Published at 11th of May 2022 05:37:48 AM

Chapter 1168

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After Lei Zhicheng left, Xiao Yunhai relaxed his muscles and bones and said, "with this kind of general manager, I've put down half of my heart."

Christie said with a smile, "it's the first time you've seen him, and you've entrusted him with a great task. Are you not afraid of something

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "my eyes are absolutely right to see people. This kind of integrity is a sincere gentleman, not a shameless villain. Such a person, you let him go to the mall to play with others, it must be a total loss. Let him manage the coal company, such a more professional work, absolutely no problem. "

Christie nodded and said with admiration, "Mr. Shaw, you really know people well."

Xiao Yunhai complacently said: "my management philosophy is to put the right person in the most suitable position, and I can relax myself. Ha ha ha

Christie could not help laughing.

At seven o'clock that evening, Xiao Yunhai arrived at the Royal Hotel.

It's the best hotel in Los Angeles. It's very luxurious. It's said that it's only responsible for the reception of billionaires or social celebrities. Ordinary people don't want to go in even if they have money. It's a real imperial enjoyment.

In the United States, there are only a dozen Royal hotels, and the cost of one night is at least $100000, which is very expensive. Of course, there is no choice for the service.

Xiao Yunhai came out of the car. A waiter immediately met him, took the key and parked the car on one side.

After looking around, Xiao Yunhai suddenly found that his car was the least impressive. He could not help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

Walking into the hotel, a tall and tall blonde girl in Chinese cheongsam came over with a smile and said, "Mr. Xiao, welcome to our royal hotel."

Xiao Yunhai took out his invitation card and said, "I'm here to attend the auction dinner of Grammy chairman Clive Adolf. I don't know where it is? "

"Mr. Xiao, please follow me," said the blonde

Looking at the beautiful woman who walked in front of her and the waitresses who came and went back and forth, Xiao Yunhai secretly said, "this royal hotel really deserves its reputation."

Walking into a hall, Xiao Yunhai found that many people had come to the hall. They were holding glasses and chatting together in twos and threes.

The waiters, like butterflies in flowers, wear them from one guest to another, and their movements are extremely standard and skillful.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, Clive Adolf immediately met him.

"Mr. Xiao, you are here at last."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, I seem to be late."

Adolf shook his head and said, "that's not true. Our appointment is 7:30. You came half an hour early. The reason why we came here in advance is just for chatting. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "as long as you don't delay everyone's time. Well, isn't that Kerry? How did he come? What's more, don't you say that there are only a dozen TV stations competing? I don't think there are less than 100 people here. "

"This kind of auction is not formal, so we all invite some famous people from the circle to witness it, so as to avoid problems," Adolf said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "so it is."

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of others.

"Mr. Mason Mullen, there seems to be some change in the auction tonight. With the richest man in the world, it seems that it is not an easy thing for NNC TV station to take the copyright of Grammy. " The director of NNC TV station, isandra tiemoore, said playfully.

Mason Mullen took a sip of the red wine and said, "Mr. isarra tiemore, why don't you NBC TV station like this. I've heard that you're going to take it at all costs. "

Ethan latimore said with a smile, "your news is very smart. Unfortunately, no matter how determined we are, we will not become spectators without funds. Mr. Xiao's Marvel TV station will be premiered tomorrow. It is a must to have program that can improve the audience rating and enhance its influence. Don't talk about us. Even the parent company behind us can hardly match him in terms of capital. "

Mason Mullen said, "let's see later."

Xiao Yunhai was talking to Adolf. Kerry came over with his glass and said, "Mr. Adolf, excuse me. Can I have a word with Mr. Xiao alone?"

Adolf nodded and said, "of course."

After Adolf left, Xiao Yunhai asked, "what are you looking for me for?"

They haven't seen each other for a long time, but their relationship is not estranged.

Kerry said with a smile, "Xiao, I really have something to ask of you. I hope that our excellent MGM TV series or variety shows can be broadcast on your Marvel TV station. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, it's a good thing. But don't you MGM have your own TV station? Why do you want to put it in our marvel

Kerry sighed and said, "we're going to sell MGM."Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "why do you do this?"

Kerry said: "it's not going to work. Our MGM TV station covers only six states, and it's a far cry from you giants. Now the average ratings are less than one thousandth. If we go on like this, we have to pay for it. "

The American television industry is now arguably Eight Immortals crossing the sea. NNC, NBC and IMD are the first-class TV stations that can cover North America. Other TV stations such as marvel, GM, paramount and Disney are also busy with this matter. As for the secondary TV stations, there are more than two or three hundred. It is very difficult to stand out from them.

MGM TV station, let alone compared with those first-class TV stations, even compared with the second-class TV stations, it does not have any advantage.

Xiao Haiyun said: "so. OK, then, we can pay you according to the advertising share of the TV series you shoot. However, we should be villains before gentlemen. Marvel TV only accepts high-quality products. Only after we pass the pass of Marvel audit department will we put it on TV. If it's a shoddy TV series, don't make it a shame. "

Kerry said with a wry smile: "Xiao, now the competition is so fierce, any big company, who will make those bad films."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, nodded and said, "this is also true. Well, isn't this Franklin of paramount? I didn't expect him to come too. "

Franklin felt a look at himself. He turned his head and found that it was Xiao Yunhai. The whole person's face turned dark and quickly changed his place.

Kerry was happy and said, "Xiao, what's wrong with him? He looks at you with a trace of disgust. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said with disapproval, "this man is too mean and narrow-minded. If paramount is handed over to him, he will surely repeat the mistakes of Hanks."

Kerry said angrily, "forget it. If you didn't spend 10 times the price to transform the screen, could people look at you with this kind of vision? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it has nothing to do with me. Who makes them want to. "

Half an hour later, Adolf came onto the stage with a glass in his hand.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, it's a great pleasure for you to be here for our Grammy copyright auction. No more nonsense. Let's start now. "

As Adolf said, the attendants on the spot had already sent the bidding sign to everyone.

"Our bidding is divided into Europe and North America, and whoever offers the highest price will be the one who will. The reserve price is 500 million US dollars, and the bidding price should not be less than 10 million US dollars. Of course, if you feel troublesome, you can call out the price directly. But I would like to remind you that in the next auction, what we say is legally responsible. Well, let's first auction the European Copyright. I don't know who's interested? "

"We bid $800 million for NBC TV." NBC's director isandra tiemoore, holding up the sign, yelled.

"900 million dollars." Next to it, Mason Mullen of NNC did not stop and added another $100 million.

Kerry took a sip of red wine and sighed, "these two biggest TV stations in Europe and America are so rich that they have risen by 400 million dollars. Too rich. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? Envious? "

Kerry said: "of course. There is a saying in China that one can enjoy the cool by leaning against a big tree. It's good to have a backing. "

"I give a billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai hopes that the third bidder is a white man with a big beard.

Kerry said: "IMD TV station director Elvis Noyes, did not expect him to join the fun." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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