Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:14 AM

Chapter 1192

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"Mr. Shaw and Mr. Steele, how can you stand at the door and talk?"

A 26-7-year-old, burly, bright young white man came up and said hello to them with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai didn't know him, but Jason Stern was obviously familiar with him.

"George, I knew Miss Winslet's birthday party. You're going to be there. What kind of valuable gift did you bring her this time Jason stern asked, hugging him.

George said with a smile, "it's just a bracelet. Nice to meet you, Mr. Shaw. My name is George Trollope

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said, "Hello, Mr. Trollope. If I guess right, you should be the CEO of Walson sales company? "

George Trollope laughed, "shame. Compared with Mr. Xiao, I can only be regarded as a rich second generation relying on his family. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Trollope is too modest."

This George trollop looks very sunny, confident, and talkative, not as feminine as Jason stern, which makes Xiao Yunhai very fond of him.

After chatting for a while, they walked into the hall where the birthday dinner was held under the guidance of a hotel service staff.

At this time, there have been many people, most of them young men and women, including many stars Xiao Yunhai is more familiar with, even Issa and lumina are also standing in the line, all dressed up in beautiful clothes.

There are also some older and more imposing people standing together and chatting with their glasses.

Jason Stern said with a smile, "two, I have something else to do, so I'll excuse you first."

George Trollope shrugged and said, "do as you please."

Jason stern took a look at Xiao Yunhai and left with a tall black man.

Xiao Yunhai recognized that the black man was one of Bix's bodyguards. Thinking of Jason Stern's special eyes and their conversation outside, Xiao Yunhai felt that something was going wrong with the broadcasting rights in Europe.

George Trollope touched his arm and said, "Mr. Shaw, you don't look good."

Xiao Yunhai came back to his senses, cleaned up his mood and said with a smile, "do you have any? Maybe. George, may I call you that

George Trollope said happily, "of course, my friends call me that."

Xiao Yunhai said, "I hear you have been pursuing Annie, haven't you?"

"Anne?" George asked in surprise, "do you know her well? Generally, she is not a very good friend, she would not let people call her that

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "add up to see three times, calculate very familiar?"

George said, "Annie agreed to call her that after only three meetings. It seems that she is very different to you. Yes, you are the richest man in the world and an international superstar. Naturally, you are different from ordinary people. Hehe, fortunately you are married and have children. Otherwise, I am really worried that you will fight with me for Annie

Even so, there was a hint of worry in George's eyes.

He and Anne Winslet were classmates and George had been chasing her since high school. It's a pity that the falling flowers are intentional and the flowing water is merciless. Several years have passed, but they have not caught up.

George is a very infatuated and persistent person, has never given up, so he is very concerned about Winslet's news.

After attending the Golden Cup International Film Festival in Yanjing, Winslet went to dinner with Xiao Yunhai, and then took Xiao Yunhai's private plane to take off to Los Angeles. He knew all these things clearly.

That's why he was very worried. Because he knew Winslet so well that no man, except her uncle, had such treatment.

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "George, I'm very optimistic about you. Annie is a good girl. You should hold on to it

As soon as George heard this, he said happily, "thank you."

In one of the hotel rooms, Jason stern met Steve bikes, who was drinking coffee there.

"Hello, Mr. Bix."

Jason stern saluted Steve bikes respectfully and gracefully.

Bix gave a smile and said, "Jason, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Ha ha, so is David. You've worked here for 12 years to make you an executive. He's too hard on your training

Jason Stern said with a smile, "Mr. Bix, my father is strict with me. Without these 12 years, I'm afraid I'm just a childe who can't do anything. "

Bix laughed and said, "I wish you could think that. Your father called me and said you wanted to talk to me about something very important. Is it all right now? "

Jason Stern said, "of course. I came mainly for it. Mr. Bix, what do you think of marvelWith a twinkle in his eyes and a thought in his heart, Bix said, "Marvel TV has been very good recently. I've heard the report that yesterday, its ratings in North America have surpassed NBC and NNC to become the top ratings player. He he, I can only say that Mr. Xiao is very good. "

Jason Steele had been working at the bottom for so long that he had learned to watch.

Seeing Bix's scrupulous look and attention to marvel in his words, Jason stern knew there was a door to his business.

"Mr. Bix, I won't go around with you. Now Hollywood knows that you are running for Mr. Xiao's Marvel TV station, hoping to exchange the broadcasting rights in Europe for the amusement park that Mr. Xiao has taken away from us. To put it bluntly, your business is really out of order. Marvel TV station has been in a three legged situation with NBC and NNC in North America. If we let him enter Europe, it will not make him even more powerful. It's not wise of you to make yourself a strong opponent. "

Bix looked at Jason stern and said, "so you want me to stop working with Kung Fu Xiao."

Jason said, "that's right. Mr. Bix, Kung Fu Xiao started from magic special effects company and reached the present level in just three years. He is definitely not a man of faith. As long as you give him this platform, he is likely to use this platform to compete with you in the future, and it will be too late to regret. "

Bix took a cup of coffee, took a sip, and said, "I've been thinking about your question these days. Marvel is a bit aggressive in North America, and I do feel a sense of oppression. But setting up an amusement park covering the whole world is the key work of Time Warner this year. With only one certificate, we can save us countless time and money. Why should we not

"I admit that Marvel has done a very good job, which exceeded my estimate, but it does not mean that it will be the same in the future. It is too early to say that it is a threat. I don't want to let time warner lose a lot because of one uncertain thing. Jason, do you understand what I mean

Jason nodded and said, "I understand. People say that it is not their family members who know a person best, but their opponents. We STEL network company has made too much contact with Kung Fu Xiao and suffered too much from him. Even my father has to be careful about this man. "

"Mr. bikes, marvel has" Transformers "which is an invincible weapon, as well as dozens of popular European and American superheroes. In addition to the recently popular North American variety shows" the voice of America "and" multimillionaire ", we judge that the ratings of Marvel TV station will not fluctuate greatly within five years. Five years later, it depends on the specific situation. Mr. bikes, if Kung Fu Shaw had the right to broadcast in Europe, I would bet that it would be a far greater threat to NBC than to BBC. "

Hearing Jason Stern's words, Bix got up, went to the window and thought it over.

His character has always been vigorous and vigorous, but he is in a dilemma when it comes to Xiao Yunhai, who may make his body better. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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