Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:48 AM

Chapter 121

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In the face of such a fierce whip, Xiao Yunhai did not dodge. His right hand changed his fist and made a "cannon fist" of Xingyi boxing. It was like a huge shell coming out of the cannon, and the recoil force shook people.

The fist force soared to the sky and met the hand whip of Mengfang's volley.

The fists of the two men intersected, and at the same time, their whole bodies shook and they retreated.

Xiao Yunhai stepped back three steps more than Mengfang, and then he put down the shelf, leaving several deep footprints on the ground.

Chen Jiahong stopped the contest and was very pleased with their Kung Fu. He looked at Liang Hu, who was still in a daze, and said with a smile, "boy, practice hard. I hope you can reach this level one day."

Liang Hu nodded his head in a daze, and a huge wave rose in his heart. This is Chinese Kung Fu. Taekwondo and Thai boxing are not good at all.

Xiao Yunhai said to Meng Fang, "it's still Meng elder martial brother who is fierce. What I lost is convinced."

Meng Fang shakes his head and smiles bitterly. He has practiced ten years more than Xiao Yunhai, and he has no distractions. He did not expect that Xiao Yunhai, who is haunted by all kinds of things, is not clever.

The family, together with Mengfang and Lianghu, made a big table and had a beautiful meal.

Xiao Yunhai's uncle went back in the afternoon. He couldn't wait to do the planning of "the voice of China", while Xiao Yunhai's family stayed very late.

When I came back from my grandfather's home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. After a simple wash, Xiao Yunhai said good night to his parents and walked into the room.

After chatting with Zhao Wanqing for a while, she opened her laptop and began typing.

"Xiao Ao Jiang Hu"

what he is writing is Mr. Jin Yong's Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu.

Xiao Yunhai announced at the press conference of Xiao Li's flying knife that the publication of "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu" would be published within half a year. He also said with great arrogance that "if the sales volume is less than 30 million, it will be regarded as a failure", which caused a lot of trouble.

Xiao Yunhai is very confident about Mr. Jin Yong's "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu".

Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu is Jin Yong's later work. It not only has a changeable plot, but also creates distinctive artistic images such as Ling Huchong, Dongfang invincible, and asking me to do business. It is definitely several levels higher than today's martial arts novels!

For two hours in a row, Xiao Yunhai wrote 30000 words. The speed, I don't know how many network writers.

Look at the time. It's already 12 o'clock. Xiao Yunhai is ready to have a rest.

All of a sudden, the phone on the head of the bed rang.

"Hello, sister Xue, haven't you slept so late?"

"What else? Yunhai, listen to me. You are going to be famous. "

Su Yingxue's voice on the phone is a little excited.

"Fame? Sister Xue, I'm already famous, OK Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

As the author of the martial arts novels "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "Xiao Li Feidao", Xiao Yunhai is well-known all over the country and countless fans.

The cloud emperor on the network music has attracted tens of millions of fans.

Although his films and TV plays have not been shown yet, there are at least 30 million fans of books and fans.

How popular this is.

"Well, I'm not in the mood to listen to you."

"Ha ha, no kidding. What makes our sister Xue so excited?"

Su Yingxue said happily, "do you know? You have been shortlisted for three awards of this year's Golden Cup Music Festival, namely, best new musician, best single and best online singer. Yunhai, you're amazing. You know what? When I just got the notice from the company, I was stupid. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned for a moment when he heard Su Yingxue's words. Some of them couldn't believe it.

The golden cup award is so supreme in the eyes of Chinese artists that I accidentally won three awards. Although its importance is lower than that of the best album and the best singer, it is also the golden cup award, and its attention is still much higher than that of other music ceremonies.

Once he gets any award, Xiao Yunhai's fame will be able to really fight out, and his future albums will certainly benefit a lot.

Xiao Yunhai asked Su Yingxue some specific information.

He thinks that in these three awards, the best online singer should be sure.

The award was added to the Golden Cup Music Festival three years ago when online music was at its peak. The purpose is to be able to dig out more grassroots singers and give those ordinary people a chance to become famous.

The winners of the first three years have now become the contracted singers of the music company, which means that

is a step up to the sky.

Xiao Yunhai in a long time online release of those online songs, in the network rankings has been far ahead.

The four songs of "mouse in love with me", "little apple", "damned gentleness" and "praying for Buddha" ranked first, fourth, fifth and eighth respectively in terms of download amount, and other songs were also in the top 20, which is a miracle of online music.If the Golden Cup Music Festival does not award this award to Xiao Yunhai, it is estimated that no one will agree.

The second is the best single. This time he was shortlisted for his "Orchid Pavilion preface", a brand-new music form, which should give him a lot of points. I just don't know what the judges think. After all, the rest of the competition is also strong.

As for the best rookie, although Xiao Yunhai has also sung some top songs, he thinks his chances of winning the prize should be small. After all, he has not released an album. Of course, if the network songs are also counted, Xiao Yunhai's chances of winning the prize will be great.

Finally, Su Yingxue told Xiao Yunhai that this year's Golden Cup Music Festival will be postponed to December 1. At that time, if he can win the prize, he will be required to sing on stage.

After talking to Su Yingxue, Xiao Yunhai discovers four missed calls from Zhao Wanqing.

"Wanqing, only two hours have passed, and you miss me again?"

"Fuck you. I heard that some people are going to be big singers, so I came to Daoxi quickly. I didn't expect it was too late. Was it sister Yingxue who called you just now

"Oh, you still have Zhuge Liang's ability. You'll be here all of a sudden. By the way, I'd like to congratulate you on being shortlisted for the best new musician. I think you still have a good chance of winning the prize. "

"It's thanks to the golden cup award that separates the male and female new singers. Otherwise, if you are a pervert, there will be no such thing as US female singers. Congratulations, I heard the exact news, the best rookie selection also included online songs. It's estimated that your best online singer and best rookie can't run away. "

"That would be great. Are you sure this news is true? "

"Nonsense, of course. I am a judge teacher of golden cup award who called alone for you

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai was moved and said, "thank you, Wanqing. I love you. "

Zhao Wanqing over there obviously didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would say these three words to her. She stopped for a moment and whispered, "Yunhai, I love you too." Finish saying, then hang up the phone.

Hear a burst of love in the heart, is this the sweet taste of the mobile phone.

Xiao Yunhai asked Su Yingxue some specific information.

He thinks that in these three awards, the best online singer should be sure.

The award was added to the Golden Cup Music Festival three years ago when online music was at its peak. The purpose is to be able to dig out more grassroots singers and give those ordinary people a chance to become famous.

The winners of the first three years have now become the contracted singers of the music company, which means that

is a step up to the sky.

Xiao Yunhai in a long time online release of those online songs, in the network rankings has been far ahead.

The four songs of "mouse in love with me", "little apple", "damned gentleness" and "praying for Buddha" ranked first, fourth, fifth and eighth respectively in terms of download amount, and other songs were also in the top 20, which is a miracle of online music.

If the Golden Cup Music Festival does not award this award to Xiao Yunhai, it is estimated that no one will agree.

The second is the best single. This time he was shortlisted for his "Orchid Pavilion preface", a brand-new music form, which should give him a lot of points. I just don't know what the judges think. After all, the rest of the competition is also strong.

As for the best rookie, although Xiao Yunhai has also sung some top songs, he thinks his chances of winning the prize should be small. After all, he has not released an album. Of course, if the network songs are also counted, Xiao Yunhai's chances of winning the prize will be great.

Finally, Su Yingxue told Xiao Yunhai that this year's Golden Cup Music Festival will be postponed to December 1. At that time, if he can win the prize, he will be required to sing on stage.

After talking to Su Yingxue, Xiao Yunhai discovers four missed calls from Zhao Wanqing.

"Wanqing, only two hours have passed, and you miss me again?"

"Fuck you. I heard that some people are going to be big singers, so I came to Daoxi quickly. I didn't expect it was too late. Was it sister Yingxue who called you just now

"Oh, you still have Zhuge Liang's ability. You'll be here all of a sudden. By the way, I'd like to congratulate you on being shortlisted for the best new musician. I think you still have a good chance of winning the prize. "

"It's thanks to the golden cup award that separates the male and female new singers. Otherwise, if you are a pervert, there will be no such thing as US female singers. Congratulations, I heard the exact news, the best rookie selection also included online songs. It's estimated that your best online singer and best rookie can't run away. "

"That would be great. Are you sure this news is true? "

"Nonsense, of course. I am a judge teacher of golden cup award who called alone for you

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai was moved and said, "thank you, Wanqing. I love you. "

Zhao Wanqing over there obviously didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would say these three words to her. She stopped for a moment and whispered, "Yunhai, I love you too." Finish saying, then hang up the phone.

Xiao Yunhai heard the blind voice coming from the mobile phone, and his heart was sweet. Is this the taste of , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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