Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:24 AM

Chapter 1185

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Zhao Wanqing, who had been preparing for the stage backstage, saw Edwin's performance and whispered to Xiao Yunhai: "this host is good. If well cultivated, it has the potential to become a pillar of our Marvel terrace. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, you can't say that when you see someone looks handsome?"

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "yes, they are more handsome than you. How about that?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter. I just ask casually. But I'm not happy with your words, so tonight I'll let you know what the consequences are

In recent days, Xiao Yunhai has enjoyed a good life. He has fought Zhao Wanqing for 300 rounds every night. Almost all the postures he can think of have been used once and again, and Zhao Wanqing has been tossed to death.

Therefore, after hearing Xiao Yunhai's threat, Zhao Wanqing quickly begged for mercy: "husband, I'm wrong. He doesn't have you handsome."

Xiao Yunhai complacent smile way: "this is also almost."

Both of them are big stars in the circle. They have participated in many talk shows. Although the next is live broadcast, they are both relaxed and have no sense of tension.

In the live broadcasting room, Edwin gave a brief introduction, and then said, "let's welcome Mr. Xiao, the boss of Marvel Comics company, and Miss Zhao, the boss of the boss, to the stage with the warmest applause."

In a burst of applause and screams, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing clasped hands and walked out with a smile.

Edwin pretended to be a small clerk who flattered the boss. He slapped hard on the sofa they had made and said with a smile, "boss, big boss, please sit down. The seats are clean. I'll do anything else. "


when the audience saw his appearance, they began to yell.

Xiao Yunhai patted Edwin on the shoulder and said, "young man, there is a future. Don't be the host of this program in the future. I think it's suitable for you to clean up and serve tea and water. "


"Ha ha ha."

Looking at the bitter face of Edwin, although people know that it is intended to play, but still can not help laughing.

After the joke, the three sat on the sofa.

Edwin said, "boss, boss, our show is about to officially start. I'm going to ask some questions I shouldn't ask later. You can't be angry

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "don't worry, I want to ask, when did I become a big boss?"

Edwin said, "you are the leader of Mr. Xiao, and Mr. Xiao is the boss of our Marvel cartoon company. Aren't you the boss of our boss? It's called big boss for short

Xiao Yunhai disdains to say: "this flattery is too barefaced."

"Ha ha ha."

Edwin said, "boss, can you show me a naked flattery?"

"Then I will teach you well." After that, Xiao Yunhai changed his face and said to Zhao Wanqing flatteringly: "gentle women are gold, beautiful women are diamonds, intelligent women are treasures, and lovely women are famous paintings. Wife, you are the biggest treasure in the world, full of gold, diamonds and famous paintings. "

The previous life on the network of this paragraph, immediately let everyone laugh out.

"Damn it, Kung Fu Xiao is too cheap."

"This flattery is more explicit than Edwin."

"It's amazing. It's hard for ordinary people to think of a wife like this."

"Even if he became the richest man in the world, Kung Fu Xiao is still so humorous and witty. He deserves to be my idol."

The audience laughed and whispered.

The audience in front of the TV was also laughing.

In Marvel's data room, Robert stares at the ratings graph on his computer.

From the beginning of the program, the audience rating curve has been on the upward trend. In a few minutes, it has risen from 2% to more than 6%.

Robert was very happy and said to the staff, "see? Our boss is very popular. "

"Of course," the staff said with a smile. The boss sold 130 million albums, almost breaking all records. In addition, he is too low-key, hardly appear in front of the world, now suddenly accept an interview, the ratings must brush up. In addition, the big boss and director who is popular in North America with a single now, I bet that the audience rating of this program tonight is likely to exceed 15% or even 20%. "

Robert said with a smile," why do you call Miss Zhao boss? "

"I think it's a good title," the staff said

Robert took a deep breath and said, "we can make a lot of money this time. Unfortunately, it's not continuous. If there is a TV series that is popular all over the world, then our TV station will really make a profit. "

The staff said with a smile, "director, you can ask the boss to take pictures. It is said that he has made a magic drama in China, and the audience rating has reached more than 50%. More than one billion people in Asia have watched it. However, the boss should not make TV series any more. One of his films has grossed more than $22 billion at the box office. It's really overkill to shoot TV series. "Robert thought about it and said, "it's not necessarily. In the past, the boss didn't have a TV station. Even if the TV series were popular all over Asia, the income they got had to share with others. But now it is not the same. He has us marvel. If he makes a popular TV series all over the world, the advertising expenses alone will not be worse than the box office of 2012. When the show is over, I'll discuss it with him. "

Live broadcast, three people gag, this entered the normal interview sequence.

Edwin took out some cards and said, "boss, big boss, this is our reporter who went to the street to interview the audience, asked them the questions they most wanted to ask them. After our integration, we chose the questions that we most concerned about. Again, if there is anything inappropriate, it has nothing to do with me. "

At the scene, the audience roared again.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK, you can ask. I promise to answer every question. If the problem is really too tricky, then you, the host, can be laid off with honor. "

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed.

"In order to satisfy the curiosity of our audience, even if I lost my job, I would like to," said Edwin

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "don't sing high-profile here. Ask quickly

Edwin giggled and said, "it's the best job you can do without losing it."

The scene burst into laughter again.

Before the interview officially started, the atmosphere of the whole live broadcasting hall was already very hot.

Edwin man said, "to return to the point, the first question for the audience is that two has the final say at home."

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Zhao Wanqing and said, "do you still need to say? It must be her. In China, there is a saying that men are in charge of the outside while women are in charge of the interior. Basically, I don't care about family affairs. Besides eating or sleeping, or I'm just playing with children. It's no different from a pig. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "don't listen to him. As long as it's important, it's up to him to make up his mind, OK? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "yes. So from marriage to now, basically there is not much big deal. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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