Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:04 AM

Chapter 1156

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On the bus, Xiao Yunhai said, "Robert, you are very efficient. It's said that even "multimillionaire" has been finished. "

The work of the TV station is very complicated, especially the TV station which has not yet started broadcasting and has not entered the right track. It can be described with a myriad of thoughts.

It took just over three months for Robert donheim to build a TV station covering North America, which made Xiao Yunhai feel a little strange. He originally thought that manwei TV station would not start broadcasting until June at least.

Robert said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, we should thank Paramount Pictures for leaving us with a complete TV station and all kinds of equipment. As long as the staff are in place, there will be no problem."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you don't have to be modest. I heard Raul tell you that you are a workaholic. You don't leave work until 12 o'clock at least every day. Robert, that's not going to work. Work can never be finished, but once there is a physical problem, it will be a big problem. "

Robert said, "thank you for your concern. Before, it was because some of the TV station things to deal with, very cumbersome, no way, can only work overtime to complete. When the TV station is on the right track and all departments perform their duties and cooperate closely, it will be much easier. "

Raul said, "Robert, you'd better tell the boss what's going on in the TV station."

Robert nodded and introduced the TV station.

They are going to hold a broadcast party on April 12, inviting many Hollywood stars to perform on the stage to strengthen their momentum.

At the same time, marvel TV station has purchased many excellent TV dramas from other film companies, including science fiction drama, comedy, detective drama, horror drama, etc., with all kinds of themes, which can fully meet the needs of TV stations.

The six superhero TV series invested by Marvel company are in full swing. Two of them have come to an end. Three cartoons have been completed. Four cartoons including Transformers 3 are under production. It is estimated that it will take less than one month to meet the audience.

News programs, interview programs and variety shows are indispensable.

In particular, after getting Xiao Yunhai's approval, Robert immediately started to organize the recording of "multimillionaire". Now seven issues have been completed, and the effect is very good. One of the lucky ones answered all the questions correctly and got 10 million dollars.

As soon as the news came out, it caused great repercussions in Hollywood.

In this case, it would be almost impossible if the ratings of "multimillionaire" were to go wrong again.

In addition to "multimillionaire", the "voice of America" adapted from "the voice of China" has also entered the preparatory stage, and countless people have signed up.

Hollywood does not lack powerful singers. In a short week, more than 60 students have been selected to participate in the good voice.

As long as four tutors are selected, they can be recorded immediately.

Robert said: "boss, the price we pay is very high to be able to fire the first shot of our TV station. Like those excellent TV series, we spent a lot of money to buy them, and some even gave them a lot of advertising share. What's more, the hosts of news programs and talk shows are very famous in the industry, so the cost is not small. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you don't need to care about the capital. I still say that, don't care about money. If we want to be a high-quality TV station, all these money should and must be spent. As long as the next TV station fame, profits will continue to come. Robert, do you have any problems with TV? "

Robert thought for a while and said, "boss, since we are still a new TV station, many people have reservations about us. For example, in the voice of America, we invited several famous singers to act as music tutors, but they all turned them down. "

"Is the price you gave them too low?" Xiao asked

Raul quickly shook his head and said: "boss, the price is absolutely not low, even more than 20% of their appearance expenses, but still no one agrees."

Xiao yunhaidao: "has the stage and sound system of the voice of America been finished?"

Robert nodded and said, "Paramount's stage and audio equipment are top of the line. As long as the tutor is in place, we can record immediately."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that I have to thank Hanks. I know a lot of singers. OK, I'll leave it to me. "

Robert said happily, "thank you, boss."

With Xiao Yunhai's current status in the entertainment industry, I believe that no singer will not give him face.

Raul said, "boss, I heard from Ms. Kristi that as long as we sell your winning paramount playground to Time Warner, marvel will get permission to broadcast in Europe, right?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes. I'm just going to discuss this with youRaul said: "there's no need to discuss, boss. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Paramount playground is not compatible with our Marvel culture. It is like a small kingdom, independent of our Marvel culture. What's more, our Marvel children's paradise is in full swing. Whether there is a paramount playground in the future will have little impact on us. If it could be used in exchange for a more useful television license in Europe, it would be a bargain

Xiao Yunhai said: "since you all have this attitude, well, I will go to the Time Warner boss to have a good talk. By the way, isn't it that Warcraft has passed the public test? What are you going to do? "

Raul said: "after a meeting, Shermer, Matthew and Allen decided to issue in Europe and the United States first, and then spread to other regions after becoming popular in Europe and the United States."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are they lack of confidence? Many years of huge losses to the company's stalls will not cause them too much loss? "

Raul nodded and said, "I feel the same way."

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "well, we'll have a meeting at 9:00 tomorrow morning, and you'll ask all the heads of departments to come."

Raul said, "OK, boss."

Back to the manor villa, Xiao Yunhai simply ate something and called Eliot.

"Hey, Xiao, long time no see."

After the last "singer's night" competition, they have become very good friends, so Eliot and Xiao Yunhai talk very casually.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Eliot, what are you doing?"

Eliot said: "after the singer's night is over, I'm preparing an album. Yesterday, all the MV's have just been shot, and it won't take me a month to meet my fans. Xiao, my goal for this album is to sell 130 million of you. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it depends on whether you have this ability. I'll tell you, I'm also making an album for my wife. All ten songs have been finished. I'll promote it to her in the form of playing charts. Ha ha, if we can get the first place for more than ten weeks in a row, it will be very good

"Don't even think about it." Eliot yelled, "you have made the whole European and American music world look ugly last year. If we do it again this year, we will not have the face to sing. Xiao, my album will also be on the list. You can't succeed in your plot. "

Xiao Yunhai hehe said with a smile, "well, we are not afraid of you."

Eliot said, "then wait, I will beat you. By the way, what can I do for you to call me? "

Xiao Yunhai told Eliot about the voice of America and said, "Elliott, help us. With our recording speed, it can be completed in less than a month, and then we can do some publicity for your album."

Eliot thought and asked, "who are the other three mentors?"

Xiao Yunhai was glad to know that Eliot was inclined to agree. The reason why he asked this question was to weigh whether the other three tutors were worthy of him.

After all, Eliot is a king singer, and it would be inappropriate if the tutor he was looking for was too far away from him.

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are the first tutor I'm looking for. Next, I'm going to look for Katrina, David and Esther. They're all our rivals in the singer's night. What do you think

Of course, Eliot said, "happy. Issa has a good relationship with me. She was complaining about nothing recently. I think she has no problem. Let me ask for you. As for Katrina and David, you can do it yourself

Xiao Yunhai said: "great. Eliot, thank you very much

After talking with Eliot, Xiao Yunhai called Katrina and David respectively. They didn't think about it, so they agreed.

After a while, good news came from Eliot, and ISTA had agreed.

In this way, all four tutors have been found.

Xiao Yunhai invited them to come to the villa the next afternoon for a party. The program began recording the day after tomorrow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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