Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:21 AM

Chapter 1187

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At this time, the

monitoring personnel in the data room of Marvel TV station suddenly stood up and cheered: "it's broken, director, the ratings have broken 15%."

Robert, who is sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and watching the live broadcast attentively, hears the words of the monitoring personnel, and a spring is installed under his buttocks, and the bullet rises at a time. He goes to the monitoring machine and looks at the rating curve above.

"Good, good. Take this opportunity to give Edwin a three minute break and we'll run a round of commercials. With such a high audience rating, it's too wasteful not to put advertisements. "

Robert immediately called the live director and told the story. The TV picture quickly switched to the advertisement.

When Xiao Yunhai learned that he would take a three minute break, he knew that it must be the advertisement problem.

In order to appease the dissatisfaction of the audience, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to the stage to sign and take photos for everyone.

Three minutes later, the visit continued.

Edwin said, "big boss, I heard you are going to release an album, aren't you? Can you tell me something about the album? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "of course. There are ten songs in this album, all written by your boss. Now we are shooting the MV, we should be able to meet you soon. Of course, I have released a single a few days ago, and the result is not bad. "

Edwin said with a smile: "billboard list number one, yesterday's single MV Sales were more than 2 million, if this can only be regarded as good, then I really don't know what to say. Big boss, will you choose the same publicity method as the boss? That will be challenged by many musicians. "

Zhao Wanqing waved her hand and said, "I'm not as ambitious as he is. As long as there are fans who like my songs. As for publicity, I don't care at all. I'll do whatever they want. "

Edwin said: "unfortunately, your idea is obviously not understood by European and American musicians. They now agree that this is another challenge Mr. Xiao has launched on them. If they lose again, they will feel very ashamed

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "even if we win, what can we do? I don't think music is superior or inferior. Different fans have different choices. The so-called winning or losing is just imposed by the media. I hope that music people don't care about these external things. It's good to be professional in music. "

"That's great."

There was a big round of applause from the audience.

After the applause subsided, Edwin asked, "how many sales do you think your album can achieve? "

Zhao Wanqing pointed to Xiao Yunhai beside him and said," he set a goal of 100 million. Although I am not confident that I can achieve such a result, I will strive to achieve this goal. "

"Wow, 100 million. He's scary."

"The sales volume of Xiao's first album is 130 million. If Zhao's album sales exceed 100 million again, their husband and wife will be legends and myths in the music industry, and no one can match them."

"I don't think it's possible."

"It's hard to say. If all the songs in Zhao's album are on the same level as "like avirgin", it is really possible to create this miracle. "

Edwin turned to Xiao Yunhai and said, "boss, you wrote all the songs in this album. Do you really think it can win 100 million sales?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. I can assure you that every song on this album is no worse than my album. Like avirgin is not the best. In a few days, we will go to the Grammy Music Awards, when my leader will sing another new song from the album on the Grammy stage, which will make everyone like it

Edwin said with a smile: "I wish Miss Zhao's album popular in the world and successfully achieve the sales target of 100 million."

Zhao Wanqing said, "thank you."

As for the details of Zhao Wanqing's family life, she has not talked about her family life for more than a minute.

At the end of the program, some advertisements were inserted once again.

After the end of the advertising time, Edwin targeted Xiao Yunhai.

"Boss, since your" 2012 ", our company has made four consecutive superhero movies, all of which have won more than 10 billion US dollars at the box office, occupying the top five in the world box office list, creating a miracle in the history of film. What I want to ask is why do you think that 3D movies are bound to be popular all over the world? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as a director, no matter how big the scene is, I will basically not have too much psychological ups and downs. Even if it is a movie that looks horrible to the extreme, I will only analyze how it is made and how the music is matched. I will not be shocked by the plot or picture. But when I first saw the 3D movie picture, my heart seemed to be subject to a strong impact. I can't believe that 3D movies can actually produce this magical effect. I believe that 3D movies will be a success. ""Boss, why are you shooting four movies at one go? Is it for profit or for fame? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and pointed to Edwin and said with a smile: "you are too much of a problem. However, I can answer you realistically, I am not only for fame but also for profit. At that time, I knew very well that once the box office of 2012 was successful and 3D films became popular all over the world, the four superhero films would surely follow suit. There would be no other 3D films in the film market in a short time, so there would be no problem at the box office. At that time, with our five 3D movies, we will be able to top five box office rankings in the world, and we will be able to create a miracle. Now it's clear that all the goals I set have been achieved. "

Edwin gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "boss, you are so good. How much profit did five films bring to our company? Is it convenient to disclose it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that I need to wear shoes for you. Even this kind of question dares to ask. Isn't it just a matter of finding fault?"

Edwin pursed his lips, pointed to the audience and said, "in fact, this question and the last one have nothing to do with me. It's mainly that they want to know, don't they?"

"Yes." The audience answered with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there's nothing hard to say. Not counting the surrounding areas, the five 3D films have made a total profit of more than 40 billion US dollars. I really can't remember the exact figures. "

"Wow, five movies are more than 40 billion yuan. My God, I heard it right."

"It's terrible. It's much faster than robbing a bank. "

"No wonder Xiao has become the richest man in the world at such a young age. He can't even catch up with the bank's money printing machine."

The audience all exclaimed.

"You're too good, Mr. Evan. It's said that you recently edited, directed and acted in a Chinese Kungfu movie, and the heroine is still the boss. Can you tell us something about this movie

This is a topic that has been settled before. Xiao Yunhai wants to make a warm-up to see everyone's reaction.

Xiao Yunhai said: "the name of this film is" the great master of a generation ". It mainly tells the story of kung fu masters in the 1930s. It contains almost all kinds of Chinese Kung Fu, such as Taiji, Xingyi, Bagua, Yongchun, Baji, qigua, tongshou, etc

"So what's the difference between this movie and the previous" Jingwu hero "

When you use Jingwu, you can see that when you use Jingwu, you can use it. The master of a generation is about the realm and thought of Kung Fu. Because this film is too abstruse for us fans in Europe and the United States, I am not sure whether to bring it to Europe and the United States

As soon as Xiao Yunhai went out, there was an uproar.

"I'm not showing it here. I'm kidding. We will not agree. "

"Yes. It's normal that Chinese Kung Fu is profound and profound, but it can't be a reason not to show it in Europe and America. "

"Yes, even if I can't understand it, I want to see it."

Edwin also said, "boss, you were just kidding."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm not kidding. I had been thinking about this issue before the shooting of "the great master of the generation" until now. It's mainly because there are too many Chinese proverbs in it, so it's difficult to translate it into English perfectly

Edwin said: "boss, I think you should believe in the acceptance of our fans. Even if you really can't understand the movie, you should give us this opportunity to learn. Do you think so? "


Xiao Yunhai arched his hands to the audience and said, "thank you for your love. Well, after the post production of the film is finished, I will bring it here. Please go to the cinema to see it first. If you think it's OK to understand, I'll do a large-scale screening. If you really can't understand, then put it directly to the video website. Do you agree

"Good." The audience were all shouting with excitement.

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's the decision. Please leave your name and contact information at the end of the program, and I'll let you know. "

"Boss, are you a welfare? I don't have the chance. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it depends on your next performance. If there are any more questions that I can't answer, I'm sorry. "

"Ha ha ha."

After the joke, Edwin shifted the topic to other aspects, asking all the things Xiao Yunhai wanted to introduce, especially the upcoming world wide release of "Warcraft" on May 5, which took up a lot of space.

Finally, Edwin asked, "boss, big boss, what are your next plans?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "my main job now is to look after children."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I will have a rest for a while after the release of" master of the generation ". In two months, the world cup is about to start. I may go to watch the game and cheer for our Chinese football team"I wish you a good time then," Edwin said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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