Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:53 AM

Chapter 1206

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Soon it was Xiao Yunhai's turn to be shortlisted for the best song award, a total of eight songs, Xiao Yunhai alone accounted for three of them.

Without any suspense, Xiao Yunhai won the award with "Billie Jean".

After shaking hands with Zhao Wanqing, she stood up and shook hands with the singers.

Holding the trophy, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank the Grammy jury for giving this award to me, and thank all the fans for their love. This is my first time to attend the Grammy Awards ceremony. If I can win this award, even if there is no one in the back, I am not in vain. Thank you again. "

There was applause at the scene.

At the banquet, Franklin clapped his hands perfunctorily and asked Elvis Noyes, the director of IMD TV station nearby: "I heard that Kung Fu Xiao and his wife are going to sing three songs on stage tonight, aren't they?"

Elvis Noyes nodded and said, "that's right."

Franklin narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "can you cancel their singing?"

"We do have the right under the contract," Elvis Noyes said. However, the identity of the Kung Fu Xiao and his wife is not ordinary, and there are numerous fans. If we do this, not only the fans will be very dissatisfied, but the Grammy organizing committee will also fiercely oppose it. It is likely that they will not cooperate with us in the future. "

Franklin thought for a while and said, "the most important reason why Xiao agreed to appear this time is for his wife's album promotion. In this way, you can contact the Grammy organizing committee and find a reason to turn their three songs into one song. Don't let Miss Zhao come on stage. "

Elvis Noyes said, "OK, I'll do it."

In another corner, Kerry picked up his mobile phone and dialed the MGM TV station in China.

"How about the ratings?" Kerry asked in a deep voice.

"Very good. When Mr. Xiao won the best song award, the audience rating broke through 7%, and is still growing slowly. "

Kerry said happily: "it's great. I got 7% of the audience rating during this period. I must be the first in China. You pay close attention to the ratings curve and let me know as soon as it exceeds 10 percent. "


Kerry hung up with satisfaction.

Since he got Xiao Yunhai's live broadcasting rights, Kerry has launched extensive publicity in China. Fans are also very active on the Internet, hoping to see how many awards Xiao Yunhai can win.

The program has such a great influence, advertisers who come to negotiate advertising business naturally come in an endless stream.

Kerry referred to the practice of xiaoyunhai manwei company and used ratings to exchange advertising fees, which was supported by advertisers.

According to the current ratings, Kerry can get 70 million yuan in revenue after only 10 minutes of advertising. It's just robbing money.

What's more, with the passage of time, the ratings will certainly increase, and the income will be higher.

As a result, Kerry can hardly make money.

On the Internet, Xiao Yunhai's fans are very excited, have left messages on the forum.

"Yunhuang is wonderful. This is the first time in five years that a Chinese singer has won a Grammy Award."

"Yes. In addition to Ye Tianwang who won the best song award in 1996, yunhuang is the first one

"Look, the remaining four awards will never get out of his hand."

"What I'm looking forward to most is not when Emperor Yun will win several awards, but when he will sing with Qing Hou. The Grammy organizing committee was so annoying that it didn't even announce the time. "

"I'm waiting. After Yun Huangqing, he wants to sing three new songs, which is really expected. "

Like the previous Oscars, the Grammy Awards show in China's fans, the status is also very high.

Unfortunately, over the years, few Chinese singers have been recognized by Grammy.

Now Xiao Yunhai is born, with an album, has won 130 million sales, so Grammy has to pay attention to it. This is undoubtedly a very great thing for fans, and it is inevitable to be excited.

The award ceremony continued. Soon after winning the best song award, Xiao Yunhai won the best rock song award and the best arranger successively, which made Xiao Yunhai have no words to say about the award.

As everyone knows, the remaining album of the year and singer of the year must still be in Xiao Yunhai's pocket, so many fans of Xiao Yunhai began to celebrate online in advance.

"What are you talking about? I can only sing one song. I'm kidding In a corner of the backstage, Xiao Yunhai looked solemnly at Grammy chairman Oliver Adolf.

"Mr. Shaw, this is IMD's proposal," he said helplessly. According to the contract, they have this right. "

Xiao Yunhai's face showed anger and said, "it's paramount again. It's endless. What are their reasons for doing so? ""Time. They said that if you sing three songs, it will seriously affect the next program arrangement of IMD TV station, which is likely to cause dissatisfaction of advertisers, so you must win two. I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. I don't want to be like that either

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it has nothing to do with you. Sir, since I can only sing one song, let my wife sing on the stage. Her album is about to be released, and she needs this opportunity more than I do. "

Clifford Adolf pursed his lips and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xiao, IMD TV station thinks you are more popular than Miss Zhao, so they appointed you to sing."

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "the beauty of thinking. The reason I agreed to appear was for my wife. If she doesn't come on stage, what's the point of my going on stage? Franklin was deliberately picking on me. Well, in that case, I'll take a break with him. Tell him, sir, if he wants to do this, I don't mind telling fans around the world about it. Didn't he say it was a matter of time? Then ask the fans if they can agree with him

With that, Xiao Yunhai no longer paid attention to Oliver Adolf, and returned to his seat with a black face.

Seeing that his face was not right, Zhao Wanqing asked softly, "husband, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said it again and said, "this Franklin really pinched me as a soft persimmon. I don't know if I dare to deal with us in this way without looking at my own weight. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, I will not sing if I don't sing. It doesn't matter."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have a problem. Well, I don't know what to say? Now I have something to say

Zhao Wanqing quickly stopped: "husband, you have made an Oscar, won't make another Grammy.". It's not good for us to offend these two most influential programs in Europe and America. Forget it. I don't want to be on the stage anyway. Whatever they want. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, don't worry. I know it in my mind."

On the other side, Franklin saw his face and said, "it seems that Xiao is very angry."

IMD TV station director Elvis Noyes said: "three songs only sing one, such a thing on no one will be happy."

At this time, a staff member came to the two people and said, "gentlemen, chairman koliver Adolf, please go backstage and talk about a very difficult matter."

Franklin and Elvis Noyes looked at each other, and at the same time got up and left their seats.

Seeing Oliver Adolf, Franklin asked, "Mr. Adolf, what does Kung Fu Xiao say?"

Cliff Adolf was also very dissatisfied with the behavior of IMD TV station, and said with a slightly ugly face: "Mr. Xiao is very angry and claims that if you do, he will go on stage and tell this matter to fans all over the world."

"What?" Franklin frowned and said, "Kung Fu Xiao really said that? He's a tough guy

At this time, Franklin realized that he had miscalculated.

If you are an ordinary singer, if you do this yourself, the other person will not dare to say anything even if he is angry again.

But who is Xiao Yunhai? The richest man in the world, a superstar in the world, can't give up when he is treated unfairly.

At the beginning, he would have been mad at the Oscars, let alone paramount.

It's just a trivial matter for Xiao Yunhai to announce this matter on stage and attack himself and IMD TV station.

He won't lose the slightest bit, but paramount and IMD show a little bit of guts.

Xiao Yunhai asked Clive Adolf to tell him that he obviously did not want to give up Zhao Wanqing's opportunity, but if he did not agree, he would not be polite.

Franklin said, "since Kung Fu Xiao is so reactive, let's forget it. I'll send people to communicate with those advertisers again, hoping to get their understanding. "

"Bullshit, what kind of advertisers come from? Do you really treat others as idiots?"

Oliver Adolf sneered in his heart, but said, "that would be the best. It's time for the best album award. I'll inform Mr. Xiao immediately. "

After Oliver Adolf left, Franklin shook his head and said with a wry smile, "what are we doing in this business? It's just a matter of offending the Grammy organizing committee." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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