Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:18 AM

Chapter 1189

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Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned home. As soon as they entered the living room, the housekeeper iver Spencer came over with a golden invitation.

"Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao, you just went out this afternoon when a young man in his thirties sent such an invitation."

"So formal, who made it?"

Xiao Yunhai took the invitation, looked at it, and frowned.

Zhao Wanfu asked, "who is this?"

"It seems that Miss Anne Winslet invited Mr. Shaw to her birthday party tomorrow evening," said iverspencer, hesitating

Zhao Wanqing narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "did you invite him only?"

Xiao Yunhai gave the invitation to Zhao Wanqing and said with a bitter smile, "wife, you'd better read it yourself. Iver, you go and have a rest

Iver Spencer gave Xiao Yunhai a helpless look and went back to his room to sleep.

After reading the invitation, Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "did she do it for me on purpose?"

Annie Winslet must have known about Zhao Wanqing's coming to Los Angeles. But now she only sent an invitation letter to Xiao Yunhai, but she didn't mention Zhao Wanqing. Obviously, she was deliberately beating Zhao Wanqing in the face.

Xiao Yunhai is also a headache to Winslet's practice, which is not to create their own family discord.

Zhao Wanqing turned her head and looked at Xiao Yunhai and asked, "husband, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it. He blurted out and said, "I listen to you.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai dare not say.

Zhao Wanqing is usually a very atmospheric woman, such as Yu Yuexian, Dong Piao, Su Yingxue and so on. No matter how Xiao Yunhai jokes with them, Zhao Wanqing doesn't care, and even joins in.

Only in the face of Anne Winslet, Zhao Wanqing's heart will become very sensitive, there is a strong alert.

If Xiao Yunhai dares to go alone, Zhao Wanqing will have to make a big fight with him.

Even now, Xiao Yunhai feels Zhao Wanqing's killing spirit.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, you don't need to go like this. If you want to go, you can go. I don't care. After all, it's rude of you to have a business relationship with her uncle Steve bikes

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "if it's an invitation from Steve Bix, I'm sure I will. Anyway, we have to give this rich man a little face. But this is Winslet's personal invitation, which has nothing to do with Bix, and I really don't like this kind of occasion, so I don't think I'll go. "

Zhao Wanqing is asking for her own opinions. In fact, she is trying to find out her own opinions.

Xiao Yunhai will not be cheated. At this time, he must stand in the position of his wife, or he will die.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Yunhai finished speaking, Zhao Wanqing showed a satisfied smile, which was quite different from the murderous smile.

"Husband, this is you said not to go, I did not force you ha."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "of course. Wife, it's getting late. Let's take a bath and have a rest

Zhao Wanqing said: "you go to wash it, I want to go online for a while."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. I went. "

while Xiao Yunhai was bathing, Zhao Wanqing immediately called Yu Yuexian.

"Wanqing, congratulations. On the first day, the sales of single MV reached more than 2 million in Europe and America." Yu Yuexian said with a smile.

Zhao Wanqing said: "sister Yu, I'll talk about the music album later. I'll tell you something. You can give me some advice. "

Zhao Wanqing said once again that Winslet had sent Xiao Yunhai an invitation alone, and asked, "sister Yu, what do you think I should do?"

Yu Yuexian said, "Wanqing, how can you be so clever and confused for a while. You don't think about it. Yunhai doesn't want to go. It's not because you are worried that you are angry. They sent him an invitation, which seemed so formal. If someone with such a good face as Yunhai didn't go there, he would have a lump in his heart, and even thought you were unreasonable

Zhao Wanqing said in a hurry: "but if the sea of clouds goes, I'm really angry. This Winslet is so hateful. She just wants to disgust me

Yu Yuexian said, "then I ask you, do you believe in the sea of clouds?"

"Of course. I've lived with him for such a long time, of course I know what kind of person he is

"Then it's over. How can Winfrey go to a party? Are you still afraid that she will not eat the sea of clouds. Now you must take it easy, take out your magnanimity, and let Yunhai feel that you are a woman who knows the general situation. Then he will be more dedicated to you. Remember what you said to me. Man, can't lock too tightly, you should give him enough free space, like flying a kite. No matter how high he flies, the thread will always be in your hand, and you can pull him back at any time. That's enough. "Zhao Wanqing bit his lip and said, "but what I'm afraid is that the rope is broken and I can't pull it back."

Yu Yuexian said: "you are just concerned, then chaos. Well, I'll give you an idea. You should not only let Yunhai attend Winslet's birthday party, but also help him choose a gift for Winslet tomorrow. You'd better give her one yourself, and then let Yunhai give it to her and hit her in the face. If you don't worry, when the banquet is going on for a period of time, you will ask the housekeeper to call Yunhai and say that you have a headache and ask him to come back quickly. Isn't that enough? "

Zhao Wanqing brightened her eyes and said, "sister Yu, you are so smart. Since Winslet pretended not to know that I was coming, I took the initiative to go up and piss her off. As for pretending to be ill. If Yunhai had me in his heart, he would have come back early. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "that's right. Wanqing, I'll tell you again, Yunhai is a man of excellent to the extreme, and it's normal to be liked by women outside. You must be rational, do not give him a look all day, or it will only backfire. Yunhai is not a man who can't change his mind. He is committed to you. In addition, you have two so lovely children. He will never betray you. But the premise is that you make him feel the warmth of his family, not the shackles. Do you understand? My Miss Zhao. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "thank you, sister Yu. I was confused by Winslet. OK, I know what to do. "

Yu Yuexian said: "I don't think you are confused by anger, but you have no confidence in yourself. Worrying about having a baby doesn't appeal to the sea of clouds. In particular, there is that Winslet outside. You are afraid that Yunhai can't stand her temptation and do something sorry for you and your children, right? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "maybe I do have this worry and worry subconsciously."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "Wanqing, you must believe in yourself. I tell you, although you have given birth to a child, it does not damage your beauty. On the contrary, it gives you a mature and elegant temperament, and your body is more popular than before, which is more attractive to men. If you don't have self-confidence, how can you let other women live? "

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help but smile and said, "sister Yu, I just found out that you are so comforting."

Yu Yuexian said: "I've read a lot of romantic novels, and I have summed up my experience. I have a good news to tell you secretly. I'm pregnant

"Ah," exclaimed Zhao Wanqing, with a surprised face: "really? Great. Sister Yu, congratulations on your success. I'll tell you in advance that I will be the godmother of this child. "

Yu Yuexian said happily, "OK, no problem. Hehe, you are the richest lady in the world to be his godmother. This child is blessed

They talked for more than ten minutes before they hung up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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