Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:08 AM

Chapter 1153

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In a Rolls Royce car, Winslet took Xiao Yunhai's signature to her in her hand, and looked over and over, her face couldn't help but be happy.

Megan Goode, the agent next to her, saw her look, and there was a flicker of worry in her eyes.

Winslet is not only a manager, but also a good manager.

She had never seen Winslet so happy in all these years.

Obviously, Winslet has fallen in love with Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai is talented and humorous. Although he is the richest man in the world, he doesn't show any arrogance.

If Xiao Yunhai hadn't been married, Megan Goode would have worked hard to promote the two of them. I believe that Winslet's family will be very happy.

But Xiao Yunhai has already had Zhao Wanqing, and they still love each other so much. The result of Winslet can be imagined.

Megan Goode thought about it and asked tentatively, "Annie, what do you think of Mr. Shaw?"

Winslet said with a smile, "of course, very good. He's the most unique person I've ever met. Megan, you'll never get bored talking to him

Megan Goode nodded and said, "Mr. Shaw is a great man indeed. It's a pity that he already has a wife and children, otherwise he would be a very good couple with you

Winslet's face changed slightly, and her smile was a little stiff on her face. After a long time, she said, "happiness needs to be fought for by myself. No matter what, I will try."

Megan Goode was shocked and said, "Annie, what do you mean by that? Do you really fall in love with Mr. Xiao

Winsley nodded and said, "yes."

Megan Goode slapped his forehead and said, "my God. Annie, you didn't know Mr. Xiao before. How could you fall in love with him? "

Winslet said: "there is a Chinese idiom called love at first sight. The first time I saw Mr. Xiao was at the Oscar ceremony last year. Although I only nodded, I still remember his unique temperament. After the ceremony, when I was interviewed outside, I saw him severely attacking Oscar in the press group. His sharp, fearless and heroic momentum gave me a strong sense of security. "

"Megan, I don't want to lie to you, because he already has a wife and children, and I have not actively pursued him, and even want to forget him. But a year later, he always appeared in my mind, even dream of her. You know my character. Since I can't forget it, I'll fight him over. That's why I took the initiative to bring Huaxia to my uncle to talk with Mr. Xiao on his behalf. "

Megan Goode shook his head and said, "Annie, Mr. Shaw is not the kind of person who always gives up. His love for Miss Zhao and her children is known all over the world. I hope you can come out of this unrealistic fantasy. "

Winslet said firmly, "I'll try anyway. Over the past 20 years, I finally found a man I like. How can I give up easily. Megan, no matter in appearance, family background and talent, I'm no worse than Miss Zhao. Why can't I have Xiao? "

Megan Goode said, "Annie, I really don't know how to persuade you now. I admit that Mr. Xiao is really excellent. There are countless women who like him, and there are many female stars who want to have sex with him. However, he can clean himself up in the entertainment industry and never have an affair. Just by this, we can see his character. Chinese people are the most important family. Xiao will never leave his wife and children for you. Anne, wake up. I hope you can get out of this fruitless relationship as soon as possible. "

With tears in her eyes, Winslet said, "if only I could meet him earlier."

No one thought, dignified and beautiful, known as the goddess of Athena in the west, Winslet only met Xiao Yunhai and fell in love with him, and could not extricate herself.

I'm afraid nobody believes it.

When Xiao Yunhai got home, it was already half past eleven.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Zhao Wanqing standing at the door staring at him. Xiao Yunhai was shocked.

"Wife, what are you doing? I don't know that people are frightening and frightening to death? "

Zhao Wanqing sniffed at him and said, "I'll check if you've done anything wrong with me and the child."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you may be disappointed. I don't think you have this chance in your life. Come on, smell it, especially below. "

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing punched him in the chest and said, "can you be serious. I tell you, the story of you and Winslet eating roast duck in Quanjude has been posted on the Internet ten minutes ago, and there is a picture with the truth. Well, I'm glad you reported it to me, or I won't spare you. "

Xiao Yunhai put his arm around her shoulder and said, "I am not afraid of shadow slanting. These reporters are so good that they can take pictures of them. If the police have such skills, I'm afraid there are no cases that can't be solved. "Zhao Wanqing looked into Xiao Yunhai's eyes and asked, "husband, tell me the truth. Does Winslet like you? Otherwise, she is a Western goddess class superstar, and her family is so prominent, how could she invite you to eat with her in the middle of the night

Reporters are very dedicated, will Xiao Yunhai and Winslet talking and laughing picture is very clear.

Also a woman, Zhao Wanqing saw Winslet's affectionate eyes and felt strongly that the other party must have fallen in love with her husband.

Xiao Yunhai said: "she mainly talked to me about a business. Time Warner wanted to buy the paramount playgrounds that I won by boxing. As for you, did you say she was in love with me? I don't think so. You know, this is the first time we have met, she will not fall in love with me at first sight

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "it's not necessarily. I'm a woman, too. The sixth sense can't be wrong. Husband, you won't abandon us

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you think too much. Even if this Winslet really likes me, I will never do anything sorry for you and the children. Ah, I am destined to die in your hands in my whole life. No one can take it away. Wife, do you feel a little scared to see your husband so excellent? "

Zhao Wanqing snorted, "will I be afraid? I'm kidding

Xiao Yunhai suddenly hugged her delicate body from behind. Her two hands skillfully got into her pajamas and stroked every inch of her delicate and smooth skin. Finally, she stopped on two full peaks and rubbed them gently.

Xiao Yunhai whispered in her ear: "wife, you have to believe in your husband, I will always love you."

With that, she picked up Zhao Wanqing, who was already paralyzed, and went to the bedroom.

It goes without saying that there is a snake plate war. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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