Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:01 AM

Chapter 1158

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To Xiao Yunhai's delight, paramount was very awesome, and bought directly thirty years of North American broadcasting rights, and satellite communications cost a year.

In this way, it gives Xiao Yunhai great convenience.

Xiao Yuanyang said, "OK, I know. You can come straight to me. It's about June. However, I think you'd better operate ahead of time to avoid other TV stations competing with you for it. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "this won't bring us any trouble, will it?"

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "as long as you pay enough money, who can trouble us. I tell you, Wang Zhenya has retired from the illness, and the Wang family has disappeared, and there is no longer any threat to us. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you politicians are really cruel enough. It's terrible that the Wang family's power is scattered by you in less than a year."

Wrong, this is the cruel step. Okay, no more. Yunhai, you once promised me to invest here. Does that count? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what I say is of course true. However, the premise is that you have to show me the way, so that I can send people to investigate the investment. You haven't sorted out the situation yet. What am I going to do

Xiao Yuanyang said, "OK, it's OK to have you. The first thing I have to do is to build the highway. I ask you, how much can you throw for me

Xiao Yunhai said: "how can you invest 350 billion yuan. However, my brother, I don't want to lose a lot. If you really want to build roads, I will send my economic team to negotiate with you in Shaanxi Gansu provincial government. At that time, you and I had better not show up, lest your political opponents get caught. Damn it, politics is too much. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "OK, I'll listen to you."

After the call, Xiao Yunhai said to the expectant crowd: "everyone, I decided to push Marvel TV station to the whole world."


Everyone clapped spontaneously.

We are very clear that once Xiao Yunhai has a global TV station, no matter what he does, he will get twice the result with half the effort. At the very least, billions of dollars can be saved every year in terms of publicity costs alone.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I will go to Time Warner's Steve Bix to discuss specific matters in the next two days. Then Christie will come with me. Once it's done, we'll buy the European television rights for 30 years at a time, and then we'll never be afraid of anything. "

"What's more, I need to set up a TV station in China to mainly broadcast Chinese TV programs. After all, the two countries have different national conditions, and the programs produced by Marvel are not necessarily suitable for China and Asia. "

They all nodded.

The whole meeting lasted more than two hours before it came to an end.

After the crowd left, Daniel stayed and said, "boss, I want to report something to you. Paramount is secretly developing new technologies, which are now in the testing stage, and I'm worried that our special effects patents will be replaced by them. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Daniel, how much do you think Paramount's special effects technology can be better than us?"

Daniel thought for a moment and said, "no more than 20 percent. Our technology has almost reached an extreme. It is not easy to surpass us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what else can we shoot. If they do find out, then we can fight price war with them. Anyway, the fantastic special effects technology has made us more than 40 billion dollars, which is enough for us. "

Daniel said, "boss, you're right. As long as paramount doesn't have a huge technical advantage, we still have the initiative. He sells 100 million dollars, and we sell 70 million dollars. In any case, they can't compete with us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "maybe, they will come to us to stabilize the price."

That night, Xiao Yunhai hosted a banquet with Eliot, Esther, David and Katrina in his villa, along with Robert and Raul.

After asking about the competition system of the voice of America, the four showed great interest.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this program was watched by more than 100 million people in China, which created a miracle of variety show at that time. Unfortunately, its record was soon replaced by the singer's night. But I firmly believe that the voice of America will be a great success in Europe and America. "

Eliot said with a smile: "only pay attention to the sound, not to see the appearance, this kind of program form is really novel, no wonder it can be popular in China."

David said, "Eliot, the three of us lost to you in the singer's night. But this time, I will let my students avenge me. "

Eliot said scornfully: "you can also teach students, come on. I'm afraid that the result will be no revenge and new hatred will be added. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Eliot asked again, "is there anything special about this show, Xiao?"Xiao Yunhai was stunned. Then he quickly responded and waved his hand and said, "we don't have any hidden rules. It is not necessary to look at the face of any one

In some variety shows, the guests will always be told by the TV station who has the background, who is the relatives of the investors and who can not be touched.

If they have a high level, it's OK. If they are not lucky enough to meet a person with a low level who can't move, it will cause the audience's dissatisfaction. The original good programs will be stirred into a pot of porridge by such a mouse dung.

When Eliot asked, he was actually asking if Marvel had anyone to look after.

ISTA said with a smile, "no, it's better. I want to be the first champion mentor, but I don't want to be destroyed by some people

Eliot said: "it depends on who can get the students. Xiao, I have no objection to most parts of this program. Only in the final eight contestants' final, I hope you can refer to "singer's night" and let those fans choose to be fair

David nodded and said, "yes, I agree with Eliot's proposal. Don't look for the so-called experts. I don't feel cold to them at all. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. At that time, we will give a live broadcast directly and ask 2000 audience judges to rate. By the way, it's not a violation of the copyright of the singer's night, is it

Raul said: "of course not. If it's all copyright infringement, then other music programs can't go on. "

Xiao Yunhai raised his glass and said, "let's drink to the popularity of the voice of America."


After seeing them off, Xiao Yunhai sat on the sofa, thought about it for a while, picked up his mobile phone and called David hannett, the superstar of the sky king.

It has to be said that there are too many names of David in America, such as David Stern, David Harnett and David Hume. All of them are world famous people. I'm afraid that ordinary people call this name more.

"Hey, Xiao, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai asked, "David, are you busy recently?"

David Harnett said: "three days later, I need to go to the film. What's the matter? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I hear you sing well, don't you?"

When David Harnett heard this, he was very excited and said, "of course. Xiao, if I didn't put my focus on movies, it would be impossible for you to sweep the European and American music world. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't brag. We marvel are going to record a variety show called the voice of America. The feature of this program is... "

Yes, Xiao Yunhai wants David Harnett to take part in the voice of America with a mask, just as he did in" the voice of China ". He watched several tutors turn around to improve the ratings. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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