full of tears.

Xiao Yunhai patted his back and whispered, "neck, you have to hold it. It's a global broadcast. We can't lose face. "

Huang Bo nodded and said, "I understand."

Taking the trophy from Xiao Yunhai's hand, Huang Bo took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, stood in front of the microphone and said, "like everyone else, I'm very surprised to get this award. Before I came, my girlfriend joked to me that you should stop making soy sauce. I replied at that time that I was very happy to be able to get a bottle of soy sauce at the Golden Cup International Film Festival


"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed.

Huang Bo continued: "when I was in school, my third brother, Mr. Xiao Yunhai, often said that I was modest, and I was sorry for the public, so I had to work harder to hone my acting skills and try to use good roles to offset my lack of image. Today, I should have done a good job

"Ha ha ha."

"If you are modest, you can think of such words."

"This Huang Bo looks funny, too."

Both the audience on the scene and in front of the TV set were smiling.

"I would like to thank a lot of people for winning this award, including the judges and teachers of the organizing committee, all the cast members of the" dear "crew, my alma mater Yanjing Film Academy, fans who love our films, fans who love me, and of course, my family."

"Of all the people, I am most grateful to Mr. Xiao Yunhai, my third brother. Because he took me into the entertainment industry, he asked me to officially shoot my first play in my life. He asked me to play a role in his play countless times. Even this award-winning film was written by him. Without him, I would not be today. Here, I want to thank him sincerely , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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