Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:05 AM

Chapter 1155

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Xiao Yunhai took Li Bing's car to Winslet's hotel and took her to Yanjing airport.

The plane took off soon.

Inside the cabin, Winslet sipped a sip of coffee and said, "Xiao, your private plane is really good. It's very comfortable to sit on."

If the plane is not comfortable, then I will not laugh

"I'm sorry, Xiao," said Winslet. I didn't expect that we had a meal last night, which would cause such a big disturbance. Miss Zhao, is there no misunderstanding? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "she is also an artist star. How could she believe those things. Besides, I told her before I went to dinner with you. Naturally, she won't misunderstand me

Winslet said with a smile, "so Miss Zhao is very strict with you. You should report to her when you have a meal."

Xiao Yunhai said: "between husband and wife, naturally, we should be frank with each other. Many divorces happen because of some small contradictions and misunderstandings. Naturally, I will not make such mistakes. "

Wensley nodded and said, "Xiao, Miss Zhao is really lucky to be your wife."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you should say it's my luck. At the beginning, she was a first-line star, and I was just a poor boy. I was just a fledgling, without any fame. But she did not care about these, still chose me. Do you think it's my luck? "

Instead of answering, Winslet asked, "there is a saying in China that marriage is the grave of love. How much do you love her now, Xiao

Xiao Yunhai's eyes firmly said: "I love her more than I love myself. Annie, people who have not experienced this kind of feeling will not understand it. "

Winslet took a sip of coffee to cover up her sadness and unwillingness in her eyes. When she put it down, she had returned to normal and said, "it is not easy to meet a right person in one's life. Especially in the entertainment industry, there are all kinds of people. Otherwise, there won't be so much separation and closing. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "you are right. What I hate most is those men who always give up, especially those who not only abandon their wives, but also don't want children. They are too irresponsible. Anyway, as long as I know, killing will not cooperate with such scum. "

Xiao Yunhai actually said this to Winslet on purpose.

Annie Winslet was obviously interested in herself. Xiao Yunhai didn't want to hurt her, so she used this way to hope that she would step back.

Anne Winslet, with a forced smile, said, "no one likes such a man."

Megan Goode, next to him, has been paying close attention to the conversation between the two people. Hearing Xiao Yunhai say so, his heart is relaxed.

Winslet's approach was like a moth to a fire, and Megan Goode hoped that before the moth reached the fire, it would immediately turn away and not rush to the fire again to avoid being hurt.

The atmosphere in the cabin suddenly became a little frozen, and no one spoke, which made Xiao Yunhai, who always liked to be relaxed, feel very uncomfortable.

"Annie, you look tired. Why don't you go to your room and have a rest?"

Winslet said bitterly, "are you so unwilling to see me?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how can it be? I just saw you look a little pale, and that's why I want you to have a rest

Next to Megan Goode, she said: "Annie came to China the day before yesterday. Before the jet lag reversed, she went to the Golden Cup International Film Festival. I really need good news. Thank you for reminding me, Mr. Xiao. It's my agent's responsibility. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "then lady Goode, take Annie to have a good rest. I have to keep my energy up. When I get to Los Angeles, I may be so busy that I don't even have time to rest. "

Megan Goode said with a smile, "then we won't disturb you."

After they entered the room in the plane, Xiao Yunhai breathed a long breath.

He felt that he was just a little cruel, but there was no way. He had to show his attitude. Otherwise, once Winslet got deep in the mud, it would be the cruelest thing for her.

Sima Qian, who had been watching coldly, said: "Yunhai, your charm is really great. Even the goddess Athena looks at you differently. It's a pity that the goddess intends to do it, and the king of Xiang is merciless. "

Xiao Yunhai said without a good temper: "brother Qian, don't talk sarcastic here. Annie is a good girl. I don't want to hurt her

Sima Qian nodded his head and said, "this kind of thing really needs to be cut off quickly. Otherwise, the longer the time is, the more troublesome it will be."

In the room, Megan Goode sighed and said, "Annie, you should wake up when you hear Mr. Shaw. You two will never be able to. "

At this time, Anne Winslet was already in tears and said, "Megan, did he mean to tell me what he just said?"

Megan Goode nodded and said, "I think so. He did it for your own good. "

Anne Winslet said, "the more Xiao does this, the more I can't part with him. If he is really a deserter of his wife and son, I don't feel much about him. You say, am I particularly ambivalent? "Megan Goode said: "Annie, it's not a contradiction, but a woman's love for a man. I think what you need most now is to go out for a holiday. You'd better not see Mr. Xiao again. He is determined, and he can't give you what you want. "

Annie Winslet dried her tears and said, "I know, but I really don't know how to erase him from my heart. Megan, I don't want to embarrass myself. As long as I can see Xiao often, I will be satisfied

Megan Goode sighed, not knowing how to persuade the soft inside girl.

It was amazing that she had never thought that Winslet would love a man who had only met once.

At 6:20 p.m. Los Angeles time, the plane stopped steadily at Los Angeles International Airport.

After leaving the airport, Xiao Yunhai said goodbye to Anne Winslet who had recovered.

Although Annie Winslet disguised it well, Xiao Yunhai could see that she cried a lot, otherwise her eyes would not be red and swollen.

Seeing Winslet sitting in a masatini, Xiao Yunhai sighed a little. He didn't know what he felt. Anyway, it was a mixture of five flavors.

"Xiao, let's go. We seem to be recognized at the airport Sima Qian said.

Xiao Yunhai has become the most popular star in the world through his own album and several popular movies. It can be said that there are not many people in the world who do not know him.

In the past, even if he stood at the airport without sunglasses, no one could recognize him. But now, even if he was wearing sunglasses, he could hardly escape the eye of his foreign fans and fans.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I see Raul and Robert. Let's go quickly."

While everyone has not gathered around, Xiao Yunhai and Sima Qian get on the nanny car which has been waiting outside.

"Isn't that beautiful lady sitting in masatini just now, Anne Winslet?"

"It should be. What's more, the one who came out with her seems to be Kung Fu Xiao. "

"No. They are all big stars. They should not only bring such a few people. "

"Who knows. Anyway, people are gone. Even if we know it's them, we can't go to ask for autographs. Oh, what a pity. I should have been there at once

People outside the airport are talking about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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