Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:08 AM

Chapter 1196

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Out of the hotel, George asked, "is there a misunderstanding between you and Mr. Bix, Shaw?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "things have happened, where there are any misunderstandings. George, do you want to tell me something when you come out with me? "

George nodded and said, "yes. Xiao, do you know Annie likes you

Xiao Yunhai, of course, did not know. Shaking his head, he showed an unbelievable expression and said, "are you kidding me. I have a wife and children. How can Annie like me. George, you don't have to guess here

George said, "Shaw, my eyes can't be wrong. If it's true, what do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if Annie really likes me, I can't accept her. I love my wife and children so much that I don't want to die for them. Not to mention Annie, even if it's a girl ten times better than her, I won't accept it. Do you understand? "

"George, there is an idiom in China called" sincerity is the best, gold and stone are the best. ". Annie is a good girl. If you use more snacks for her, you will be able to impress her. I'm very optimistic about you. Come on. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, George was relieved and said, "I understand. And watch out for Jason, he's very insidious

Jason stern deliberately said in front of himself about Xiao Yunhai's affair with Anne Winslet. George was really angry at that time. But he was not an ordinary person. After only a few minutes, he realized that it was Jason Stern's conspiracy, which reminded Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "thank you, I understand."

Back at the manor villa, Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "husband, why did you come back so early?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I almost didn't get angry."

"What's the matter?"

"The guy Bix saw that our Marvel TV station's ratings exceeded that of their NBC TV station. He felt that if he applied for the European television broadcasting rights, it would pose a strong threat to him. He even unilaterally tore up the contract. It's unreasonable."

"It's really outraged that the president of Time Warner should turn back. By the way, what's your penalty for breach of contract? "

"Because he and I made the decision. Neither of us thought that the other party would break the contract, so we just set the penalty of 2 billion US dollars symbolically."

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing turned her eyes and said, "husband, I really believe you. In the business of hundreds of billions of dollars, the penalty is only 2 billion. You trust others too much. Two billion dollars is nothing for Time Warner

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's why I'm angry. These American capitalists are not true to their words. Their eyes are only on money. Well, the more they don't want me to bring marvel to Europe, the more I'm going. I don't believe that without Time Warner, I won't be able to get a European broadcasting license. "

"Do you have a clue?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "in order to get this permission, I sold paramount paradise in Bix for a full price of more than 30 billion dollars. As a result, good intentions have not been rewarded. Now that he has given up, I will go to our government and ask for help. I will buy it with 30 billion dollars. "

"If it's done, then this Bix won't lose his wife and lose his army."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai was still sulking there, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "well, husband, you have always been broad-minded and can accommodate the world. How can you still be so worried about this matter?"

Xiao Yunhai sighed deeply and said, "it's not that I can't think of it, but I'm disappointed. I was very fond of Steve Bix, but I didn't expect that he would violate our agreement for such a reason that can't be called a reason. It's disgusting

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "this shows that people are real businessmen. They are better than you. I don't know how many times. Well, don't think about it. Have you eaten yet

Xiao Yunhai felt his stomach, shook his head, and said, "where can I eat on such an occasion?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "that's good. I'll ask the kitchen to make you something to eat. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded.

After a while, five dishes and one soup were served.

Xiao Yunhai finished his meal, took out his mobile phone and called Liang Qianqiu directly.

"Uncle Liang, I'm sorry to disturb your dream."

Now the Chinese time is 6 a.m., Xiao Yunhai is not sure whether Liang Qianqiu has got up.

Liang Qianqiu was a little short of breath and said, "I'm old. How can I sleep in the morning? I'm running. Yunhai, do you have anything important to do? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Uncle Liang, I would like to ask you one thing, that is, can the Ministry of culture help me get TV broadcasting rights in Europe?"

"European television rights? Hehe, it seems that you want to open Marvel TV station to Europe. Yes, it took your Marvel TV station just a week to reach the top ratings in North America. There is no big cultural difference between North America and Europe. I believe the audience rating will be good there. Hehe, Yunhai, you are really getting better and better. "Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "what's so fierce. Uncle Liang, I didn't want to trouble our country. After all, my identity is there, and some things need to be avoided as far as possible. But these foreign companies are really bullying people. If I don't give them some color, they think I'm easy to bully. "

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile: "are you talking about Time Warner? Aren't they applying for you? "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "Uncle Liang, you all know that your intelligence network is too powerful."

Liang Qianqiu said: "you are now the leader of our Chinese culture and entertainment industry. Of course, we should pay attention to it. Yes? Was Bix fooled? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a gloomy face: "this old guy would rather pay me two billion dollars than let my Marvel TV station enter Europe. Forced helpless, I did not just give you this call? Uncle Liang, is it OK? "

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile, "of course. At the beginning, we signed a series of contracts with EU countries after the lifting of the barriers to film and television protection in China. Among them, Xiao Yunhai was overjoyed when he heard Liang Qianqiu's explanation.

According to the contract at that time, European television stations could be stationed in China. As long as the application conditions met the requirements, the Chinese government could not obstruct it for no reason.

Similarly, China's domestic TV stations can also be stationed in Europe, after meeting the conditions, Europe must issue broadcast license to Huaxia TV station.

The number of TV stations stipulated by both sides is 10.

So far, there are eight European TV stations in China, but there is not one in China.

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "Uncle Liang, does my manwei TV station meet the requirements?"

Liang Qianqiu said, "it doesn't conform. You have two main questions. First of all, marvel TV station is an American TV station, which does not belong to Huaxia. We have no control at all. Second, you don't have satellite signals that can cover Europe. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the first problem is easy to solve. I'll buy a TV station directly in Huaxia? Then let it receive the signal from Marvel TV station and then transmit it to Europe. The second question I was about to ask you. Are we going to launch three communication satellites to cover every corner of the world

"How did you know that? Oh, by the way, are you listening to ocean going? "

"Uncle Liang, you think this is still a secret. Those big Hollywood TV stations already know, OK? I know it later. Uncle Liang, don't be so cynical and tell me about it. "

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile: "it seems that you want to make these three satellites. Ha ha, yes, there is such a thing. It is estimated that it will go to heaven in another month. CCTV is setting up signal receiving stations in all parts of the world. I can report it to you if you want. But I'm afraid the price is not very cheap. "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "that's great. Price is not a problem, even if you give me a little cheaper, I dare not ask for it. Like the Yunqing coal company, I suffered a big loss. "

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile: "I know about this. It has been spread all over the capital of Yan. It is said that you, the young master of the Xiao family, is as timid as a mouse. Instead of taking advantage of the power of the Xiao family, you voluntarily ceded a lot of benefits to the government. You are a model of contemporary businessmen. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "xiaojiashu has deep roots and is full of hidden arrows. I don't want to cause trouble to our family. It doesn't matter if you make less money. "

Liang Qianqiu said with appreciation: "if you can think so, it is definitely the blessing of the Xiao family. In this way, I'll take care of your business. Let's go step by step. First you need to buy a TV station in Huaxia. After registration, I can help you apply for the license of European TV broadcasting rights, which is about 400 million dollars a year. Among them, 100 million will go to China and the other 300 million will go to Europe. As for the satellite problem, I'll contact the information department for you today. I think as long as you are willing to pay enough, they should agree

Xiao Yunhai said, "well. Uncle Liang, you told the Ministry of information that if you can allow me to use our satellite, I will sponsor 2 billion US dollars for their scientific research. "

Liang Qianqiu said, "that's even better. Wait for my good news." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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