Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:07 AM

Chapter 1197

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Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai happily even made several ring fingers.

He thought things would be very troublesome, but he didn't expect that Liang Qianqiu alone could help solve all the problems. Compared with the harsh requirements of Time Warner, Liang Qianqiu saved him more than 30 billion dollars.

Xiao Yunhai is not happy with such a good thing.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, look at your appearance, your face is happy to become a flower. Tell me, what's good for me, too? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I want to thank Jason Steele and Steve bikes. What they did this evening indirectly saved me more than 30 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai simply said the content of the conversation with Liang Qianqiu. After listening, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, you really need to thank others. However, it also shows that you are too stupid. If you don't want to walk on the sunny road, you should take the single wooden bridge of Time Warner. Why can't you think about it all before? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. We walked into a dead end. We felt that the European problems could only be solved in Europe and the United States. However, we didn't expect that the Chinese government could solve them more easily. Ha ha, it's a bit of a setback and a gain of wisdom. Fortunately, Bix broke the contract, otherwise I would have cried to death. Now, as soon as possible, ask Kristy to call me at Watson's immediately. "

While Xiao Yunhai was dealing with TV station related issues urgently, Bix was also negotiating with Jason stern.

"Mr. Bix, my father just called me to talk to you about European television rights."

On hearing this, Bix frowned and said in a deep voice, "it's TV right again. Because of it, I have already offended Kung Fu Xiao. If I sell you what should belong to him, I'm afraid I will break with the richest man in the world. Jason, if it were you, would you do it? "

"If the price they pay is much higher than the cost of offending Kung Fu Xiao, I think I'll do it," he said with a smile

Bix narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Xiao gave 20% discount to the amusement park, which had a market value of nearly 100 billion US dollars, for this license, and let me pick up 20 billion US dollars. Unfortunately, if his Marvel was not too aggressive and had a great impact on NBC, the foundation of Time Warner, I would never have unilaterally broken the contract. Now you, STEL networks, want that license. What can you bring me? "

Jason stell said with a smile, "Kung Fu Xiao has really spent a lot of money. We can't let him succeed. Mr. Bix, you STEL network has obtained the right to build cinemas in North America and Europe through the American government. Do you have any interest in Time Warner? "

On hearing this, Bix stood up in surprise. After a long time, he sat down again and sighed, "the president of the United States of America has spared no effort for the development of your stell network company. For ten years, no one in Europe has ever been able to open the cinema line except Yanhuang cinema line. "

It is the consensus of all people that time warner wanted to build a cinema across Europe at the beginning. For this reason, he spent a lot of money everywhere and worked hard for three years, but in the end, he got nothing.

I didn't expect that the company could easily achieve the goal through the government, which made Bix very difficult to accept.

Jason stern laughed, "who made my father and the president grow up together. Mr. Bix, I wonder if you are interested? "

Bix adjusted his mood, thought about it and said, "fifty percent. If you will give us 50% of Warner's share, I promise to help you win TV rights in Europe, and I won't have to pay you a cent. "

Time Warner plays an important role in the cultural field all over the world. The only short board is the cinema.

If you can get it, the entertainment empire of Time Warner will be completely established.

Jason stern shook his head and said, "it's absolutely impossible. Mr. Bix, you can get up to 40 percent. That's our bottom line. "

"Forty five percent, that's my bottom line. If you don't agree, I will contact Xiao immediately and give him the right to play. At the same time, I can guarantee that as long as I live, you will not be able to spread IMD TV programs to Europe. "

As Bix said this, his eyes were shining and his momentum was magnificent.

Jason stern frowned and said, "I need to contact my father."

Bix waved his hand and said, "I'll tell him myself."

He took out his cell phone and Bix called David Stern.

Soon, the other party's mobile phone is connected.

"Steve, are you here to discuss the cinema with me?"

Bix said bluntly, "that's right. David, my requirements are not high. I only need 45% shares. "

David Stern, who knew his classmate's temperament, thought for a moment and said, "I can promise you. But I have one condition: You Time Warner will help me deal with Kung Fu Xiao. ""You're kidding," Bix said

David Stern said, "I'm not kidding. Steve, don't you know? As long as you promise to transfer his European TV broadcasting license to us, it is tantamount to completely offending Kung Fu Xiao. With his character, do you think he can swallow it? "

Steve bikes said, "I see. David, you can't deal with Kung Fu Xiao alone, so you use the cinema to win me over to deal with him, right? "

David Stern said, "I'll tell you the truth. I do have this idea. Steve, Kung Fu Xiao, a young man, is a great threat to us, Steele and your time warner. You know, it's only four years since he came to the fore. If we do not jointly suppress him now, with his development momentum, we will be far behind in three years. "

"Steve, we are old after all. Once we retire, do you think our successor will be the opponent of Kung Fu Xiao? At that time, I'm afraid he will swallow up all our hard-working land, even no bones left. There is a saying in China that if you are not far sighted, you must have immediate worries. It's time for you to plan for the future of Time Warner. "

Hearing David Stern's words, Steve bikes was shocked, his face was so solemn that he even had a cold sweat behind him.

Indeed, judging from the current situation, if Xiao Yunhai continues to develop so unrestricted, David Stern's prediction is likely to become a reality in the near future. At that time, I regret it too late.

After a long silence, Steve bikes said, "David, I know you and Shaw have a personal feud in it, but I still have to admit that you have a point. This young man can't even deal with us, let alone the people behind us. I promise you, but I will only hide behind my back to help you. I will never be the enemy of Kung Fu Xiao. "

David Stern laughed, "no problem. With your Time Warner's help, I believe Kung Fu Xiao can't take advantage of anything. "

At this moment, the two entertainment empires established an alliance against Xiao Yunhai, which Xiao Yunhai could never have imagined. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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