Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:51 AM

Chapter 118

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Zhao Wanqing is looking at Xiao Yunhai. Suddenly, her feet are up, she kisses him on the lips, and then she leaves quickly. This is the first time she kisses Xiao Yunhai.

Even sitting on the plane home, Xiao Yunhai is still immersed in the sweet taste.

It has to be said that Zhao Wanqing is indeed a thoughtful girl. Two days ago, Xiao Yunhai told her that she would go home. She carried herself outside to buy her family many gifts, such as cosmetics, jewelry, electronic products, etc., which made Xiao Yunhai very moved.

In his previous life, Xiao Yunhai was an orphan. Every new year or festival, it was his most difficult time. Others go home to reunite with their families, but orphans can only stay alone lonely, although sometimes you can go to a friend's home for a meal, but after all, it is just a guest!

Sometimes he especially wants to have the feeling of home, and the only place in the world that gives Xiao Yunhai this kind of feeling may be that orphanage! So when he's free, Xiao Yunhai will go to the place where he grew up. Play with my younger brother and sister. This time has always been his happiest and most relaxed time!

After coming to this world, the most gratifying thing for Xiao Yunhai is that he finally has a home and relatives.

Standing at the door, Xiao Yunhai found that he seemed to be close to his hometown. It was a very strange emotion. He was very happy and came back happily. But when he stood at the door, he found that his heart was full of worry and fear.

"What if they find out I'm not their son?"

"What if they don't recognize me?"

His heart was choked with fear and fear, and he almost wanted to run away.

"Sea of clouds, are you back?" A soft voice sounded from behind Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai was shocked and turned to see a middle-aged beauty in her forties, full of mature charm, with a basket of vegetables in her hand, looking at him in surprise.

At this time, all the worries seemed to be thrown out of the clouds in an instant. Xiao Yunhai blurted out: "Mom."

When Chen Xiuzhu saw her son, whom she had not seen for two years, she wept with joy. She put down her vegetable basket and hugged Xiao Yunhai. She sobbed.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, my son is back at last.

At this time, with a bang, the door of the house opened. It was a young and lively girl, Xiao Yunhai's sister, Xiao Yunling.

She first looked at Chen Xiuzhu, who was wiping her tears. Then she looked at Xiao Yunhai. She was stunned. Then she cheered and jumped onto Xiao Yunhai's body. She turned back and said, "Dad, brother is back."

The room immediately spread a burst of rapid footsteps, a gentle middle-aged man appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the white hair on his father's head, and his nose was sour. He said, "Dad, I'm sorry."

Xiao Qifeng's body was slightly shocked. He opened his mouth and swallowed back the words that had come to his mouth. After a while, he said, "it's good to know that you'll come back. Your mother wants you crazy."

Chen Xiuzhu snorted and said, "I don't know who dreamed of my son at night."

Xiao Qifeng face a burst of embarrassment, turned to Xiao Yunling said: "how old, do not hurry from your brother down."

Xiao Yunling stretched out his tongue and tooted: "I know to bully soft persimmon."

After a family of four entered the house, Xiao Yunling turned her eyes and said, "brother, I heard that you are a big money now. You can make a fortune just by singing online. Hurry up, give your favorite sister 10000 yuan, and I will forgive you for not coming back for two years. "

When Chen Xiuzhu heard this, she said with a smile: "you little girl, you've got money in the eye. Yunhai, don't pay attention to her. "

"Mom, it's OK. Linger is also big and knows how to measure. " With that, Xiao Yunhai turned to his father and said, "Dad, I'm sorry. In the past, I was young and ignorant. I didn't understand the painstaking efforts of you and my mother. I said too much and did a lot of stupid things. What's more, I didn't go home for two years. Now think about it, I am not only a jerk, but also a fool. Dad, you have a lot of adults. Please forgive me. "

Hearing his son's words, Xiao Qifeng sighed deeply and said, "I am your father. How can I really be angry with you. Tell me the truth, is there something wrong with you and Ru Yun

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "we broke up. She found a rich and powerful boyfriend

"What?" Chen Xiuzhu stood up and said, "you treat her so much, she still thinks of changing her mind. I am so angry. No wonder Lao Xu has been hiding from me recently. It turns out that he has done something wrong. I'll go to him? "

"Mom, I'll go with you." Xiao Yunling also said angrily.

"Mom." Xiao Yunhai pushed Chen Xiuzhu back to the sofa and said with a smile, "I should thank her. If it was not for her, I would not have been admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, and I would not have been today. A lot of things are lost in the East. What's more, your son has found you a better daughter-in-law now. Don't go to your uncle and aunt. I guess they didn't expect that. "Hearing that her son had found another girlfriend, Chen Xiuzhu immediately beamed with joy and asked, "what's her name? What does it look like? What do you do at home? "

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone, called up the photo of Zhao Wanqing inside, handed it to his mother, and said, "she is my classmate, whose name is Zhao Wanqing. My father is the president of Hanhai film group. We have only recently established a relationship. "

"Wow. Sister in law is so beautiful. She is much better than Xu Ruyun. Elder brother, you are too cow, such a fairy was chased by you. However, people's family background seems to be much better than ours. Is it possible for her family to be like the one on TV

"You little girl, you've been thinking about something all day long." Chen Xiuzhu beat Xiao Yunling for a while, and then continued: "in the future, you will understand that, let alone the daughter of a company boss, even if it is a royal family member, our Xiao family will still be......"


Xiao Qifeng heard his wife's words and coughed quickly.

Chen Xiuzhu also felt that she had made a slip of the tongue and quickly swallowed the words behind her.

Xiao Yunling laughed and said, "Mom, you can blow it. There's no tax on bragging. "

"How to talk to your mother." Xiao Qifeng reprimanded Xiao Yunling and said to the thoughtful Xiao Yunhai, "do you really intend to be a star in the future?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. My goal is to become a superstar of Chinese emperor. No matter how hard I have to work on this road, I will go on with determination. "

"Well, now that you've decided, do it. However, I heard that there are many hidden rules in this business. You should be careful of all kinds of open and hidden weapons. "

"Don't worry, Dad. No problem. By the way, Wanqing bought you a lot of presents. Do you like it or not? "

Xiao Yunhai opened the suitcase, took out a box and handed it to his father. He said, "Dad, come and have a look at this watch made by hand. It seems very good."

"Mom, you have a pure gold necklace and a pair of bracelets. Do you like it?"

"What about mine, brother? Did my sister-in-law buy it for me? "

Of course. It's the latest laptop and a very nice lady's phone

"That's great, sister-in-law."

Chen Xiuzhu fondly touched the bracelet and said, "this is too expensive. These things add up to several hundred thousand. "

Xiao Yunling said with a smile: "Mom, you are the future mother-in-law of your sister-in-law. Can she not perform well. However, from this incident, we can see that the sister-in-law is very concerned about the elder brother, otherwise, she would not have done her best to prepare the gift

Chen Xiuzhu nodded and said, "you are right this time. Your sister-in-law seems to be sincere to your elder brother. "

"Oh, mom, I've got my daughter-in-law so soon. You are too material. " Xiao Yunling joked.

"Well, I'm happy for your brother."

In the evening, Chen Xiuzhu personally cooked a table of dishes, and drank a lot of wine. It was not until Xiao Qifeng's face turned red and his words were somewhat out of order that Chen Xiuzhu put the wine away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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