Published at 11th of May 2022 05:37:50 AM

Chapter 1166

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Xiao Yunhai's appearance fee has been spread in Europe and the United States, which is worth US $10 million. Moreover, it is only a song, which is 5 million higher than Eliot.

There's no way to do it. The song and dance of Michael Jackson that Xiao Yunhai plagiarized is really wonderful. As long as it appears, it will certainly arouse the excitement and madness of the fans.

But even to this price, Xiao Yunhai still did not sing in any program, which makes people feel more expectant.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Adolf, you really know how to joke. If it's for money, I'm afraid I won't show up. "

as soon as his eyes brightened, Clifford Adolf said," so Mr. Shaw has agreed to sing on stage? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. But I'd like to ask you one thing. I'd like to take my wife on stage. Recently, she has been making albums. All the songs in it are completed by me. The quality is not lower than that of my previous album. She really needs this opportunity. "

Clifford Adolf said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, I'm afraid the most important reason for your promise is for your wife?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I'll bring three new songs, the first by me, the second by my wife and I, and the third by her singing a song from an album. I wonder if you can agree? "

Clive Adolf said, "no problem. I'll arrange it when I get back. "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "thank you very much. Next week, I'll arrange her songs to play on the charts. I believe it's no problem to win the first place. It's not humiliating to Grammy

Clifford Adolf said with a smile, "it seems that Mr. Xiao is very confident in Ms. Zhao's album? It's not going to break 100 million again, will it? If you can, you and your wife have created a miracle in the history of music. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "our goal is the world's 100 million."

Vincent, who had never spoken, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Xiao, are you going to find the distribution company? Teana records company is far away in China. If it wants to release in Europe and America, it must cooperate with others. You are our original singer, such a good thing can not fall on other people's head

Hearing Xiao Yunhai say that Zhao Wanqing's album target is 100 million sales, Vincent is a bit unable to sit down.

In Europe and the United States, a first-line singer's album sales can reach 5 million, which is already a very good achievement.

When a super singer like Eliot sold the most, it was only 23 million.

Compared with 100 million, it's not a little bit worse.

Even if it is less than 100 million, if the final result is 50% off, there will be 50 million sales, which is equivalent to the score of ten top-line singers.

As long as he can get the distribution right of this album, even if it is only 5% of it, the profit will be tens of millions of dollars.

He didn't need to worry about anything. As long as he did some physical work, he could get so much money. Of course, Vincent was not willing to let go of such a good thing.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Vincent, I have already told you. Wanqing is a singer of sounds of nature. If you want the distribution rights, you need to contact Tianlai records company. It's no use, you tell me

Vincent nodded and said, "OK, I'll contact them as soon as I get back."

They talked for a while, and then they left one after another.

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai came to the office and knocked on the computer. If someone saw Xiao Yunhai knocking on the keyboard, he would be able to stare out his eyes. The speed is too fast. He can't see his hand at all. He can only see a shadow.

Xiao Yunhai is busy writing TV dramas. He has watched many excellent American TV dramas in his previous life, such as prison break, 24 hours, and so on, which have achieved great success.

Xiao Yunhai is now writing the world-famous prison break in his previous life. It has been shooting for five consecutive seasons before Xiao Yunhai's crossing, but the most wonderful ones still belong to the first two seasons.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai only plans to shoot these two seasons, which add up to more than 50 episodes and have been preparing for a month. Usually when he's free, he writes a little. Anyway, the plot is in his head. Just make up a suitable finale.

Two hours later, the last word of prison break was typed out.

After looking around, Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction.

Xiao Yunhai is going to shoot this TV series by himself, and then broadcast it when manwei TV station can cover the whole world. I believe it will be popular all over the world and get better results than Langya bang.

Just then, the door of the office was knocked.

"Come in, please."

Xiao Yunhai looked up and saw Kristi coming in. She was followed by an oriental of thirty-four and five years old, dressed in suits and leather shoes.

Christie said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, this is Mr. Lei Zhicheng you are looking for."

Last night, Kristi sent Xiao Yunhai the names and resumes of five candidates for general manager of coal company.After careful examination, Xiao Yunhai chose this kind of Zhicheng.

First of all, he has rich experience. He has been in three coal companies and has done very well.

Secondly, his appearance looks upright. The so-called face is born from the heart, and an obscene person can't grow such a face in any case in his temperament.

Finally, his ability. Once a small coal company in three years to develop into a medium-sized coal company, the market value of more than 10 billion.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and shook hands with him with a smile and said, "Mr. Lei, it's nice to meet you."

Lei Zhicheng said: "Mr. Xiao, it's a great honor to meet you today, no matter whether I can apply for this position. Because you are the pride of China. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'm going to float about what you said. Please have a seat. Tea or coffee? "

Lei Zhicheng sat down and said, "tea, of course. After more than ten years in America, I still haven't changed my habit of drinking tea. "

Xiao Yunhai personally made a cup of tea for him and said, "why should we change it? Tea is much healthier than coffee. "

Christie said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, are you too generous with one another? As soon as Mr. Lei arrives, you will make tea for him. We often come here, and it seems that we have never enjoyed this kind of treatment. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you also drink tea, I'll make it for you. Unfortunately, you don't know anything about tea. "

Christie made herself a cup of coffee and said, "forget it."

With a smile, Xiao Yunhai said to Lei Zhicheng, "Mr. Lei, I see that your information is written by Zheng Hai people. We are also fellow villagers. I don't know when you came to America? "

"I came to study in America since I was a junior, and I have stayed here since I graduated," Lei Zhicheng said

"Didn't you go back to your hometown?"

"Of course not. My parents and sister are in Zhenghai. How can I not go back. Every year I set aside a month to visit my relatives. Now my parents are old, so I want to go back to work. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "we are the best in China. No matter where you go, my missing is always my hometown. To get to the point, Mr. Lei, your resume says that you used to work in three coal companies, but all of them resigned on your own. The last company has only worked for less than half a year. Can you explain why? "

Lei Zhicheng said: "Mr. Xiao, I went to the coal company because I studied this major. But I'm going to work, not to scratch my life. Those coal companies in order to make high profits, in the safety of miners are selective neglect, I really can't stand. Before the two companies did not make a fortune, they still paid attention to this point. But once it makes money, the company is on the right track, and it doesn't care about this safety issue. The third company simply ignored some of my suggestions and told me to just make money and leave the rest alone. Do you think I can stay? Mr. Xiao, I'm very grateful for your interview with me for the position of general manager of coal company, but I want to tell you in advance that I am a person who can spend a lot of money. Especially when it comes to the safety of miners, I'm willing to spend money. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at him deeply and said: "to ensure the safety of a mine, it costs at least millions or even tens of millions of dollars. However, the coal they dig out from this mine may not be enough for its investment. Mr. Lei, you should also be considerate of our bosses, who is willing to do unprofitable business. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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