Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:23 AM

Chapter 1186

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"Ha ha ha."

"Kung Fu Xiao is so humorous."

Edwin said, "no wonder you call Miss Zhao a leader. Second, in America, we all sign a premarital property certificate. Mr. Xiao is now the richest man in the world who controls hundreds of billions of dollars. Have you signed such a contract? "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing shook their heads at the same time and replied, "No

"Why not sign one? If, I mean, if two people want to divorce because of some irresolvable contradictions or differences, how can we divide so much property? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "if you don't have it, because we will never have this irreconcilable contradiction."

"I said if?"

Xiao Yunhai interface way: "if it really happened, all the property will be given to her."

"Wow." The audience exclaimed.

"Are you willing?" said Edwin

Xiao Yunhai said: "certainly. Different from China, the law of the United States is more than love. It is considered a matter of course to sign a prenuptial agreement. But in China, many things are more emotional than law. Our marriage is a lifetime to go, if we signed such an agreement, it will let our feelings appear an irreparable crack. Because the other party can't help thinking, we just got married, you want to divorce, this is a couple living? Can such a person be relied on? What could have been a long life together has become the tipping point of contradiction because of such a piece of paper. "

"I love my wife, I love my children, and if you say, I'll never let it happen."

When Xiao Yunhai said this, his voice was sonorous, his eyes were firm, and his words were full of indestructible confidence, which moved Zhao Wanqing and the audience in front of the TV set.

There were warm applause and cheers.

"Love is stronger than gold."

"Kung Fu Xiao is a real man. The hundreds of billions of dollars in the opponent's wealth don't care. It's really admirable. "

"Wives and concubines have a strong sense of responsibility for their families."

In a luxury villa in Los Angeles, Winslet is also watching the live program of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

When she heard Xiao Yunhai's firm voice, her face showed a trace of sadness, but at the same time, she was also a little relieved. The person she liked was really different, but it was not me who sat on it.

Megan Goode, the agent next to her, secretly glanced at Winslet and saw that she didn't seem to have much reaction, so she was relieved.

As the interview continued, Edwin took out his third card and said, "the third problem is that a 13-4-year-old boy learned that Mr. Xiao would come to our interview today, so he called the service number of our TV station. He wanted to ask: after you won the decisive battle with Japanese master Nakagawa, Hanks became angry and fired three shots at you. How did you avoid bullets at that time? To what extent can Chinese Kung Fu be trained without fear of pistols? "

As soon as Edwin's question came out, the audience, both on the spot and in front of the TV set, raised their ears.

At the beginning of the competition, everyone saw it. The power of the two people in the fight made everyone feel shocked. In particular, Xiao Yunhai's free and easy escape from the bullets fired is amazing and incredible.

It's just that Xiao Yunhai has never answered this question in public, so everyone is very curious.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I am not afraid of pistols. I'll die if the bullet hits me. The reason why I was able to avoid the bullet from Hanks last time was that I could judge the trajectory of the bullet in the air when Hanks pulled the trigger

"In your opinion, if the bullet came from an unknown place, would you not be able to escape it?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "neither. If you practice Kung Fu to a certain level, you can feel some danger. If someone points a gun at me and kills me, the part of my body he's aiming at will send a strong danger signal to me, so I can quickly find a place to hide. The higher the level of Kung Fu, the stronger the ability to sense danger. In fact, this is not the exclusive ability of kung fu masters. Just like those veterans who have been fighting in the battlefield for many years, they also have such ability

Edwin suddenly realized: "I see. How far do you have to practice to have this ability? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "it depends on the individual. Some people can't do it in a lifetime, while others can do it in a few years. This will vary from person to person. There is a saying in China that the master leads the door, and the cultivation is personal. That's what it means

When the audience heard Xiao Yunhai's reply, they all talked about it under the stage.

"Chinese Kung Fu is really mysterious."

"Foreboding danger, isn't that like the legendary wizard?""Witches don't seem to be so good. At least, he can't avoid bullets. "

Edwin said with a smile: "that child is very infatuated with Chinese Kung Fu. He has practiced in a martial arts school for three years. I think your words will play a very important role in him. "

Xiao Yunhai doubted and asked, "you are not deliberately deceiving me, are you? Is it really a child calling? "

Edwin nodded and said, "it's true, because that child is my nephew."


"Ha ha ha ha."

"That's OK. Edwin is so shameless."

Xiao Yunhai said helplessly, "you won. What's the problem? "

Edwin said: "the last question is also the skill of asking. Some pictures show that you can eat several people's meals at a time. Are martial arts masters like this? "

Xiao Yunhai asked curiously, "what picture?"

"Look at the big screen," Edwin said

Xiao Yunhai looked up and saw many pictures of eating on the big screen.

Without exception, his desk is full of dishes, stacked very high, at least a dozen.

Xiao Yunhai can see that almost all of them are pictures of him eating in various Western restaurants in Los Angeles.

Exclamations came and went.

"Xiao can eat too much."

"There are more than 30 plates in the third picture. It's amazing."

"It's just a big bucket."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "who took these photos? It's too damaging to my brilliant image."

"Ha ha ha."

There was laughter all over the stage.

"I think the big boss should answer this question," Edwin said

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "well, the rice I cooked has never been left. You want to ask me, how much can he eat? To be honest, I don't know. Anyway, I think there should be no problem with a meal of 20 catties of beef. "

"Wow. No, twenty pounds of beef. Is this still human? "

Edwin asked, "boss, just tell me how much you can eat if you let go of it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "our stomach digestion ability is relatively strong, so we eat more. If I don't care about it, I can eat a hundred and eighty catties of beef. "


When Edwin heard this, he almost fell off the sofa without any surprise, and the audience was in a mess.

Even Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "husband, can you really eat a hundred catties of beef?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "in ancient times, some generals with high Kung Fu were described as eating one cow a day, and I can't be much different."

Edwin pointed up his thumb and said, "boss, you are all good at practicing kung fu. No, it should be called a rice bowl."

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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