Published at 11th of May 2022 05:37:57 AM

Chapter 1161

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Anyway, he couldn't hide himself. He took off his mask, waved with a smile and said, "Hello, everyone. I'm David Harnett, a failed American voice student. "

"Oh .

the audience cheered when they saw an actor from the 40 million dollar Oscar club on the stage.

"Hannett, I love you."

"Hannett, you are the best."

Esther said with a wry smile, "hannet, why are you here? Did the show invite you? "

David Harnett shook his head and said, "No. The program group did not know that I came here. It was all operated by Mr. Xiao. It's a pity that all four of you didn't turn around, which made me lose face. "

Eliot said with a smile, "if we knew it was you, we would. No matter what, you have to step down with face. "

David Harnett laughed and said, "I don't want this kind of success."

Elliott asked, "hannett, what's it like to sing on this stage?"

"Nervous, really nervous, my heart is about to pop out," said hannett. It was the first time I went on stage to sing. I saw countless scrutinizing eyes cast on me, and my heart was really a little hairy. Actually, it was better before I came, but after watching the singing of several students in front of me backstage, I wanted to leave immediately. They sang so well that they didn't get your affirmation. Then I would be finished. If it wasn't for Mr. Xiao's pulling, I'm afraid I wouldn't even dare to go on stage. "

After all the laughing and talking, David Harnett stepped off the stage amid the screams and applause.

Xiao Yunhai hugged him and said, "David, thank you for your help. I believe that with this link, "the voice of America" ratings will be very good

"Come on, it's a failed performance. Eliot and they didn't turn around. It's really shocking," he said with a wry smile

Xiao Yunhai said: "in fact, you have sung very well, but they need to select students with the most stringent requirements. If you put it on other music programs, you'll be fine. Forget it, let's not get entangled in this matter. Even if you are selected, can you still come and participate in the competition. David, are you free tonight? I'll treat you to dinner as a sign of thanks

"Next time. I need to leave for New Zealand tonight. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's really a pity. OK. When you come back from shooting, I'll invite you to eat authentic Chinese food. "

"That would be great," he said with a smile. Xiao, be busy. I'm going back. "

Xiao Yunhai once again thanks him, and then personally sent him away from the TV station.

In this way, "the voice of America" began to record in full swing. In order to catch up with time, we had to record 18 hours a day. Every day, one or two stars came to sing masked to make the atmosphere burst.

After only four days, the four tutors selected their own 12 students, and then guided them in groups. Everything was proceeding step by step.

Two days before Marvel TV began broadcasting in North America, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Anne Winslet.

"Xiao, you are really good. I haven't even called me for so many days. Do you hate me that much? "

Hearing Winslet's slightly aggrieved words, Xiao Yunhai had a headache and said, "Annie, I'm sorry, I've been too busy these two days. First of all, marvel TV station will be on air. Secondly, we will launch "Warcraft" designed and developed by our game company. I also shot a endorsement advertisement for it. In addition, some TV programs are being recorded. I am so busy that I can't wait for one day as two days. I'm really sorry. "

Winslet said bitterly: "in fact, I know that even if there is time, you will not call me. Xiao, do you have time tomorrow night? My uncle made a special trip to Los Angeles from New York to talk to you about paramount playground

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Bix, if you don't have time, I have to spare time. Well, tomorrow afternoon at six o'clock, I'll be in the Italian restaurant not far from the avenue of stars. Will you and your uncle have dinner

"Well, I'll go with my uncle tomorrow," said Winslet happily

The next day, Xiao Yunhai came to the appointed Italian restaurant with Kristi half an hour in advance.

As the host, Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to be late. It would be rude.

They found a seat near the window and sat down. Kristi asked for a cup of coffee, while Xiao Yunhai asked for a glass of champagne.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Miss Christie, is this Mr. Bix familiar to you before?"

Christie said with a smile, "I used to be his economic adviser. Can't I be familiar with it?"

"What kind of person is he?" Xiao asked

Christie thought for a moment and said, "domineering, ten times more powerful than David Stern. Because David Stern has always been constrained on the board of directors, he wants to do something. It's hard to say for sure. But Bix can. He and his family have 52% control of Time Warner, and they can do whatever they want, so they develop his headstrong character. To do things, vigorous and quick. It takes ten days for someone to talk about a business, and one hour at most. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is very similar to my character."

Christie nodded and said, "yes. But the biggest difference between you and him is that you are lazier than him. Bix is a typical workaholic who never takes a break all year round. And he's full of energy, and the average sleep time is only four hours. "

"But his biggest problem is that he doesn't trust anyone. He has to be personally involved in many small matters, not to mention the major ones. This is why we have to leave after just half a year as an economic consultant to him. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "heroes have no place to use. This is the most cruel thing for every talented person. This Mr. Bix's attitude to work is embarrassing, but I don't appreciate it. If I'm stuck in work all my life like him, it's better to kill me

Kristi said, "so we talents will gather around you because you give us a huge space to display our talents. And with Bix, we can't even play 30 percent. What he needs is not talents, but robots who are absolutely obedient. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is a saying in China that there are three gangs for a hero. It is not suitable to fight alone in modern society. If Bix had been there all the time, there would have been no problem with Time Warner. But once he is not there, the company will immediately fall into the situation of no leader, waiting for its estimation is doomed. And I am not the same, even if I am not in, as long as you, the company will still change. In this case, I still have a good management philosophy. "

Christie said angrily, "my dear boss, this is also called management philosophy. Don't be kidding. You're just lazy

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "I would like to see the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch. It's a tough life for no one to understand

"Who doesn't understand Mr. Xiao?" A strong voice came from behind.

When Xiao Yunhai turned his head, he saw an old man in his fifties, gray on his temples, but his eyes were bright, and he did not show any old age. He looked at him with a smile, and his momentum was like a mountain.

Next to Winslet wearing a professional dress, holding the old man's arm, smiling and smiling.

Xiao Yunhai quickly stood up, shook hands with him, and said, "nice to meet you, Mr. Bix."

"Don't mention it, Mr. Shaw," Bix said. "This time I ask you to give up."

Christie was right. The first sentence of Bix pointed to the core content of today's talk. It was vigorous, crisp and without any hesitation.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no one asks for anyone. We just take what we need. If two companies cooperate, win-win is the best. "

Bix laughed and said, "well said Mr. Shaw. Ms. Christie, we haven't seen each other for more than a decade. When you left me, I couldn't bear it. "

Christy said, "Mr. Bix, Time Warner is full of talent and I can't help at all there. With such a high salary, but nothing can be done, can I not leave? "

Bix said with a smile, "I can see that you are blaming me. In fact, it's good to leave Time Warner and meet Mr. Xiao, the richest man in the world, much better than our time warner. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a hurry: "Oh, Mr. Bix, don't spread this word to the outside, or I will blush. Two, let's stop standing. Please have a seat , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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