Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:10 AM

Chapter 1152

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Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone and came to Quanjude roast duck restaurant.

At this time, Winslet had been waiting for him in it.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Miss Winslet."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Winslet stood up with a beautiful smile on her face and said, "Mr. Xiao, congratulations on winning the four golden cup International Film Festival Awards. Also, I told you at the party that you can call me Annie. My family and friends call me that. Unless you think I'm not qualified to be your friend. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" Annie, if you let others hear this, they will kill me. "

Looking at Winslet's eyes full of tenderness, Xiao Yunhai's heart pounded. Did this almost perfect western goddess really like herself.

This look is too much.

It's also true. If she's not interested in herself, how could she come to eat some roast duck.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai felt both headache and satisfaction.

The headache is that I don't know how to refuse her. People don't say anything. I can't tell her directly. We can't.

He is proud that even the most famous Hollywood beauties in Europe and America like themselves, which makes him have a great sense of achievement.

Winslet said, "Xiao, do you wonder why I invited you here all of a sudden?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Annie, it seems that we only met at the Oscars last year, and we didn't say a word. I don't understand why you want me to invite you to the roast duck? Is there anything wrong? "

Winslet said with a smile, "yes, business and private affairs. Private business is that I want to meet my idol. Business is that my uncle Steve Bix wants to buy Mr. Shaw's playground. He wanted Mr. Eisner to come in person, but I volunteered to come after I heard about it. "

Xiao Yunhai laughs and says, "playground? No way. I will never sell Marvel children's paradise. "

"You are mistaken," said Winslet. My uncle wants to buy the playground you won from paramount, not marvel

"Does Time Warner want to build an amusement park

Winsley nodded and said, "yes. At the beginning of this year, Time Warner held a board meeting and decided to establish a cross era amusement park around the world. But unlike your Marvel children's Park, our main target is young men and women. "

Mr. xiaobiyun said with a smile. The amusement park is a particularly good project. With the development of society, although people have more and more money in their hands, the pressure is increasing. In order to soothe the body and mind, the amusement park has become a favorite leisure way for many people in recent two years. If time warner can really build an amusement park around the world, I think the annual profit can reach at least 30 billion dollars. "

"Xiao, you haven't answered me yet," said Winslet. To sell or not to sell? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Annie, it seems that you are not a qualified negotiation expert. The most important thing you should do now is to try your best to persuade me to agree

"No, because I'm sure you'll agree," said Winslet

"Why?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Winslet said confidently: "Paramount's playground is different from your children's paradise. Marvel's target is children, while paramount is for teenagers. Now stern has just raised funds, and there is a lot of liquidity. They've bought lots of land in major cities in the United States to build bigger and more amusement parks. If our time takes over, on the one hand, it can help you resist the invasion of STEL and paramount, and on the other hand, Time Warner and Steele will surely be in a situation of mutual competition. If they fight, they will get hurt. Why don't you do it? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I take back what I just said. Annie, you are definitely an excellent negotiator. I am fascinated by what you said. However, through such a long period of operation, I found that although paramount playground conflicts with our Marvel culture, it has really brought me a lot of profits. Just last month, there were 800 million dollars in revenue. If you were changed, would you sell it? "

Although Xiao Yunhai is a big man, he doesn't look up to the interests of some small people, but he is not a fool. The most important thing about business negotiation is momentum. It is not Xiao Yunhai's style to let people lead the way.

Winslet said with a smile, "Xiao, are you starting at the price? I don't understand why you want to build Marvel children's paradise since paramount playground is so profitable? Time Warner has investigated and found that even in the same city as paramount playground, you still haven't stopped building children's parks. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "before we got the paramount playground, we had already started to build it. It's a pity to put them dry there. As you said, marvel and paramount face different people. Why can't we have both. In terms of management, there is no conflict between the two. "Winslet said, "Shaw, it's no use arguing any more. Just to be frank, do you have any plans to sell those paramount playgrounds? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, we haven't considered this problem. Annie, what would you pay for the time

"They are now worth $82 billion, and we can get a 20 percent premium at most," Winslet said

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it is estimated that this business can not be done. Don't talk about my economic team. It's just that I can't pass this pass. "

With a smile, Winslet said, "Eighty two billion dollars worth of goods have been sold for nearly one hundred billion dollars. You are too greedy. However, my uncle had long guessed that it would be so, so he added another advantage to you. Don't you have your own TV station in marvel? He can help you get a European TV license. But in this case, it can only be calculated according to 80% of the market value. "

European countries have very strict standards for TV stations. When she chatted a few years ago, Krishna once said that she would open Marvel TV station to Europe. She also tried to do so, but it was a pity that it did not succeed.

If time warner can help Xiao Yunhai get the TV broadcasting license, it will be like a tiger to add wings to Xiao Yunhai's marvel.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm sorry, I need to make a phone call."

Take out the mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai in front of Winslet's face, dial Kristi's number.

The mobile phone will be available soon.

"Mr. Xiao, aren't you attending the Golden Cup International Film Festival? Why did you call me all of a sudden? "

Xiao Yunhai said it again and said, "what do you think?"

Without thinking about it, Christie said, "of course, it's the European TV station's broadcasting license. Mr. Xiao, although paramount amusement park can bring us a lot of benefits, compared with Marvel children's Park, it has obvious shortcomings. Moreover, it is completely independent of the whole system of marvel and is completely different from Marvel culture. In addition to the crazy construction on the side of stell, the competition will be very fierce in the future. If time warner can take over, we can say that it will be Bailey without any harm. "

"What's more important is the TV station's broadcasting license. Mr. Xiao, it seems that this certificate is not very impressive, but in the past 20 years, apart from Time Warner, no foreign TV station has ever called in. It can be said that this opportunity is once in a blue moon. It may even be a turning point for TV all over the world. In any case, you can't let go. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you and I think the same. Well, I know what to do? "

When she hung up, Winslet said with a smile, "I think Ms. Christie agreed."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "she did agree. Annie, in a couple of days, I might go to the United States to deal with the broadcast of marvel in North America. I'll visit your uncle in person and have a good talk. I think we marvel and Time Warner should be able to work together. Isn't it? "

Winslet said with a smile, "of course."

After this conversation, Xiao Yunhai found that this Winslet looks dignified and elegant, elegant, but not the kind of woman who does not eat fireworks.

It seems that Xiao Yunhai's every step has been accurately calculated. It is really extremely powerful.

They talked and laughed for more than half an hour before they left one after another.

As for the roast duck, Winslet did not move. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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