Published at 11th of May 2022 05:37:44 AM

Chapter 1171

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Finding Adolf, who was chatting with others, Xiao Yunhai said, "gentlemen, can you give me Mr. Adolf five minutes?"

Isan latimore joked: "Mr. Adolf is not a great beauty. Mr. Xiao can use it casually."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. latimore, do you mean that if Mr. Adolf is a beautiful woman, you won't let him go."

The crowd burst into laughter.

When he came to a nobody's corner, Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Adolf, congratulations on finding a big loser and raising 3.85 billion US dollars for the organizing committee. I have to say, this party is really too lucrative

Adolf said, "Mr. Xiao, this is something we didn't expect before. You won't come to me to say that. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm here to buy the copyright."

Adolf was stunned and said, "didn't we just sell it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "my motherland, China, it seems that there is no TV station to buy it?"

Adolf was surprised and asked, "will Huaxia be interested in our Grammy?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "to tell you the truth, I don't know. I just want to have a try. If I can't, I'll put it on the video network for fans to download and watch. Can you tell me the price? How much is it

Adolf thought about it and said, "one billion dollars."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "Mr. Adolf, you don't seem to know the Chinese market.

Let's say, a 60 episode TV series watched by more than 700 million people only brought me 2.4 billion dollars. Grammy broadcast for three hours, do not know whether there are advertisers to negotiate, you ask a billion dollars, you really can joke

Adolf turned red and said, "I don't really know what's going on in Huaxia. How many

do you think is appropriate? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "50 million dollars, this is my limit."

Adolf was surprised and said, "Mr. Xiao, we sold 3.8 billion yuan in Europe and America, but you only paid 50 million yuan. This is absolutely impossible."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Adolf, the reason why you can sell so much money is that Grammy has proved its value in Europe and the United States. Advertisers are flocking to it. They will wave a lot of dollars to find TV stations. Success is inevitable. But for Huaxia, Grammy has never been broadcast live on TV, and its appeal to advertisers is almost zero. Even I doubt whether any advertisers come to negotiate. The reason why I give you 50 million US dollars is to see if I can get some revenue from the video website. Well, in that case, I won't buy it. "

Adolf said, "don't worry, Mr. Xiao. Aren't we discussing this? Well, 50 million is 50 million. I also want to see if Chinese fans will pay attention to Grammy. "

Xiao Yunhai forced to hold back the joy in his heart and pretended to be worried. He said in a deep voice, "I hope my choice is not wrong."

Adolf seemed afraid that he would change his mind and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, can we sign the contract tonight?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "how is it so urgent?"

"I'm going to New York tomorrow morning, and I'm expected to stay for a week," Adolf said

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. I wanted to go back and talk to people. Forget it, it's not less than 50 million yuan. Even if you lose the bet, it doesn't matter. "

"I'll send someone to prepare the contract," Adolf said

Ten minutes later, they came to a small office and signed the contract.

Xiao Yunhai returned to the party with the contract, said to Kerry, and prepared to go back.

Kerry did not have anything to do here. When he heard that Xiao was going, he left with him.

Before Kerry's driver arrived, Xiao Yunhai did his driver for free and sent him home.

In the car, Kerry looked at the contract from the beginning to the end, and said in surprise, "God. Fifty million even bought the copyright of this Grammy in China. You're going to make a lot of money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "who knows whether those advertisers recognize it or not."

Even so, Xiao Yunhai has no worries about it.

In the past two years, singers from Europe and the United States have launched a large-scale attack on the Chinese music market, and have become familiar with the fans. Singers like Eliot and David who have participated in the singer's night have become very popular. Eliot's best mixed fan list is 30 million. There are no fewer singers than Eliot.

Adolf is obviously not clear about the current situation in China, holding the idea that selling a little bit is a little bit, but Xiao Yunhai has made a hole in it.

Kerry said: "Shaw, if you're worried about advertisers, then I'll try my best to buy it for 60 million dollars. You see, in less than ten minutes, you've made ten million dollars. Where can I find such a good thing? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Kerry, I appreciate your kindness. But the sage said, do not do to others what you do not want. How can I give you this hot potato? It's too ungrateful. "Kerry said, "it doesn't matter. I'm willing to take the loss."

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be righteous and awe inspiring and said, "how can you do that. I can look for you for good things, but I'll bear the bad things by myself. I won't implicate others if I'm killed. "

Kerry was speechless for a while and said, "in terms of shameless Kung Fu, you are the best in the world. I don't understand. What are you going to do when you buy this copyright? You don't seem to have a TV station in China, do you? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no, but I can find a TV station to cooperate."

Kerry said quickly, "what do you think of MGM?"

Xiao Yunhai asked, "aren't you going to sell it?"

"We just want to sell the American TV station, but we don't want to sell the TV station in China. To tell you secretly, MGM's ratings in China are very good. In particular, we invested in shooting a few Idol TV series have achieved good results. Last month, our average ratings reached 0.81%, ranking eighth among all the Chinese TV stations. What about? Isn't it great? "

MGM TV is developing very well in China. The programs it broadcasts are in line with the appetite of the Chinese audience, and its ratings are rising, even surpassing those of NNC and NBC.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "since you are such a cow, I can give it to you. It's just that we're brothers. We'll settle accounts. How much advertising share are you going to give me? "

Kerry thought, "what about 50%? I'll calculate. When the Grammy red carpet is on show, Huaxia is at 3:00 a.m., and it's 5:00 a.m. when it comes to awards, the time is very inappropriate. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you don't need to find these reasons. 50% is 50%. To tell you the truth, what I value most is the cost of watching online video online. I really don't see much of the advertising revenue. "

Kerry said happily, "that's it. MGM will be in charge of some of the TV commercials

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you boy is quite good at business. Yes, I promise you. Network propaganda is nothing to us Hanhai. However, I want to tell you in advance that once your TV station has finished broadcasting, I will upload it to the Internet immediately. "

Kerry said, "no problem." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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