Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:57 AM

Chapter 1203

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Just when the two people were arguing there, Chen Zhan's phone call came in.

"Uncle, have you decided to be the director of Yunqing TV station?" Xiao Yunhai picks up the phone and laughs.

Chen Zhan scolded: "you boy is really good, you even moved your grandfather and aunt out. I've promised to give you an answer in three days. Can't you wait? "

Xiao Yunhai, with a sad face, said: "uncle, if Yunqing TV station is not finished, my manwei TV station will not cover Europe. Can I not be in a hurry?

Xiao Yunhai said the matter about manwei TV station again, and said, "uncle, you should come and preside over the overall situation quickly."

Chen Zhan sighed: "you are really getting better and better. OK, I'll quit tomorrow. After that, I'll ask you to come with me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "look at what you said, I am not qualified to carry you. Uncle, since you have promised to be the head of the station, you will be responsible for the TV station. Whether it's a purchase or we'll buy a building ourselves, you can toss about it. I have only one request. Within half a month, Huaxia must have our TV station. "

Chen Zhan said: "I haven't taken office yet. You've arranged tasks for me. I'm afraid I'll have a hard time in the future. A few days ago, I heard that the personal TV station set up by Yazhou electronic technology company was going to sell. I don't know whether it is true or not. I'll contact you first. "

Xiao Yunhai said in surprise: "uncle, I don't understand. It's only two years ago. Why does this Yazhou electronic technology company sell TV stations? Can't it last? "

Yazhou electronic technology company is very famous in China, with a market value of hundreds of billions. Its strength is not inferior to Hu's technology company. Its self-developed rice grain mobile phone, rice grain notebook, tablet computer, etc. are very popular, and the sales in Asia are very good.

The year before last, after the Chinese government allowed individuals to set up TV stations, Asian electronic technology companies spent a lot of money to buy a building and applied to establish Yazhou TV station.

It's a pity that they have almost no foundation in the television industry, and it's hard to buy real good films, so the ratings are very low.

Even so, Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that the other party would be doomed after less than two years of operation.

Chen Zhan said: "I tell you that Yazhou TV station was founded by Xia Yongfei, the son of Xia Fujun, President of Yazhou electronic technology company. The boy came back from studying abroad. He had high vision and low hand. He didn't know what means to persuade Xia Fujun. As a result, Yazhou TV station appeared, and Xia Yongfei was the director himself. "

"If you think about it, if you let a person who has no experience in running a TV station, it will have a good result. It is said that some female stars have been lured by them, but the TV station has been in a loss. Xia Fujun couldn't see it any more, so he took his son down from the position of director. Unfortunately, the newly appointed head of Taiwan has been unable to return to heaven. Despite a lot of work, it has not changed the situation. "

"Recently, it seems that Yazhou electronic technology company has a financial problem, so it is ready to sell it. I have been to the villa, which is only seven or eight kilometers away from the old man's villa. The equipment is very complete and covers a large area. The rich second generation is full of heart and spirit, and it is completely carried out according to the scale of a provincial TV station. If we can get it, we hardly need to make any changes. However, the price is not very cheap. I estimate that it is difficult to get it without more than 10 billion yuan. "

"More than 10 billion?" Xiao Yunhai asked, "are you talking about US dollars or Chinese currency?"


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chen Zhan immediately spurted out the tea he had just drunk in his mouth.

"You're teasing me on purpose. Of course, it's Huaxia coin."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's OK. Well, I'll fly to you tomorrow night after the Grammy Awards. At that time, I will take my economic advisory group and ask them to talk with Yashan electronic technology company and try to buy it. You can go through the resignation procedures as soon as possible, and then recruit people to set up the shelves as soon as possible. Uncle, you have worked in the TV station for so many years. You must know some talented people. Don't mention it. You can pick up the hoe and dig directly. The salary will be paid twice as much as that in the industry. We are not short of money, we are short of talents. "

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "OK, I understand. Ha ha, I really have a few handy people. It would be great if I could come. By the way, how much salary are you going to give me as the director? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what salary does not pay?"? That TV station is ours. If you want, I'll give it to you directly, even if it's a couple of us who respect you. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chen Zhan's heart suddenly emerged a warm current, and his eyes were red.

I can't find such a nephew with a lantern.

After a long time, Chen zhancai said, "Yunhai, I'm really satisfied with your words. However, if there are no rules, there will be no square circle. We will do what we should do. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then you and the future Minister of finance to discuss the decision."The two chatted for a while, and then hung up.

Cui Yan asked happily, "Lao Chen, did you agree?"

Chen Zhan was not angry and said: "can you not agree? If I don't promise, the old man will come and beat me up. Well, it's getting late. Go to bed

At the villa of Los Angeles manor, Xiao Yunhai finished his conversation with Chen Zhanhai and argued with Zhao Wanqing. Naturally, Zhao Wanqing won.

People say that women's heart, undersea needle, is all right.

Zhao Wanqing, who had already won the victory, finally chose the cheongsam that Xiao Yunhai thought was good, which made Xiao Yunhai cry and laugh.

"Wife, I promise I won't argue with you about clothes in the future, because I find it really meaningless."

Zhao Wanqing hugged Xiao Yunhai's neck and said with a smile, "I just like to tease you."

Xiao Yunhai picked her up and said with a sneer, "then I'll let you know what's the end of teasing me."

Zhao Wanqing's face changed. She struggled for two times and said, "husband, what are you going to do? It's broad daylight. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing's beautiful face and said, "it's all from you."

With that, she came to the bedroom with Zhao Wanqing in her arms, threw her into the soft bed, and then the whole person rushed up in Zhao Wanqing's scream.

After a while, the bedroom is full of spring. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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