Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:00 AM

Chapter 1159

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Not only David Harnett, but all the stars Xiao Yunhai knows and sings well, he is ready to invite them one by one, one for each issue. I believe that this point alone will attract a lot of audiences.

David Harnett laughed and said, "OK, no problem. This competition system is tailor-made for such a great talent as me. Then I will let Eliot and Esther turn around for me to prove my musical talent. When will it be recorded, Xiao? I can't wait. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the program will start recording tomorrow. When you can practice the song, you can be on the stage, but David, I want to tell you something to pay attention to. First of all, you can't take off your mask and expose yourself until you finish singing. The second is after singing, I will give you a voice changer, you can let them guess who you are. The third is that you are doing me a favor this time. I won't give you any money. "

David Harnett said, "I see. If you pay me, I don't have to go. As for when to practice the song well, ha ha, as far as my level is concerned, I will come with my mouth open, which needs any practice. In this way, I think it's tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to sing Eliot's lonely watch. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, I'll wait for you at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon at manwei TV station."

After finishing David Harnett, Xiao Yunhai phoned seven or eight actors, including spider man lance, elf Princess lumina, and Matthew MOI, captain of the United States. Except for a few stars who did not sing very well, almost all of them agreed.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to storm game company to play "Warcraft" in person, and found that compared with previous lives, its picture is more detailed, the operation is more simple, and the scene is more grand.

Xiao Yunhai played for a full two hours, which is not enough to stop, happy to say: "if this game can not succeed, it can only explain a problem, we did not do a good publicity."

When Shermer Moore heard that Xiao Yunhai was so optimistic about the game they had developed, he was shocked and asked, "boss, do you think Warcraft is very good?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. This game definitely has the potential to be popular in the world. Even the players are attracted by the game. I'll shoot the endorsements as soon as possible, and then spread them all over the world. At the same time, use various means to attract players, such as the first 100000 players to download free, the first million players to give them game time and so on. In a word, we will try our best to pull them to our game and keep them with the quality of "Warcraft". For this goal, we can even make no money in the early days. Do you understand? "

Matthew Cooper said, "boss, you are so wise. What do you think of it? Our first 100000 players can download the game for free and try it for a week. Between 100000 and a million players can download the game at 50% discount, but can only try it for three days for free. After a million, full download, only one free trial

Alan adehan said, "Matthew, we're going to lose a lot."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "I think this is a good idea. Alan, there is a saying in Huaxia that you can't leave a rabbit without a wolf. "Warcraft" most need is the flow of people, not profit, early to eat a little loss is to make a lot of money later. As long as there are more gamers, there will be profits in the future. "

Matthew Cooper said, "yes, the boss is right."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "well, do as Matthew said. The three of you go to Raul and have a meeting with Marvel's publicity department to finalize the publicity plan as soon as possible. "

They all nodded and said yes.

After Xiao Yunhai left, Matthew Cooper praised: "the boss is really a man who does great things."

Shermer, Moore nodded and said, "yes. Although the boss is young, he is full of courage and broad-minded. I dare say that 99% of the people will not agree to your proposal if other managers are changed. Because that would cost at least two billion dollars. But the boss, with a big wave of his hand, not only did not put this head-on small profits in the eye, but also took the initiative to persuade us. We are lucky to work under such a boss. "

Alan adehan said with a chuckle, "what are we waiting for? Let's go to Raul. I believe that this Warcraft will make the three of us a billionaire. "

The three founders of storm game company found Raul excitedly, held a full day meeting, and finally decided to enter the game market on May 5.

After chatting with Xie Mo and Matthew, Xiao Yunhai went to marvel TV station to watch the recording of the voice of America from the backstage.

I have to admit that Robert's efficiency is very high. Before 10:30, he has finished the recording of two singers' singing. One of them got four tutors Qiqi turned around, after a fierce confrontation, the powerful player chose Katrina.

When Xiao Yunhai arrived, the third player was singing.

This is a black man. He is very tall. The typhoon is steady and his mouth is sharp. He brings a rap song. In a short half minute, he says hundreds of words at one breath. David Hume turns around without saying a word.The atmosphere of the scene was also hot, and more than 400 spectators got up to cheer for him.

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "Robert, are there any problems with the copyright of these singers' songs?"

Robert said with a smile, "don't worry, boss. All the songs they sing have obtained the permission of the original copyright owner. Otherwise, they dare not sing

Xiao Yunhai said: "in terms of copyright, you must let the program group check it well. Hehe, people say that experts are in the folk, so they don't cheat me. "

Robert said: "boss, Hollywood is full of talented artists. Many people just lack an opportunity or a stage. It's almost impossible for ordinary people to get ahead. We "the voice of America" happened to give them such a platform, these experts are naturally flocking. Boss, we have chosen this carefully, otherwise there will be more people. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, we can still do the second phase after finishing the first phase, right?"

Robert nodded and said, "boss, you're right."

Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye, six singers have finished singing, and three have won the tutor's turn.

At noon, Robert let people go out to buy food, coke, fruit distributed to all the audience.

Each piece is about 50 dollars. It's very rich. The audience not only heard the moving songs, but also enjoyed the delicious food for free. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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