Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:27 AM

Chapter 1183

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In paramount general manager's office, Franklin took a serious look at the advertising expense statistics released by Marvel TV station and couldn't help sighing: "what a big ambition. It's too bold to take the 1.5% rating as the limit. But I'm afraid Marvel will have a big problem if it goes on like this. "

"This marvel TV station is looking for death," said Elvis Noyes, director of IMD TV station, sitting on the sofa. I have worked in TV station for so many years, and I have never heard of such a wonderful way to charge for advertising. If it is our IMD TV station, according to this method, it will certainly close down within a year. If you want to get more than 1.5% ratings for each program, it's just a dream. "

Franklin narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "but you have to deny that this is a very good way to attract advertisers. Even I am a little moved, not to mention other businesses. "

Elvis Noyes said: "there is an idiom in China called drinking poison to quench thirst. If we use this method to attract advertisers, we can certainly achieve success in the early stage, but it is hard to say in the middle and late stage. Because no television station in the world can maintain such a high rating. "

Franklin said with a smile, "yes, Xiao is a little too arrogant. Maybe, this troublesome enemy can't do it without us. "

Doughton Welch, general film's general manager's office, is also discussing Marvel with his men.

"Andrew, do you think Shaw's going to succeed? "

general television director Andrew Edison shook his head and said," it's hard. This kind of advertising charges, other TV stations are not unexpected, but no one dares to do it. I don't understand why Mr. Xiao, such a smart man, can do such a stupid thing? "

" stupid? I don't think so. More specifically, it should be self-confidence. Did you find that the higher the ratings, the higher the revenue for marvel. Once the program exceeds 10 percent, it's a cornucopia. "

But it's not that easy to reach 10 percent

"Don't forget the transformers and the countless superhero TV series Xiao has. I heard that they started shooting five or six films at one go, and they also bought excellent scripts at high prices everywhere. Xiao's heart is very big. Andrew, how's our TV station? "

"There's no problem covering North America, but there's nothing to talk about in Europe. Time Warner is helping Xiao apply for broadcasting rights. It's hard for us to fight for him. "

"If it's not possible, then we should focus on other countries, such as Asia."

"I understand. It's said that China is about to launch three satellites with global coverage, and I have sent people there. "

"Good. As soon as possible, we will win the broadcasting rights of Huaxia and other Asian countries. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Welch."

In a luxury villa in Los Angeles, Time Warner boss Steve Bix looked at Anne Winslet with a smile and said, "Annie, have you finished your invitation? Who are you going to invite? "

"It's my 25th birthday, and of course my good friends are invited," Winslet said

Steve bikes said, "is there still Mr. Shaw?"

Winsley nodded and said, "of course."

"I've heard that Mr. Shaw's wife, Ms. Zhao, has arrived in Los Angeles. Won't you invite her?" Bix said

Winslet's face changed and said, "I don't know her. I only know Xiao."

Bix shook his head, changed the subject and said, "did you watch the news today? Marvel is very popular. In order to attract advertisers to join their TV stations, Mr. Xiao has the courage to use this method. Unfortunately, I'm not optimistic. "

"Uncle, do you think Xiao is bound to fail?"

"Not really. Since Mr. Xiao has made such a decision, he must be confident. It's just too hard to maintain high ratings for a long time. At one time, NBC TV station also considered this method, but after discussion, it was not implemented

"Uncle, I think Xiao's method is good. If I was an advertiser, I would go to him. Because no matter what the ratings are, I won't suffer. "

"Yes. But it's not easy to get high profits from it. "

Managers of other companies are also discussing the practice of Marvel comics, and more than 90% of them are not optimistic about it. Some people even feel secretly happy that this competitor is about to be finished.

The next morning, at the gate of Marvel TV station, dozens of luxury cars were parked, each of which cost more than five million dollars.

Robert spent a whole day signing contracts with more than 60 advertisers in the form of ratings in exchange for advertising expenses, which made him and a group of staff very tired.

That night, the variety show "multimillionaire" was launched on Marvel TV.

Due to the early publicity work done very well, attracted the attention of countless audiences, so the average audience rating reached 5.24%.Especially when the lucky one who answered 15 questions correctly and got 10 million US dollars, the audience rating broke through 10%.

In order to achieve a shocking effect, the program team directly withdrew 10 million US dollars from the bank during the recording and put it in front of the lucky man. The audience, both on the spot and in front of the TV, saw a large table full of money, which made them all dumbfounded.

In this way, "multimillionaire" is hot, and the fire is a mess, 15 questions 10 million US dollars, this money is too easy to earn, fully confirms the saying that knowledge is wealth.

Unfortunately, the scope of the topic is too wide, including economy, science and technology, history, geography, biology, medicine, common sense of life and so on. We don't know what to read. Although they are all roadside questions, it is not easy to answer them correctly.

After the first issue of "multimillionaire" was over, the Internet was full of posts about it.

"It's a fantastic show. I feel crazy to be able to answer a few questions and get so much money. "

"Ten million dollars on the table. God, that feeling almost made me pee."

"But this question is also too difficult, I answered, only to the first five."

"In fact, the topic itself is not difficult. The most important thing is that the coverage is so wide that ordinary people can't touch so many subjects."

"To succeed, in addition to knowledge reserves, the more important thing is luck. The lucky guy who got a million dollars depends on luck

"This season of" millionaire "has been recorded, and I will definitely sign up for the next season. Even a million dollars. "

With the fire of "multimillionaire", the ratings of other programs have also improved significantly, especially the ratings of the two TV dramas have exceeded 2%, and the animation is even more powerful, with the highest ratings directly breaking through 5%.

In this way, more advertisers come to seek cooperation, making Marvel TV station make a lot of money.

A few days later, the first issue of "the voice of America" appeared on Marvel TV station. It can be said that it was highly praised and once again caused a sensational effect.

The audience loved the wonderful singing of the students, the mutual attack of the tutors in order to compete for the students, and the appearance of some big guests on the stage.

After the end of the first issue, the average ratings of "multimillionaire" were much higher than those of "multimillionaire", reaching 7%.

The highest ratings came when Oscar winning actor David Harnett sang, breaking through 15% in one fell swoop, causing a burst of alarm in the industry.

Marvel TV is completely on fire.

Franklin, President of paramount, looked at Marvel's ratings report. His face was so heavy that he threw it directly into the garbage can.

General film company general manager dawton Welch sighed and said, "Xiao is a terrible opponent. "

Time Warner president Bix was silent with the report. He was thinking whether he was wrong in applying for European broadcasting rights for Xiao Yunhai? It's like building a strong enemy for NBC.

If other people, Bickley will take immediate measures, but in the face of Xiao Yunhai, he has to think twice. His physical condition is getting worse and worse. If he offends Xiao Yunhai, it is very difficult for him to see the old immortal. Besides, the contract has been signed.

The bosses of other TV stations also have their own thoughts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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