Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:26 AM

Chapter 1184

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In addition to manwei, Zhao Wanqing's single "like avirgin" also brought good news.

After getting Zhao Wanqing's single MV, Vincent put it on the radio, the Internet and other media to start publicity. Marvel TV made every effort to broadcast it in the middle of the two top ratings programs "the voice of America" and "multimillionaire", which made the song well known to fans.

In just two days, Zhao Wanqing's single fell to No. 8 on the billboard list, and by April 9 it had risen to No. 1.

People in the industry learned that this song was written by Xiao Yunhai for Zhao Wanqing, and that the whole album had to be ranked like Xiao Yunhai last time, which immediately aroused a lot of dissatisfaction.

"In any case, we must not let Kung Fu Xiao's plan succeed."

"Last time he swept our European and American music industry by himself, this time he asked his wife to challenge us. If he won again, we would still be in the music business."

"We must defeat the Kung Fu Xiaos. We can't lose face again."

"Write songs and prepare for billboard lists."

In addition to the music circle, fans are also excited, especially Xiao Yunhai's fans, one by one excited.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao is here again. Although he didn't play in person this time, his wife was just as good

, "ten classic songs have been bombed, and it's just as awesome as last time Shaw."

"The other songs are not clear, but just listen to" like avirgin "and you know it's absolutely classic."

"Zhao's singing skills are so good that I've got goose bumps all over. From today on, I am a fan of her. I hope the following songs will appear soon. "

"Kung Fu Xiao refuels, Zhao refuels, sincerely supports you, hoped you can create the miracle again."

"European and American musicians, Xiao is here again. Are you ready? If you lose again, you will lose face. "

Different from the musicians in the circle, the more fierce your competition is, the more happy they will be, so that they can hear more beautiful songs.

Taking advantage of Zhao Wanqing's song fire, Vincent took the opportunity to launch a single MV, which sold 2.3 million copies on the first day, making a sensation in the whole European and American music circles. Such achievements made them think of Xiao Yunhai's incomparable power last year.

On April 11, three days before the Grammy Awards ceremony, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to marvel TV together.

At the beginning, Robert torault invited Xiao Yunhai to participate in an interview program. At that time, Xiao Yunhai did not directly agree. Instead, he said that he would join in again after Zhao Wanqing's songs became popular in North America.

Today, more than two million copies of Zhao Wanqing's single album were sold yesterday, and her songs also ranked first on the billboard list. Zhao Wanqing sucked countless powder, which is the best time for publicity. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai and Robert discussed and decided to participate in the interview program this evening.

The boss and the boss's wife are coming, so Robert is waiting at the gate of the TV station.

When Xiao Yunhai's car arrived at the TV station, Robert quickly met him and opened the door for Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Robert, it's six o'clock now. Why haven't you finished work yet?"

Robert said: "boss, Miss Zhao, you two went to marvel TV station. If I am the head of the station, I would be too rude. The live broadcast is ready. It starts at eight o'clock on time. "

As he walked, Xiao Yunhai asked, "how is the ratings of our live program?"

Robert shook his head and said, "in the last issue, we invited plancico and lance, the directors of spider man. Due to some problems in publicity, the ratings were not very good, only reaching 1.38%. However, this issue is definitely much higher than the previous one. "

Xiao Yunhai knows why Robert has such great confidence?

First of all, Miss Zhao's single MV is now popular throughout North America. Xiao Yunhai asked manwei to open a home page for her two days ago. Overnight, the number of fans directly exceeded 10 million.

Secondly, there are too many topics about Xiao Yunhai, such as the five 3D films, the new film "master of the generation", and the Kung Fu competition with the Japanese master Nakagawa Dazhi, which are all topics that can attract the audience's interest.

As a result, as soon as their two visits were announced, many advertisers came to negotiate.

If the average audience rating can reach about 5%, then such a program alone can bring TV stations tens of millions of advertising revenue, which can be said to be a huge profit.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my requirements are not high, as long as the ratings can break through 15%

Zhao Wanqing snorted and couldn't help laughing: "husband, you can really brag."

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is self-confidence. Do you understand it?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "but you are too confident."

Today, because she was going to sit on the sofa for an interview, Zhao Wanqing chose a red dress that went directly to her feet and wrapped her tightly. In this way, she will not be sitting on the sofa in the risk of leakage of spring.A lot of stars just don't pay attention to this point, just let some unscrupulous reporters take a clear picture of the scenery in their short skirts, and send them to the Internet for people to watch. It's really embarrassing to die.

Of course, there are also stars who deliberately do so in order to increase the exposure, but Zhao Wanqing is definitely not included in the middle.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing, who had been deliberately dressed up and changed into a radiant light. He could not help but embrace her slender waist and said, "don't be unconvinced. Well done, it's really possible to reach 15% of the audience rating. Isn't it, Robert? "

Robert nodded and said, "it's possible."

While joking, the three took the elevator to the studio.

Edwin Truman, the host of star talk, is discussing the live broadcast with the live director. Seeing Xiao Yunhai and others coming in, he quickly meets him.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. I'm Edwin Truman. I'm going to interview you tonight

Edwin Truman first shook hands with Xiao Yunhai, then nodded politely to Zhao Wanqing.

The boss is here. He doesn't dare to shake hands with his wife. If you make the boss unhappy, you will be miserable.

But even so, when he looked at Zhao Wanqing, he was still a little stunned. He was obviously amazed at Zhao Wanqing's beauty.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Edwin, next you can be merciful."

Edwin said with a smile, "boss, you are very kind. Who didn't know that you often set language traps for Emma when you were on Emma's talk show. A lot of times, even she can't resist, let alone me, this not very famous host

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are wrong. Join our Marvel TV station, your fame will soon be called out, surpassing Emma is not impossible. But before you become famous, the first thing you need to do is to build strong self-confidence. This is the premise of all success. "

Edwin nodded and said, "thank you for your encouragement. I'll try my best to refuel."

Next, Robert introduced Xiao Yunhai to other staff. After chatting with others for a while, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to the rest room to have a rest.

Time flies, blink of an eye to eight o'clock sharp, the audience has arrived one after another, "star talk" program officially began.

Edwin's hosting style is very humorous, and very close to the people, a few words make the audience laugh.

When introducing Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, aidwen said: "we should all know the two guests who are here today."

"Yes." The audience answered in unison.

Edwin nodded and said, "just know. To be honest, I really don't want to interview them. One is the boss, the other is the leader of the boss's family. I dare not offend anyone. If I say something wrong, I'm afraid I'll end up badly. So when I learned from director Robert that they were coming, I immediately expressed firm opposition. As a result, the objection is invalid. "

"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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