Published at 11th of May 2022 05:37:56 AM

Chapter 1162

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Bix nodded and sat opposite Winslet.

Then, Xiao Yunhai saw four or five tall bodyguards sitting around.

Bix said, "let Mr. Shaw laugh. I've been in business all my life and I've offended so many people that I have to be careful. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it should be. Mr. Bix, I know you are a man of efficiency, and I don't like to argue over petty gains. Let's go straight to the bottom. "

As soon as Bix's eyes brightened, he gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Xiao's quick talking really suits my appetite. I think Annie should have told you my reserve price. 80% of the market value of paramount amusement park, plus the television rights in Europe, I won't agree with that

Xiao Yunhai said: "the playground is OK. As for television rights in Europe, I want to buy them out for 30 years. I wonder if Mr. Bix can do it? What's more, how much do I have to pay? "

Bix thought about it and said, "it's OK for 30 years. We still have the face of Time Warner. As for the price, it is estimated that it will not be less than US $15 billion, and it will be paid in a lump sum. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's too high. As far as I know, Time Warner only needs to pay the EU $500 million a year to win the broadcasting rights. Although in the total amount, we are almost the same, but I am a one-time delivery, this loss is big. What's more, in order to get it, I have paid you more than 30 billion US dollars in disguise, and then paid 15 billion dollars. It seems that you are too insincere. At most 5 billion, if we succeed, we will not. "

Bix frowned, unconsciously tapping his fingers on the table, thinking about it, and saying, "at least $7.5 billion."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he said with a smile: "there is a saying in China that business can't be done with benevolence and righteousness. Mr. Bix, we can't cooperate this time. Let's look forward to the next time. "

Winslet looked at Xiao Yunhai in surprise and said, "Xiao, are you refusing?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "like Mr. bikes, I said five billion is five billion, and I will never pay one more dollar. Since Mr. Bix doesn't agree, I'll have to give up. "

Bix laughed and said, "I really met my opponent today. Mr. Xiao, you have more character than I thought. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "our martial arts practitioners don't have too much fun. We can say what we want. Please don't mind Mr. bikes."

"Not only do I not mind, but I appreciate it very much because I am such a person," Bix said. Well, I'll step back and make friends with Mr. Xiao with 2.5 billion. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "my friend is worth more than 2.5 billion."

They looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Christie sighed and said, "you big bosses really don't treat money as money. It's the first time I've seen nearly 100 billion dollars of business settled in less than two minutes. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is called efficiency. Mr. Bix, it's over. Let's enjoy the Italian steak

Bix nodded and said, "OK."

Although Bix is very popular in his work, he is very aristocratic in eating. He chews and swallows slowly, and he is an English baron.

But Xiao Yunhai doesn't care about this. For him, eating is to eat to be full and not hungry. What's more, he has to fight tooth sacrifice. If he eats like Bix, he might as well kill him.

What's more, according to his digestive capacity and food intake, it is estimated that the first meal has just finished, and the second meal will begin.

Therefore, when Bix and the two beauties had only half a plate of steak, Xiao Yunhai had five empty plates in front of him.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai finally finished the 20th set in the daze of all the bodyguards.

"Xiao, are you full?" Winslet asked softly

Xiao Yunhai touched his stomach and said, "about fifty or sixty percent of them are full. Less activity at night, so you need to eat less. The steak in the western restaurant here is really very good. It's much more tender than that in China. It's just that the quantity is too small. A plate can be up to three Liang. If it's lunch, it won't help if you don't have 30 or 40 plates. "

All of them were speechless.

Bix's eyes were full of surprise and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you people who practice martial arts can eat like this?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as long as you practice Kung Fu to a certain level, your appetite will increase greatly. My grandfather is ninety-five years old and has at least twenty catties of beef a day. If you practice boxing for two hours every day, you will never get sick. Even thirty or forty strong men can't get close to him. "

"95? Can you beat thirty or forty strong men? It's amazing. " Bix couldn't believe his ears.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Chinese Kung Fu can become the best in the world, naturally there is its reason. If an expert like my grandfather didn't take part in the Anti Japanese War when he was young and suffered internal injuries, he would have lived at least 150 years old. It's hard to say now. "On hearing this, Bix's eyes brightened and he asked impatiently, "Mr. Xiao, can you really live forever by practicing Chinese Kung Fu?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "how can it be. The birth and death of human beings is like spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is the law of nature, and no one can escape. However, if you practice Kung Fu to a certain level, you can really resist aging, strengthen your physique, and then you will not suffer from all kinds of diseases and prolong your life. "

Bix asked, "Mr. Xiao, you are known as the first Chinese expert. How old can you live according to your Kung Fu level? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "it's OK to be 150 years old. As for whether you can be 200 years old, it depends on the will of heaven. But I'm not going to live to that time. It's too painful. When all the people around me are dead and no one talks with me, I'll finish by myself. "

Bix said with a look of admiration: "Mr. Xiao, I didn't expect that you could see through life and death at a young age. It's really awe inspiring. Unlike us, although we have money, we are most afraid of death. Mr. Xiao, I'm not very well now? I wonder if you can teach me some health preserving skills? No matter how much it costs, I'm willing to pay. "

Super rich people like Bix, who control trillions of wealth, have reached the top of their status and status, and their next concern is undoubtedly their own body.

Just like the Emperor Qin Shihuang in ancient times, he sent people everywhere to look for the elixir of immortality after he ascended to the top of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. He just wanted to live longer.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm only 25 years old now, where can I use health preservation. However, my grandfather is an expert in this field. He once created a set of health preserving boxing based on Taijiquan, which my family practiced. For example, my mother has been fighting for an hour every day for more than 20 years. She has never been ill. So if you want to know something about health preservation, you'd better go to my grandfather. "

Christie asked, "Mr. Shaw, your mother, I have seen her, is really very good, she does not look like a woman of fifty. I wonder if I can learn? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "before, my grandfather thought that Dharma should not be passed lightly, and we were forbidden to pass on Kung Fu to outsiders. Now it's quite enlightened. In addition, this set of Kung Fu can only prolong life and delay aging. It's not offensive, so it's not forbidden. MS Christie, aren't you on a good relationship with my mother-in-law? Next time we meet, you can learn from her. "

Christie said happily, "great."

Bix asked, "Mr. Shaw, I don't know where your grandfather is? I want to visit him

Bix can say such a word to see him, which shows how much he is looking forward to.

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course he is in China. Mr. Bix, do you speak Chinese? "

"Mr. Bix is a language genius. He can speak at least five languages. Besides English, the best spoken is Chinese."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Mr. Bix is really good. My grandfather doesn't know English and has a bad temper. If you communicate with him in English, he will have to drive you away if he can't say a word to you. "

"People who have the ability are usually angry," Bix said. Mr. Xiao, what does your grandfather like? I can't go there empty handed

If you can take some of the wild Ganoderma lucidum and other precious herbs, you can take some of them with you. In a few days, I will go back to China. You can come back with me

"Great," Bix said happily. Mr. Xiao, I'll get your European TV rights in a week. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that would be great. Thank you very much

They talked for another half an hour before they left the restaurant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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