Published at 11th of May 2022 05:37:38 AM

Chapter 1175

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Time flies, and finally it's Xiao Yunhai's turn to appear. At this time, the audience rating has reached 18%.

The whole stage was dark, only the drums were pounding, and the hearts of the people became nervous.

All of a sudden, the lights suddenly lit up, and Xiao Yunhai, wearing his standard Michael Jackson outfit, stood on the stage, with twelve dancers of similar height behind him.

When thirteen people with sunglasses, black trousers, white socks and black leather shoes appeared, everyone screamed in unison.

The drumbeat is still ringing continuously. Under the leadership of Xiao Yunhai, the twelve dancers are performing rigid mechanical dance at the same time. Their movements are neat and consistent, and their aura is strong to the extreme.

Just after the melody reaches a certain point, thirteen people point to the audience at the same time, and then an amazing scene happens.

All of them were leaning forward 45 degrees, standing still with their fingers pointing at them.


The scene was boiling. The temperature of the whole studio went up to 100 degrees, and the air seemed to be ignited.

"My God, what do I see, a miracle?"

"The aura is too strong."

Previously, when Xiao Yunhai made this action alone, fans could not bear it. Now it is 13 people who have made an action that violates the laws of physics at the same time, which brings crazy screams and screams.

Soon, "dangerous" that exciting music sounded, the scene completely exploded, no matter the stars or fans, no one can sit in the seat.

"Xiao, I love you."

”Xiao, you are the best. "

everyone's face was flushed and they were shouting excitedly at the stage.

The movement of 45 degree tilt was maintained for ten seconds, and then from static to dynamic, swinging arm and kicking, it was still simple and fast, sharp and efficient, neat and uniform.

"The wayshecamethepalce, iknowright here, therewassomethingdifferent..." "

the familiar lyrics began to ring. Although Xiao Yunhai made violent movements, the voice was still very stable, and the timbre was very penetrating and infectious. In addition, the huge momentum and dazzling dance made everyone's renal glandular hormone soar, and kept shouting, While shaking his body wildly.

The whole scene was a mess.

At the end of the first paragraph, thirteen people started a moonwalk at the same time. They were so excited that they didn't know how to express their excitement. They could only shout at the stage. Even if they were yelling ruddy, hoarse and speechless, they still couldn't stop their enthusiasm.

These 12 dancers are all from kungfu tiantuan. After Xiao Yunhai's mechanical dance was born, they loved it. They practiced every day with the music in Xiao Yunhai's album, and even went to various places to perform. Every time, they could arouse the roar of fans.

According to the law, they have violated the copyright law by using Xiao Yunhai's songs and dances. However, after hearing about them, Xiao Yunhai didn't bother them. Instead, he gave them a letter of authorization to encourage them to perform. This moved 12 young people of the Kung Fu group.

as like as two peas Grammy, Xiao Yunhai saw their performance on the Internet the other day, and found that their movements were almost the same as those they had on the scene except for the frequency.

Naturally, Kung Fu Tian Tuan would not miss such a good opportunity, so he arrived the morning before yesterday.

Xiao Yunhai only rehearsed with them two or three times, and almost reached the point of perfection.

Today's official performance won a warm welcome from everyone.



Ihavetopray to God


...... "

the scene is already hot at this time, the studio is full of crazy shouting people, and many fans shed tears.

What is hot?

What is passion?

What is the surging blood?

Xiao Yunhai's performance makes a perfect interpretation for these adjectives.

At this moment, the light of his body is like the blazing sun, shining brilliantly.

"Dangerous" finally finished singing, the overwhelming screams and shouts like a raging flood swept the entire studio.

But they seem to have cheered a little early. The last note of dangerous has just fallen. Xiao Yunhai and Kung Fu tiantuan have not left or bowed. They are still standing there.With a thump, thump... A rhythmic drum, everyone's chest was there, like a toad.

"I rely on it. The show is not over."

"Great. Kung Fu Xiao brings two songs."

"I love him. "

soon, the prelude to beatit went on.

The fans heard it and went into crazy time again.




Sobeatit, justbeatit


Eliot looks at the sea of xiaoyunhai, which is full of passion on the stage, and suddenly finds himself a little bit of self-determination. He can't help thinking that such a person can beat himself?

David humer was also in a mood. Although he liked to watch jokes, he was actually proud. Even in the face of music King Eliot, he didn't feel how great he was. One day, he would be able to stand in a higher position than him.

But facing the xiaoyunhai on the stage, David obviously felt a kind of desperation and helplessness. I am afraid that his performance realm can not reach in his life.

Other singers who came to the show also had their own thoughts.

Robert, who has been in the data room, sang his first song in xiaoyunhai, and he had run to the studio to watch xiaoyunhai's performance.

Looking at the scene of xiaoyunhai's passionate live performance, Robert became very excited.

"This is the strength of the boss. It's so powerful that it's better than all the performances you've seen. The boss is really great. No wonder Grammy is going to invite him to perform. "

Two songs in a row, Xiao Yunhai with Kung Fu tiantuan members brought all people a very exciting enjoyment.




After the last note is dropped, the scene, whether it is a star or a fan, is shouting Xiao Yunhai's name.

”Kung Fu is small. "Kung Fu Xiao. "Kung Fu Xiao. "Kung Fu Xiao. "


xiaoyunhai listened to the voices of fans on the stage and made a gesture of listening to his ears intentionally, and a sudden storm began.

It took two minutes for the cheers to stop.

"I want to thank them for the 12 excellent young people who can dance with me today. They are really good at their performance, and hope that you can remember their combination name - Kung Fu tiantuan.". Now give them our warmest applause and cheers, OK? "


When the idol spoke, the fans under the stage naturally wanted to give their faces, and they began to hold their hands.

Twelve Kung Fu tiantuan members took off their sunglasses, and they all had a hard time covering their excitement. They bowed deeply to the audience under the stage, and then turned their heads to Xiao Yunhai, and then walked off the stage.

After the show, they were in the United States, at least ten times more than before.

You know, it is not anyone who can cooperate with a singer like Xiao Yunhai.

"Today is the day when our manwei TV station is on and the beginning of our Marvel TV station to be brilliant," Xiao Yunhai said with the microphone. I give the TV station the position is to only put the fine programs, for those rough-made things, we will never play, rather than abuse is our purpose, so I hope you can pay more attention to our manwei TV station, can like our manwei TV station. Well, the opening party this evening is over. Thank you for the wonderful performance brought by dozens of performers, the watching of the audience and friends in front of the TV. Thank you.

The first broadcast Party of manwei TV took three hours to complete the success. The highest viewing rate of the period was undoubtedly appeared in the period when Xiao Yunhai was on stage and sang at the end of the party, which reached 21.4%. Thus, it can be seen how popular and influential Xiao Yunhai is.

After the party, Xiao invited dozens of performing guests to have a , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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