Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:30 AM

Chapter 1181

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It has been half a year since the success of Xiao Yunhai's 2012, and countless 3D films have sprung up one after another, sweeping the world.

According to statistics, there are as many as 12 3D films in major cinemas this April, and all of them are blockbusters.

For example, Disney, in order to make a 3D movie first, the director takes the shots that need special effects production, and then asks an associate director to follow the special effects team to process the late scenes according to the director's intention, while the director continues to shoot other film scenes.

By the time the film is finished, the film will be finished.

In less than five months, Disney produced a $1 billion 3D action blockbuster.

It was just released the day before yesterday. In just one day, the box office won 820 million US dollars, which caused great repercussions in Hollywood.

Other companies are similar. The special effects teams of Warner, paramount, and general motors are no longer taking on outside work.

In particular, general film company had the earliest contact with Xiao Yunhai and had the best shooting time. Now, three 3D films have been completed and are preparing to be released continuously.

It would be stupid to show Lord of the rings 3 at this juncture.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I think I'll leave it till the end of the year. Judging from the current situation, the trend of 3D movies will stop in less than a year. At that time, 2D movies will be available. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, are you so sure that 3D movies will decline at the end of the year?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it can't be said that it is declining. Any new thing will have its peak period for a period of time. For example, 3D film technology, now it seems to be very good and has been sought after by fans. But who can stand that every time I watch a movie is 3D. As I said before, when the novelty of 3D is over, 2D movies will keep pace with 3D movies. I thought it would be a year, but the reality is that film companies all over the world are making 3D films, and the pace of decline is much faster than I expected. Maybe it won't be the end of the year. "

Bickervin nodded and said, "maybe you're right. But I'm not here for Lord of the rings. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the script in his hand and said, "it's not" Lord of the rings 3 ", then it must be a new film. Director Bickerman, I once said that you have unlimited freedom in marvel. If you want to make a movie, you just need to approve it. You can go to Raul directly for the problem of funds. "

Bickerman said with a wry smile, "I came to you because I was not sure about the script. When I was in Yanjing, I told you that I was going to make a movie about gorillas. Now the script is out, but I always feel something is wrong. Last night, I suddenly understood that the play lacked the most important human factor. So I'm here to see if I can change it for me. If I can't, I'll just give up. "

Xiao Yunhai took the script from Bickerman's hand and said, "I'll take a look at the plot first."

Zhao Wanqing also sat beside Xiao Yunhai curiously and looked up together.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai put down the script, frowned tightly, and said, "if I give it a score, I will give it at most four points."

Zhao Wanqing touched Xiao Yunhai's arm and motioned him to be polite.

"Miss Zhao, it doesn't matter. When we discuss the script, we'd better say what we have to say, so as not to have bigger problems in the future. Xiao, I asked a famous scriptwriter team to finish the script in two months. Why can I only get four points from you? "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea, thought about the wording and said, "well, I don't find a trace of humanity in this script. From the beginning to the end, it is a story of human fighting monsters. If it's a movie, it's better to make the visual effect more realistic. There's nothing else that can be left for the audience to think about. "

Bickervin nodded and said, "you're right. I think so. Can you change it, Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and subconsciously tapped the tea table with his fingers. Thinking about the story of "King Kong" shot by the father of magic Peter Jackson in his previous life, the whole person seemed to be lost in meditation.

In fact, he did it just to cover up. Can't we say that after reading the story of the gorilla, we can immediately make up an excellent script like King Kong? That's a little too human.

Five minutes later, Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes and the sound of his fingers tapping on the coffee table stopped.

Bickerman looked at him expectantly and asked, "is there any idea?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I have come up with another good script. Let's set the story in the 1950s, when a group of people went to a desert island for their own purposes in search of a lost civilization. There are countless monsters... The heroine is saved by the gorilla, and each other becomes good friends. ""The heroine met several dinosaurs who wanted to eat her. In order to save her, the gorilla fought with these dinosaurs and finally defeated them. However, greedy human beings used despicable means to catch the gorilla... "

" the gorilla broke free from the huge chain, climbed to the top of the building, and fought with more than ten fighter planes. Even in the fierce fighting, gorillas still protect the heroine. In the end, the gorilla was hit and fell from the spire, but the eyes looking at the heroine were still full of strong feelings

The story of "King Kong" was simply told. Xiao Yunhai asked bikewen, who was stupid there, and said, "what do you think of this story?"

Bikven woke up and said excitedly, "Xiao, you are just a genius of story making. No wonder you can be the best screenwriter of jinzung and Oscar. It's a wonderful story. It's better than the one I brought. I don't know how many times. I can imagine now what it would be like for fans to see a gorilla fall from a tower

"Sadness, pity, despair, sadness, desolation..." Zhao Wanqing said seven or eight words in a row.

"That's right. This story is too humanistic, and it can also bring people a kind of thinking. If you rate it, I give it at least nine. Xiao, please give me this story. You can rest assured that I will never insult it. "

Now that bickervin was thoroughly in love with the story, there was a flash of light in his mind, and pictures seemed to appear in front of him.

But he knew that Xiao Yunhai was also an excellent director. Facing such a good script, he was not sure that Xiao Yunhai would give up to himself. In any case, if it was him, it would not give up to others.

Fortunately, his most worried thing didn't happen. Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "if I don't give it to you, can't I give it to others. Director bichoven, you can now go to the scriptwriter team and write a complete script based on the story I just told you. "King Kong" is not as bad as "gorilla."

Bickerman patted his thigh and said happily, "well, call it King Kong."

Xiao Yunhai said: "after the script is finished, you can go directly to Raul for investment. If you're looking for big stars to shoot, I guess it's hard to complete without more than one billion investment. "

Bickervin nodded and said, "yes. But you can rest assured that I will try to save money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I don't mean that. The movie this thing, wants to obtain the rich repayment, must give up the blood cost. We marvel are very rich now. What's more, you can use it as long as it doesn't exceed US $1.5 billion. "

Bickerman said with a smile: "it seems that there is no mistake for me to join marvel. OK, I'll be busy. If I don't make this movie a classic, I'm going to retire. "

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his hand and shook him for a moment, saying, "then I wish you success." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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