Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:21 AM

Chapter 12

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"Bang, bang, bang."

A burst of rapid knock on the door pulled Yang Bin from the shock to reality. He turned off the stereo in the computer, and then adjusted his clothes, which was just Rong's way: "come in."

Although in private, he is always a smile, and everyone can get together, but in the work, it is extremely rigorous. Once caught in the wrong, it is absolutely a turn over. Several girls were trained to cry, but also got a nickname of smiling tiger.

"Mr. Yang, we have found a genius, an absolute genius." The door has not been fully opened, a burst of rapid and pleasant voice into Yang Bin's ears. Yang Bin doesn't have to look at it. She knows it's Lu Chan Xiang, who came in last year.

Sure enough, Lu chanxiang, dressed in a professional suit, came to Yang Bin's desk with a smile and a smile. Bursts of fragrance with the wind to Yang Bin's nose, let Yang Bin can't help sneezing.

he knows these girls are deliberately trying to fix him because he is allergic to some brands of perfume, so they all sprinkle it on their bodies when they go to work. Yang Bin is not easy to say anything, after all, this is personal freedom.

"What genius makes you so excited?" Yang Bin asked

"It's the name of a special ox fork, yunhuang." Lu chanxiang said excitedly: "Mr. Yang, you don't know, this guy is too good. He has successively passed on three songs, the first classic, and it is quite different from the current online songs, which is very subversive."

"What are the names of these songs?"

"Little apples, lilacs and mice love rice."

Hearing this, Yang Bin finally laughed, stood up and said, "you are very good. I have just heard these three songs. Your judgment is the same as mine. These three songs are definitely the rhythm of the fire. "

"Ah. Mr. Yang knows. " Lu chanxiang looked at Yang Bin, nodded and sighed: "ah, I knew I would not come here."

"This morning, if you don't come over, your next month's bonus will be in vain, because it means that you have not done your duty and you don't know how to recommend such a good song. What's the use of the company to ask you. And now, when you come here, it means that you have done very well and used your heart. Then your bonus will certainly rise. The extent of increase depends on the performance of these songs. " Yang Bin said.

"Ah? It's a good thing I'm here Lu chanxiang was lucky to hear that general manager Yang said so. When she heard about the bonus increase next month, she almost jumped up with no joy. According to her psychological joy, she asked in a low voice: "Mr. Yang, you didn't cheat me about the bonus increase?"

Seeing Yang Bin reconfirmed, Lu chanxiang cheerfully called out, "thank you, Mr. Yang." With that, he ran away without even closing the door.

Yang Bin helpless smile, know that the little girl must be told her that group of sisters to go.

This group of women are not easy to worry about. As long as you give them some good faces and turn around, you will get something wrong. However, their working ability is really good, which is no less than that of the employees he used to lead.

And Yang Bin really likes this kind of working atmosphere. There is no conspiracy and no struggle for power and profit. The whole company gives people a healthy and upward feeling. Yang Bin feels particularly light and warm.

Instead of listening to other songs, Yang Bin picked up the phone and called Huang Xiaotian, the head of the publicity department, and asked him to come to his office.

After a while, Huang Xiaotian, who is short and fat, trots in with sweat on his forehead. Seeing Yang Bin, he asks, "what can I do for you, Lao Yang?"

Yang Bin looked at Huang Xiaotian's bitter gourd face and said with a smile, "have you been teased by those little girls again?"

Huang Xiaotian gave a bitter smile and said, "ah, these aunts and grandmothers are so capable of making trouble."

Yang Bin said with a smile: "however, they are really lovely. We two jump to the music network for a long time. Do you dare to say that you are not happy?"

Huang Xiaotian said: "of course I am very happy. This kind of environment is what I like. I just hope it can go on like this all the time. Well, stop talking about it. What can I do for you? Is there something particularly good? "

"You know me, Lao Huang." Yang Bin opened the music in his computer and said, "listen to these three songs first. After that, let's talk. "

More than ten minutes later, after listening to the music, Huang Xiaotian looked at Yang Bin in shock and said, "our website needs fire. As long as we can make a good job of the whole network, we can definitely make a fire of this song

"How do you arrange these three songs if you want to promote them?"

"These three songs are all elaborate works, and I want to recommend them."

"High quality recommendation?" Yang Bin exclaimed, although he also knew that his old partner valued these three songs very much, but he did not expect to recommend them.

In fact, the number of recommended songs on the front page of a website can reach more than 50 million. In fact, the number of recommended songs on the front page can only reach 50 million in one day. As for other singers who want this recommendation, they have to queue up and give money!Today, a quality recommendation of Jiujiu music network is worth 300000 yuan, and the unit is one day. If you really give Xiao Yunhai three consecutive days of time, it is nothing to send out 900000.

You know, most of the online singer's income comes from downloading. Generally speaking, it costs 50 cents to download a single song. The website and the singer can get 50% for a download. The higher the download volume, the higher the income of the singer.

Of course, we can't generalize. When a singer of Tianwang level publishes a song on the website, it can achieve a 9:1 share ratio. For a king singer, it is the most favorable support for this music website. Let alone the fans he brings, he can support the website.

In the music world, the most popular single download is Ye Yongren's lonely star tears. In the past ten years, the total download volume has reached 26 million. This income alone has made Ye Yongren earn more than 10 million yuan, which can be said to be a lot of money.

Yang Bin said: "old man, your confidence is too enough?"

Huang Xiaotian said with a smile: "I can't bear the children, I can't hold the wolf. It's a pity if we don't hold on to these promising newcomers. By the way, what are the names of the three singers? "

Yang Bin listened to his words, his expression was a little strange, jokingly said: "the author of the first song is yunhuang, the second is yunhuang, and the third is yunhuang"

seeing Huang Xiaotian's look that he can't believe, Yang Bin said with a smile: "are you surprised?"

Huang Xiaotian sighed and said, "genius, this is the genius worthy of the name. Don't you understand what I'm still waiting for? I'm not going to sign him yet. "

"I just want to hear from you. What are the conditions for a singer like this to sign in to our website? "

"Sincerity. The greatest sincerity of our website. Don't bully him. Treat him as a future king singer. Promise him all the conditions and give him the most favorable contract. With such a combination of emotion and interest, there will be no problem. "

Yang Bin was stunned. He didn't expect Huang Xiaotian to hold the cloud emperor so high. As a colleague and friend for many years, he knows Huang Xiaotian too well.

Although Huang Xiaotian is usually humorous and witty, he is full of smiles and can chat with everyone. But in fact, this guy thinks highly of himself and has his own views on people and things.

These two years can let him see in the eye in addition to their own, only the boss of the website for a long time Miss Hu. Other people, including some first-line singers, he didn't pay attention to them, but on the surface they couldn't see it.

Yang Bin held out his thumb to Huang Xiaotian and said with a wry smile, "you cow. Are you not afraid that he will not be able to write a song in the future

Huang Xiaotian said with a smile, "what do you think?"

They looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

One can write three different types of songs, will not be able to write songs later, joking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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