Published at 11th of May 2022 05:37:42 AM

Chapter 1172

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At the same time, Paramount's general manager, Franklin, who had already left, suddenly returned to the party, found Adolf and said, "Mr. Adolf, I want to buy the copyright of Grammy in China."

Adolf was stunned and said, "I'm sorry, the copyright has been sold out."

No longer, Franklin frowned. Who can tell me

Adolf laughed, "of course, it's not a secret at all. Half an hour ago, Mr. Xiao bought it with 50 million U.S.

gold. "

"50 million dollars?" Franklin said in surprise, "Mr. Adolf, the price is just amazing. If you sell us paramount, we'll pay at least 200 million dollars. "

Adolf was stunned and said, "Mr. Xiao said that the Grammy Awards party is not necessarily recognized by the Chinese advertisers. Is he cheating me?"

Franklin said: "the Grammys used to be bad, but now it's different. We European and American singers have entered China, where the popularity and popularity have soared. The singers who come to participate in Grammy have tens of millions of fans in China. Do you think Chinese advertisers can not recognize it? "

Adolf patted himself on the forehead and said, "God, what have I done. I sold such a big piece of cake for only 50 million dollars. Oh, Xiao is so smart. "

Franklin sighed, "I was so angry that I didn't think about it. What a pity. "


after sending Kerry home, Xiao Yunhai returned to the villa.

Open the computer and look up some entertainment websites at random. The pop-up window of Marvel TV will appear in front of Xiao Yunhai immediately.

Good guy, Raul played hard enough this time. It will cost at least 200 million dollars to publish such information on more than ten famous entertainment websites.

However, the effect is very good, at least attracted the attention of many people.

"Tomorrow night, Shaw's Marvel TV station will be on. It's great."

"Look at their ads, good guys, they invited so many big stars. It's really rich."

"I don't know if Kung Fu Xiao will be on stage."

"Other people's programs, he certainly will not be on. But it's hard to talk about your own family. "

"I've only seen Xiao's scene twice. It's just blood boiling. I hope there's him this time."

"Look forward to it. Just looking at the announced lineup, my heart is full of expectations. Do see it tomorrow night. "

On the network forum, numerous netizens are talking about it one after another, which is very lively.

Just then, Xiao's mobile phone rang. Turn it on. It's Yu Yuexian's call.

"Sister Yu, it seems that the Chinese time is more than five o'clock in the morning. If you call me so early, are you in a hurry?"

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "of course. Yunhai, congratulations on winning the Grammy Awards with only 50 million dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said: "I depend on you. Sister Yu, your ears are too smart. I've been here for less than an hour, and you've found out. "

Yu Yuexian said, "your brother-in-law still has many friends in Hollywood."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "sister Yu, are you calling to ask me to put this party video on your Xianyue video network? "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile:" sure enough. Yes, the Grammy Awards show is sure to attract the attention of Chinese fans, because many of the singers in it are very popular in China, and you won five awards

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yu, I'm afraid I'll let you down. The premiere rights have been handed over to MGM. If you want to, you can only wait for the TV station to broadcast and then put it on your Xianyue video network. "

Yu Yuexian was silent for a moment and sighed, "this is a pity. However, the live broadcast is from 3:00 to 7:00 in the morning, which is not very good. I think the audience rating should not be too high. As long as they don't repeat, it's OK. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I only gave MGM TV the right to live."

Yu Yuexian said, "great. I have a deal with you. Don't sell it to other video networks. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, don't you know me? It's always a good word to say

Yu Yuexian said, "it's true. Although you are a bit of a jerk, you still keep your promise. By the way, what's your problem with that Winslet? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "did Wan Qing call you? I knew that she must have gone to her heart. "

Yu Yuexian snorted and said, "you boy has always been clean, and you are a houseboy. How ever has such an affair happened. Now suddenly out of a beautiful Winslet, Wanqing if can be indifferent, that is strange. I tell you, if you dare to abandon the old Chen Shimei, I will not let you go. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Yu, am I such a person? I have made it clear to Winslet that there should be no more such scandals. "Yu Yuexian said, "that's good. You should comfort Wanqing. Don't think that if she doesn't speak in front of you, there will be nothing. When a woman's heart is completely attached to a man, she can bear any injustice for him, but this kind of thing is beyond her ability. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I understand. Thank you, sister Yu."

Yu Yuexian said: "I told you secretly, you must not tell Wan Qing."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know you are for our good. Don't worry, our feelings are not controlled by anyone or anything. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "that's good."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai suddenly patted his forehead, secretly: "it seems that you haven't talked about the price with sister Yu."


A text message appeared on his mobile phone. It was Yu Yuexian's.

"8:2, how about it?"

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, returned a word: "line".

After a while, Xiao Yunhai called Zhao Mingsheng, his father-in-law, and asked him to help publicize the Grammy broadcast on the Internet.

Zhao Mingsheng naturally cares about his son-in-law. In less than an hour, the vast amount of information spread out on the Internet forums.

Netizens also began to talk.

"I didn't expect that MGM could win the premiere of the Grammy Awards ceremony. It's a blessing."

"Although the time is not suitable, I will get up and watch it."

"Me too. Yunhuang has been shortlisted for the five major awards. I must see if he can sweep all the awards like the original China Golden Cup Music Festival. "

"After yunhuangqing, she wants to perform live, and she sings three songs. It's amazing."

"It is said that after the cloud emperor Gang Qing, ten English songs have been produced on the Internet. Each capital is not under the songs in the yunhuang album, so we can have a look at it."

Seeing this, Xiao Yunhai knew that there was no problem with the Grammy Awards. At the very least, advertisers will not miss this opportunity.

The next night, marvel TV broadcast party officially began.

Raul spent a lot of money to build the party. He invited almost all the famous singers in Europe and America, even some actors who were good at singing.

It took more than two hours to walk on the red carpet, which made the photographers and journalists busy.

Surrounded by thousands of fans, the screams have never stopped. The atmosphere is much more warm than the golden cup festival in China. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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