Published at 11th of May 2022 05:24:04 AM

Chapter 1199

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Zhao Wanqing, who had not spoken for a long time, said with a smile: "I have the best candidate. It's not only powerful, but also has our absolute trust. "

"Who is it?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course, it's Uncle Chen Zhan. He has worked in the TV station all his life, and everything is clear. Isn't it the best choice for him to be the head of the station? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you are right. However, he is now the director of Anhui TV station. I wonder if he will come to our private TV station? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "it depends on your ability."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, after the meeting, I'll call my uncle. If he agrees, the Chinese affairs can be left to him. "

Kristi said: "it would be best to have a person who is familiar with the Chinese TV industry."

Xiao Yunhai said, "let this matter go first. Raul, wait a minute. You can contact time warner and ask them to give us two billion dollars as soon as possible. And then there are the playgrounds in paramount. Do you want to keep them or sell them

Raul said: "boss, we can open dozens of Marvel children's parks in less than half a year. I'm still inclined to sell the paramount amusement park. "

Christie nodded and said, "that's what I mean."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that our opinions are very unified. How much do you think is appropriate? "

Christie thought about it and said, "the market value of the amusement park is about 92 billion dollars now. We can raise the price by 20 percent, that is, 110 billion dollars. No more, it's hard to sell. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Raul, you put a notice on our company's website. The price is clearly marked. Paramount playground will be sold for $110 billion. As long as the other party can pay off this huge sum of money in a lump sum, we can sell it to even STEL networks. You have to make a special statement that the price is dead, there is no floating space, and it must be paid in one time. We only accept money, not people. Whoever brings the money first will sell it to them. "

Raul said with a smile, "OK, boss. After the meeting is over, I'll let someone do it. "

"Do you think time warner will buy it?" Xiao asked

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's impossible. Does Time Warner have the face to face such a thing? "

Christie shook her head and said with a smile, "Miss Zhao, face is nothing to a capitalist like Steve bikes. As long as it's good, they'll come in droves. "

Xiao Yunhai playfully said: "I hope time warner can buy it. We have paid more than 30 billion dollars for things that originally only cost US $70 billion. Moreover, we have not been able to stop us from bringing TV stations into Europe. Well, do you think it's going to piss Mr. Bix to death? "

Raul laughed and said, "it's possible. At least I can't stand it. "

At this time, the door of the conference room was knocked, and in came a 30-year-old Marvel office clerk.

"Boss, something's wrong. Time Warner handed over the European broadcasting license that originally belonged to our Marvel TV station to IMD TV station. "

Raul frowned and asked, "how do you know about this?"

"The news has been posted on the official home page of stell networks."

Raul punched the conference table, turned blue with anger, and said, "are they deliberately humiliating us

The cooperation between Time Warner and marvel has been widely spread in Hollywood for a long time. Now, suddenly, such news is coming out, which is just hitting Marvel's face.

Christie said, "well, we already know. You go out first. "

After the staff left, Kristi said calmly: "this must have been done on purpose by stell networks. I don't think Bix is so stupid. If you offend us marvel, it won't do him any good. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "Bix, I'm really wrong. The words "treacherous, capricious, despicable" are not excessive in his body. Well, last night, he told me that the European license couldn't work. Today, stell networks released such a message. Shit, this is just playing with me

Zhao Wanqing frowned slightly and said, "I don't understand what benefits the STEL network company has given to Time Warner, so that Bix can do such a thing at the cost of completely offending us? I don't believe that Stern can do the same

"I'm guessing slternet should have given time warner the most coveted thing that more than $30 billion can't buy, and that's what Bix could do," Kristi said

Robert said: "I heard a news from a classmate who works in the government that stell network company has obtained the construction right of cinema line in Europe and America through the American government."Christie's eyes lit up and said, "that's right. Time Warner is a huge media empire, but the problem of cinema is their weakness, which restricts their development. If stern agrees with Time Warner to join in, Bix will

Raul said: "in other words, the two Big Macs have already started cooperation, which is very unfavorable for us. I don't think it can be sold to Time Warner

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I think it's better to sell it to Bix."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "yes. Many of their businesses overlap. Although they are cooperating, competition is inevitable. Paramount is building a lot of playgrounds now. If we let time warner own them, do you think they can cooperate? "

Christie clapped her hands and laughed, "the boss is right. If time warner is willing to offer us $110 billion for our playground, we might as well sell it directly. It's the best thing for us to compete for the market with stern. "

Robert frowned and said, "but I'm afraid the Hollywood folks will laugh at us. Time Warner unilaterally tore up the agreement. Instead of fighting back, we sold it to its playground. It's very bad for our reputation. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry about these. When we have solved the relevant problems of Huaxia TV station, we will not be the ones to be laughed at. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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