Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:11 AM

Chapter 1194

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Jason Steele said to a young man next to him, "have you noticed that Miss Winslet seems to have a different attitude towards Mr. Shaw. There is a special meaning in her eyes when she looks at him."

The young man: "Mr. stern, you're right. I can see it. In my experience, this miss Winsley doesn't like Mr. Shaw, does she? It seems that they had an affair in China. "

Jason Steele was surprised and said, "is there such a thing? Impossible. Mr. Xiao and miss Winslet are very low-key people, and Mr. Xiao already has a wife and a child. How could they have an affair between them

The young man shrugged and said, "then I don't know."

Jason Stern's words were actually intended to be heard by George Trollope not far away. Everyone knows that George has been chasing Anne Winslet for more than ten years. Even though other women are beautiful, he does not look at them, which shows the depth of their feelings.

Jason's purpose is very simple, is to make trouble for Xiao Yunhai.

George is the successor of Walson's sales company, and his position is very high. His father intends to cultivate him. It is estimated that within ten years, he will completely control the world's largest supermarket chain.

If he and Xiao Yunhai once have a bad relationship, it will be very beneficial to both STEL network company and Paramount Pictures Company.

Obviously, his purpose has been achieved.

After hearing the conversation between the two, George's smile disappeared quickly, and his brow was frowned and ugly.

It was not until it was his turn to give the present that his face recovered.

George took out a jade box from his arms and handed it to Anne Winslet. He said with a smile, "Annie, this is a birthday present I bought for you from an auction in Xiangjiang. I hope you like it."

Annie Winslet knew that the old classmate was devoted to herself. It was false to say that she was not moved.

Can be moved to move, and feelings are really not confused.

They can be very good friends, but it's hard for Anne Winslet to be a lover.

"Thank you, George. Can I open it now? "

George said with a smile, "of course."

Winslet opened the jade box, a crystal clear, flawless diamond lay quietly in it.

Xiao Yunhai took a look at it and said to himself, "this George is really brave enough. The diamond given to Winslet is not smaller than the star of hope worn by his wife, and its value is estimated to be no less than 200 million US dollars. However, Xiao Yunhai bought it for his wife, but he bought it for a woman who didn't promise to be his girlfriend. The two are really different. "

The other guests looked at the diamond and exclaimed.

A middle-aged man said, "I know this diamond. Last week, it seemed that $227 million was sold at Xiangjiang auction. I didn't expect it was Mr. Trollope. "

"Mr. Trollope's friendship with Winslet, a $227 million diamond for her birthday, is too much."

Anne Winslet buttoned the box and said, "George, this gift is too expensive for me to accept."

George shook his head and said, "Annie, I bought this on my special trip to Xiangjiang. It represents my heart. You should take it anyway."

With that, George whispered, "there are so many people on the scene. Can you save me some face?"

Anne Winslet was stunned and said, "OK. Thank you for the gift

George laughed and said, "can I ask you for a second dance?"

Second, she asked for a dance with Uncle George.

Annie Winslet peeked at the indifferent Xiao Yunhai standing there. The disappointment in her eyes flashed away. She nodded and said, "of course."

Winslet's action did not escape George's eyes.

George was sad, but his face was happy and said, "great."

After the gifts were given, the next was the dance. The young men and women paired off and went on the dance floor.

Xiao Yunhai took the plate and ate.

"Xiao, can I invite you to a dance?" Asked Esther with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "ISTA, I'm sorry, I won't."

If Xiao Yunhai is allowed to dance break dance, hip-hop dance and other dances, then he has absolutely no problem. But this kind of social dance can't work. Xiao Yunhai has never danced it.

In his previous life, he was just a bottom-level artist. Where can he spare time to learn the social dance that these upper class people can use.

Esther exclaimed, "No. How can you, the world recognized king of dance, not be able to do social dancing? "

Since Xiao Yunhai brought Michael Jackson's dance to the world, he has not only the title of pop king, but also the nickname of world dance king.Esther was surprised that such a person could not even dance the simplest social dance.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is my first time to attend a Western birthday party. It's not normal. The most important thing is that I don't want to learn. It's meaningless. It's better to sit in a corner where there is no one to eat and drink. "

Esther said with a smile, "Shaw, you are so different. I wonder if I have the honor to stay with you, the richest man in the world

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "of course, no problem. By the way, Esther, how far has the voice of America been recorded? "

ISTA picked up a glass of red wine from the waiter's tray, sipped it, and said, "the pairing in the group is over. The next step is to select two student representatives who sing the best songs to compete with other teams for the voice champion. To tell you the truth, they are all excellent singers, and each one is excellent. Now I have a phobia of choice. I can't figure out which one to choose. "

"And the others?"

"Not much. Eliot's worried hair is quite white. It's really tangled

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "but it is undeniable that our" good voice of America "has been on fire

Esther nodded and said, "yes. Although only one issue has been broadcast, the effect is excellent. The fans on my homepage have risen by more than 6 million in just a few days, which is much better than attending singing parties and holding concerts. "

In fact, in addition to ISTA, the fans of the other three mentors have also increased to varying degrees, and their topics are much more than before.

What benefited most was David Hume, who had a humorous talk. When he competed for the students, he was always funny. He became the most popular tutor among the four. The number of fans increased by one fifth and his value also soared.

Xiao Yunhai said: "not only you, but also those students will benefit a lot. I'm sure some of them will even get into the music business and become real singers. "

"Some of the students have said that some music companies are looking for them to sign up," she said with a smile. Aren't you going to take care of it? They are all from the voice of America. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "before I joined the program, I had signed with them."

Is estea going to be surprised

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "what I signed is not a singer's contract, but a performance contract. All the students who come out of the voice of America, as long as Marvel needs them, must come to the show unconditionally, and the price will be 50% of their value at that time. You can sing up to ten songs a year for ten years. "

Esther nodded and said, "I see. Even I will sign such a contract. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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