Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:49 AM

Chapter 120

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Hearing his son's words, Chen Jiahong snorted and said, "if you don't have this diamond, you can't hold on to this porcelain work. Just leave it alone. "

Chen Zhan rolled his eyes as soon as he heard his father's words.

Chen Xiuzhu said, "Dad, why do you always dismantle the big brother's platform. Is it easy for elder brother to go to today with his ability? How can we say that we should give up the task and let it go. "

Chen Zhan ha ha a smile, said: "still younger sister is good to me, do not waste my childhood so painful you."

"I remember you just didn't seem to say that," she said

"You heard me wrong."

Xiao Qifeng thought about it and said, "is there no new idea?"

Chen Zhan sighed: "in recent years, the central government has relaxed the policy on the major local TV stations, which has resulted in extremely fierce competition. Especially in the competition of variety shows on weekends, almost everything that should be thought of and can be thought of has appeared. There is really nothing good about it. "

Seeing his uncle's sad face, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "uncle, I'll plan a variety show for you to ensure that your ratings will be greatly improved."

"True, false? None of us in the variety department can plan a program. Can you do it? "

"It's not my age. Those of you are dead headed. You don't understand that innovation is the only way out for TV stations. "

"What's your trick? Tell it to my uncle."

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai said the "voice of China" written by Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Taiwan in his previous life. Chen Zhan's eyes were shining, so he quickly picked up his book and remembered it.

Finally, Xiao Yunhai said: "uncle, whether this program can succeed or not, the most important thing is four points. First, the invited guest teachers should have enough weight, and at the same time, they can make jokes. It would be better if they could make witty remarks. "

"The second is that the band, the sound and the stage must be top-notch to give people a sense of shock, so that the players' songs can move the audience."

"The third is the choice of singers, which is a very important point. Don't look for some handsome men and beautiful women like other talent shows, so the audience will feel that they are far away from each other. You're looking for someone with a very strange or wonderful voice. Whether he is fat or thin, tall or short, he should be treated equally. "

"Fourth, the higher the difference between singers and singing, the better, which is also the most important point of the whole program. For example, if you find a male singer, and the result is that he sings, but his mouth is a woman's voice, that will give the audience a very strange feeling. If the tutors turn around and show some surprise or disbelief, it will resonate with the audience, and the distance will be narrowed, and the audience rating will naturally burst. "

Chen Zhan listened to the nod, just like a primary school student, the brush in his hand kept writing.

When Xiao Yunhai finished speaking, Chen Zhan raised his head and gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said with great sincerity: "Yunhai, I'm convinced. No wonder you can write such a good-looking martial arts novel, the head melon seed is really too smart. You might as well come to my variety department

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you let a future emperor superstar condescend to your small variety department, that is too much talent."

Chen Zhan laughed and said, "if you are fat, you are still panting."

"What? I'm not convinced. " Chen Jiahong was very happy to see that his grandson could easily solve his son's dilemma. At the moment, he said, "we are smart. Your group of people in the variety department should be laid off as soon as possible. You can't even think of a program. Hey, what do you eat? "

Chen Zhan said with a wry smile: "well, master, you will be partial."

As several people were saying this, Meng Fang went in from outside and said to Chen Jiahong, "master, all the younger martial brothers have gone home after their three body training."

Chen Jiahong nodded and asked Meng Fang to sit down. He sighed: "today's young people are a generation, such as one generation. There are fewer and fewer people who really want to learn kung fu. They can't stand the pain and the sin. They can't hold on to a three body posture for half an hour. Ah, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid the Kung Fu created by our ancestors will disappear. "

In this world, although there is no original cultural movement and all kinds of Chinese martial arts have been handed down completely, it is too slow to cultivate them.

It's boring and boring to practice basic skills every day. It's not as interesting as taekwondo and judo. Therefore, similar to the previous life, those inheritance martial arts schools in China can hardly be opened.

In the past few years, Chen Jiahong has taught these rural children who are interested in the neighborhood. Very few of them really come to see their teachers.

"Mengfang, I'm old now, and I can't teach boxing. You can follow Yunhai in the future. Although his kung fu is very good, it's easy to hide the open gun, but it's hard to defend the hidden arrow. You should protect him well. "

"Grandfather, let elder martial brother Meng accompany you here."

"Yes, master, I'm gone. What can you do?"

"Dad, or I'll come with you.""No more. Mengfang, it's time for you to go out for a walk. What's the meaning of being locked up in the martial arts school all day. Besides, there is still a Liang Hu. In a few years, if I can teach you well. Originally, I didn't want to be an apprentice, but I was very touched by his sincere devotion to national skills, so I decided to accept him as an apprentice. "

"Master, please accept the disciple's worship."

Outside the door, Liang Hu gave Chen Jiahong a respectful kowtow three times.

Chen Jiahong had already known that the boy was outside the door, and he was mainly speaking these words to him.

"Get up. From today on, you are the last Apprentice of Xingyi Taiji sect. I hope you can carry forward the Chinese art. In order to let you really understand the power of Chinese martial arts, Mengfang, Yunhai, you go out to have a try. "

Meng Fang and Xiao Yunhai looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

As soon as Liang Hu's eyes brightened, he and Xiao Yunhai had a competition. He only felt that the other side was very strong, and he was far from the opponent. However, how strong Xiao Yunhai was, he could not guess.

They came to the courtyard and stood opposite each other, looking at each other.

"Unexpectedly, Yunhai, your Kung Fu has developed to such an extent. It's really amazing."

"I'm flattered, elder martial brother Meng is about to turn his strength."

"It's very early. Younger martial brother Xiao, please. "

"Brother Meng, please."

Meng Fang is not polite. When the voice of Xiao Yunhai's dialect has just fallen, he suddenly moves. The whole person turns into a shadow and rushes to Xiao Yunhai in an instant. A powerful hand whip, carrying the whine of the wind, blows at Xiao Yunhai's ear.

Taijiquan is the softest in practice, but it's the strongest in the world. If you practice Taijiquan with softness, the more powerful you will be.

Liang Hu beside him was terrified. He had no doubt that if Meng Fang was standing in front of him, he could not escape his attack. It was too fast and fierce.

This is the strength of the master of Chinese martial arts. It's too terrible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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