Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:13 AM

Chapter 1193

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To be fair, seeing that manwei TV station is so popular, he is not willing to apply for broadcasting rights in Europe for Xiao Yunhai from the bottom of his heart, because it is equivalent to setting up a strong competitor for himself.

But if he did, he was worried that he would completely offend Xiao Yunhai, and that he would not see his grandfather and learn how to live a long life.

Compared with the light of the two, Bix still valued his body more in his heart.

After all, it's still unknown how far Xiao Yunhai's Marvel TV station can develop, but his physical condition is getting worse and worse, but it's like a stick in the throat.

For the sake of health, not to mention cultivating a competitor, Bix is willing to trade it for the whole NBC station.

Thinking of this, Bix turned to Jason Steele and said, "Jason, I'm sorry, but for some special reasons, I still want to apply for the broadcasting rights for Kung Fu Xiao."

Jason stern frowned and asked, "Mr. Bix, can I know what the special reason is?"

Bix didn't hide anything and said, "healthy. Kungfu Xiao's grandfather is 95 years old. He can still eat dozens of catties of beef every day. His health is much better than that of young people. I need to ask him how to keep fit. Compared with the body, wealth is not worth mentioning

On hearing this, Jason Steele's face was suddenly enlightened and said: "Mr. bikes, Huaxia is a mysterious country, and Chinese Kung Fu is very magical. But this does not mean that you have to find the grandfather of Kung Fu Xiao to learn it. No matter how busy and tired my father has been at work for so many years, he has never had any physical problems, and he is full of energy and energy because he practices Chinese Kung Fu every day, rain or shine. And the kungfu master who taught him boxing is in New York. He is 87 years old and still has good strides. If you like, I can ask my father to introduce him to you. "

Bix narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "is that true?"

Jason Stern said, "of course. If you don't believe it, I can call my father now. "

With that, Jason stern took out his cell phone and dialed David Stern's.

To make things simple, Jason stern handed the phone to Bix.

After just three minutes, Bix had a satisfied smile on his face.

After the phone call, Bix returned the phone to Jason Steele and said, "Marvel TV is really a strong competitor. This is the end of my agreement with Kung Fu Shaw. Well, I hope he doesn't hate our time warner. "

Jason Steele laughed, and for him and Stell networks, it was no doubt the best situation for Kung Fu Xiao to break away from Bix.

Then one of the staff knocked on the door and said outside, "Mr. Bix, it's time for the party."

"I see." Bix said a word and then said to Jason stern, "Jason, you go down first. I'm going to find Annie."

Jason stern nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Bix."

When his goal was achieved, Jason Steele walked briskly out of Bix's room.

Back in the banquet hall, Jason stell saw that Xiao Yunhai seemed to be very popular. Many handsome men and beautiful women around him chatted with each other, making bursts of laughter from time to time.

Xiao Yunhai keenly felt Jason Stern's eyes and looked at him.

Jason stell took up the cup in his hand and made a toast gesture. Xiao Yunhai gave a smile and a empty toast. They sipped the wine in the cup at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai came to him and asked tentatively, "did Mr. stern go to talk to Mr. bikes? It's not about me

Jason Stern said with a smile, "how could it be. I'm just saying hello to Mr. Bix for my father

Of course, Xiao Yunhai would not believe his lies, but he said: "I see. It seems that Mr. David Stern and Mr. Bix have a good relationship

"They used to be classmates," Jason Stern said

Xiao Yunhai Oh, way: "no wonder."

Just then, Annie Winslet came in with a smile, holding Steve Bix's arm.

Today, Winslet wore a long black dress, revealing her slender and sexy figure. Her beautiful face was inlaid with a pair of deep and charming eyes. A necklace was hung on her snow-white pink neck. Under the light of the light, the pleats were bright, which complemented the spirit of Winslet.

"Annie's dress is so beautiful tonight."

George looked at Anne Winslet without blinking, his eyes blurred and his mouth murmured.

Xiao Yunhai could see that George was really in love with Anne Winslet.

When Anne Winslet and Steve Bix showed up, they were all hailed.

Annie Winslet kept nodding and searching the crowd. When she saw Xiao Yunhai, her face showed a brilliant smile.George thought he was smiling at him and waved happily.

Jason stell, next to her, saw that Winslet didn't smile because of George, but because she saw Xiao Yunhai.

As they approached a microphone, Steve Billies said, "ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming here to attend my niece Anne Winslet's 25th birthday party and for taking care of her in your daily life and work. Although I am only her uncle, I always regard her as my daughter in my heart. Now that my daughter has grown up, I feel really happy

By the time this was said, Anne Winslet was already red eyed.

Steve Billies touched her hair gently and said, "I wish you a happy day, son."

Anne Winslet stretched out her arms, hugged Billies and said, "uncle, I love you forever."

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

There was applause at the scene.

George said, "Mr. Billis is so kind to Anne."

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and didn't say anything.

After the hug, Billis gave Annie Winslet a gift, a precious jade bracelet, and said, "Annie, here you are. I hope you like it."

Anne Winslet put it directly on her wrist and said, "thank you, uncle."

Others have also given their own gifts.

Xiao Yunhai took out two exquisite boxes and handed them to Winslet. He said, "happy birthday, Annie."

Winslet said happily, "thank you. Why, why two presents? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "one of them is that my wife asked me to send it to you after hearing that you are going to live. She is your fan."

The smile on Winslet's face froze for a moment, then returned to normal, and said, "Xiao, please tell Miss Zhao for me that she is very grateful for her gift. I'll buy her coffee when I have time

Xiao Yunhai said, "I will bring it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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