Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:58 AM

Chapter 1202

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At 10:30 p.m. Chinese time, Chen Zhan finished his work at the TV station and returned home with a tired body.

He is very tired recently. He goes out early and comes back late every day. He is very busy. However, there is no direct proportion between the payment and the harvest.

The ratings are so dismal that they are almost at the level before he took office.

If the audience rating is not good, it means that if the advertisers do not come, the income of the TV station will decrease. With less income, there is no money to invite stars and do programs.

This series of chain reaction, let TV station is better, worse.

Unfortunately, Anhui TV station is in the poor ranks.

No matter how hard Chen Zhan worked, he couldn't do anything without money.

"Why don't you sleep?"

Entering the living room, Chen Zhan asked his wife Cui Yan, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Cui Yan got up and poured him a cup of tea and said, "I have an important thing to talk to you about."

Chen Zhan couldn't help laughing and said, "what's so serious?"

Cui Yan took out two physical examination forms and said, "Lao Chen, this is the physical examination results of last year and this year. In just one year, your physical condition has declined by a large margin. The unqualified indicators have increased by 20%, and some even nearly doubled. This is a sign of physical problems. If you go on like this, you may fall within a year. "

Chen Zhan looked at the physical examination form and said with a smile, "it's not so serious. It's OK. I'll pay attention to it. After practicing boxing for an hour every morning, I'll be fine. "

Although Chen Zhan's Kung Fu is not good enough, he is Chen Jiahong's son. He has learned a lot of martial arts to relax his muscles and forge his body. Generally, three or five people are really not his opponents.

Cui Yan shook her head and said, "go to work at seven in the morning and come back at ten in the evening. Can you get well? Have you counted how much grey hair you've had in the past year? I don't understand. Aren't you a TV station director? How can you be busier than the head of state? We have to go to Yanjing for meetings at least five times a month, which makes people live. "

Hearing Cui Yan's words, Chen Zhan was thoughtful and said: "wife, tell me the truth. Did Yunhai call you and ask you to help him persuade me?"

Cui Yan shook her head and said, "it's not a sea of clouds, but Wanqing."

Chen Zhan said with a wry smile: "the couple are really good. They even started your work. What can Wan Qing say? "

Cui Yan said: "what else can I say? It must be that I advise you to be the head of Yunqing TV station. "

"What's your attitude?"

"100 percent support. You don't always say that Anhui TV has no money and complicated interpersonal relationship. It's even more difficult to do something. Now Yunhai is going to build a TV station in China. If you are an uncle to help him, do you still have to refuse such a good opportunity? I'm not talking about you. Let's see how Yunhai is a leader. As the richest man in the world, which of his companies is no better than Anhui TV station, but you can see when he is busy like you. "

"The boy is thanks to those who are capable and loyal to him."

"Why don't you. I tell you, Wan Qing told me that if you have been the head of the TV station of cloud and clear, all the finance and personnel has the final say of you. The question of money is even less. The start-up capital will give you ten billion dollars directly, enough for you to make programs and invest in TV dramas. What else do you think about such a good thing? Don't you think you can play your talent and ability better in Yunqing TV station? "

Chen Zhan said with a wry smile: "I know all these. It's not appropriate for me to work as an uncle for my nephew. "

Cui Yan turned her eyes and said, "why don't you regard it as helping your nephew? The start-up fund alone has 10 billion US dollars, and Yunhai is sure to find a trustworthy person. In addition to your uncle, change to any other person, do you think Yunhai can rest assured? Besides, you're doing it for our son. When they get married, Yunhai and Wanqing will give him 20% of Yunqing's shares. "

"What?" Chen Zhan stood up in direct shock and yelled: "Lao Cui, this is billions. How can you agree?"

Cui Yan said, "what's your hurry? I didn't promise. But I promised to be the director of Yunqing TV station for you. "

Chen Zhan is speechless directly, a buttock sits on sofa, way: "look, cloud sea this is to eat to fix me."

Just then, Chen Zhan's mobile phone rang.

Cui Yan brought it to him, took a look at the caller ID and said, "it's dad's phone. Hurry up."

"It's not Yunhai, is it?"

Pressing the answer button, Chen Zhan said with a smile, "Dad, why haven't you slept so late?"

Chen Jiahong said: "I always rest at 12 o'clock. You don't know. Chen Zhan, Yunhai gave me a call and said that he wanted to build a TV station in China. He needed you to be the director of the station. As a result, you said that you should consider it. I don't understand what you're thinking? Can Anhui TV station compare with Yunhai TV station? One is from the state. Without you, the next head of Taiwan may do better than you. The other is your nephew's, our own TV station. Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Ah? Is it worth considering? Call Yunhai and say you agreed. Otherwise, I'll have to beat you a fool. ""Dad, I'm not..."

Chen zhangang wanted to explain a few words to Chen Jiahong. As a result, Chen Jiahong didn't even listen to him. After that, he hung up and made Chen Zhan depressed.

"This bastard is really unreasonable. Even the old man has moved out." Chen Zhan said angrily.

Cui Yan said with a smile: "this just shows that Yunhai is smart."

"Well, I must scold him."

Chen Zhan said while calling Xiao Yunhai.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are discussing which clothes to wear.

Xiao Yunhai is nothing. Besides the workmanship and color of men's clothes, there are not many styles, but Zhao Wanqing is not the same. Although they are all cheongsam, the styles are not the same.

Zhao Wanqing thought that the red cheongsam was good, which showed her temperament and figure, while Xiao Yunhai felt that it was not suitable. The main reason was that it was too exposed, and the stitches were opened to the thighs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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