Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:50 AM

Chapter 1208

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Xiao Yunhai gently hugged Zhao Wanqing, gave her a look of encouragement, then bowed to the audience and walked off the stage. Only Zhao Wanqing was left standing on the stage, ready to sing the theme song "my heart will last" which was familiar to all people in previous lives.

Zhao Wanqing closed her eyes and immersed herself in the artistic conception of music. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes had become blurred and her smile was full of sad beauty.

"Well, what instrument is this? That's so nice? "

"It's our Irish Tin Whistle, a musical instrument with our strong Irish national flavor. I didn't expect that Shaw knew it and used it in his songs."

"Although it's just the beginning, I feel that this song" forever in my heart "will be a classic among the classics, and the melody is so good."

At the end of the prelude, Zhao Wanqing sang out the first line of lyrics, which immediately caught everyone's heart.

"Every night my distance.

iseeyou, ifeeelyou.

thatishow I know you go on.

fararossthe distance.


Zhao Wanqing's interpretation of this classic song is similar to that of Celine Dion in her previous life. Xiao Yunhai used Celine Dion's singing method when guiding her to sing.

In order to make Zhao Wanqing fully understand the expression of this song "my heart will last forever", Xiao Yunhai even told her the story of Titanic.

However, Zhao Wanqing's voice is different from Celine Dion. Compared with her voice, Zhao Wanqing's voice is more ethereal and more picturesque. In addition, she is an actress. After bringing herself completely into the heroine of Titanic, her strong feelings directly elevate the artistic conception of the song to a limit.

Although the melody of the song is very gentle in front of it, under the deduction of Zhao Wanqing, every word of the song is meant to poke people's hearts.

After the first paragraph, many people look sad, as if they feel the pain and missing of their loved ones.

"It's so nice and touching. I want to cry."

"Classic, absolutely classic in love songs."

"It's so beautiful. Is this a song? It sounds like a story to me. "

"I bet Miss Zhao's song will be one of the best songs at the next Grammy Awards."

The fans were talking about it.

Soon, the melody of the song from gentle transition to exciting, Zhao Wanqing's voice also correspondingly increased by half a key, so that the whole song has more impact and appeal.

"Once more you open the door

you're here in my heart

my heart will go on


both musicians and fans have been immersed in Zhao Wanqing's singing.

Most female fans' eyes have been red, as if the most sensitive string in their hearts was moved by Zhao Wanqing.

To the climax, Zhao Wanqing again raised a tone, the voice became more sentimental, the feelings contained in this moment got the greatest degree of catharsis.

"Near, far, where you are.

I believe that the heart does go on.

once more you open the door.

you're here in my heart.

my heart will go on."


whether the audience is in front of the TV, this moment is completely electrified by Zhao Wanqing's extreme singing. The red eyes of those female fans couldn't help but shed tears. Even some men can't stand it. They feel terrible.

In particular, those musicians themselves are very sensitive to music. Their feelings are more likely to be moved by the beautiful melody, and their tears all revolve in their eyes.

The song ended in a stirring ending, the whole scene was silent, no applause, no screams, as if everyone was still immersed in the artistic conception of the song.

I don't know who was the first to clap his hands, and then the overwhelming applause and cheers rushed to Zhao Wanqing.

All of them stood up and expressed their sincere respect to Zhao Wanqing on the stage. Even Xiao Yunhai's first song was not given such treatment.

Xiao Yunhai's wife knows the time to march into Europe and America.

"From gentle to passionate, to sentimental, and finally to the touching ending, I feel like telling a story about a couple of men and women from love to the eternal separation. Classic, no, should be described as great. ""Miss Zhao's voice is really beautiful. She has a great sense of picture. She can change the bass, middle and high notes freely, and her feelings are very strong to the extreme. Such a singer in the European and American music world, no, definitely belongs to the top group of people in the world. This year's Grammy belongs to Kung Fu Xiao, and next year's Grammy may belong to the leader of the richest man in the world. "

"Yes, I've never taken anyone in music in my life, but today I have to be convinced of Mr. Xiao. Three songs, each capital is a classic among the classics. This kind of creative ability is really beyond the reach of any other musician. "

"It's a lot of trouble. It is said that this song "forever in my heart" is the main song of the same name in Miss Zhao's album. After tonight, I will definitely go to the top of the list. I think it's no problem to be the number one for three consecutive weeks. Does she really want to sweep the European and American music circle like last year's Kung Fu Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai came back to the stage again. They looked at each other with a smile, clasped their fingers, bowed together, and walked slowly off the stage amid the screams of fans.

The netizens of Huaxia are already crazy at this time.

"What is the sound of nature? I just got it. "Forever in my heart" after clearing up is wonderful

"Although my English is not very good, the singing beyond the language still makes me cry. I didn't say that. Support. "

"The cloud emperor is so talented that she can sing after sunny. The perfect combination of the two people sings the song" my heart forever "to the extreme. I just want to know when Qinghou's English album will be released, even if it's a single. I can't wait. "

"Classics in classics. I bet that with this song alone, Qinghou's album won't be worse than the last one. At least it can be over 100 million. "

"I agree with you upstairs. The couple's music albums have sold more than 100 million, which is unprecedented and has never been followed. "

"No matter what, I have to buy Qinghou's album anyway. Even if only "my heart forever" this song

Zhao Wanqing announced that her children's popularity had dropped slightly in front of the public for only two years.

In just half an hour, the number of fans on her Huaxia homepage has risen by nearly 10 million.

At the Grammy scene, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to their seats after singing.

Half an hour later, the best singer of the year was collected by Xiao Yunhai.

The Grammy Awards show lasted from 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., and there were no less than 30 singers on stage alone.

That's why the ratings of Grammy parties have always been higher than those of Oscars.

Xiao Yunhai is a big winner this time, the five awards shortlisted are all successfully won by him.

Zhao Wanqing also won the favor of numerous European and American fans through her performance at the party, which greatly increased her influence, which laid a solid foundation for her next album promotion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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