Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:47 AM

Chapter 1210

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Hang up the phone, before Xiao Yunhai put the phone down, Kerry called in again.

"Xiao, I want to tell you some good news. Do you know what the ratings of China MGM TV are? Oh, my God. I'm scared to death. When you and Wanqing were singing, the audience rating broke through 30%, and the sky, it was 30%. After you finished singing, I just put in the advertisement for three minutes. Ha ha, now we are making a lot of money. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you boy, don't let me guess riddles. Say, how much? "

Kerry said with a smile: "I've asked people to calculate. According to the contract we negotiated with the advertisement, our advertising expenses can be converted into US $112 million. Even if we exclude those taxes, we can get a net income of more than 80 million."

Xiao Yunhai spent 50 million US dollars to buy the copyright of the Grammy party in China. Now just live broadcast makes him turn over the book. If you add in the Internet download fee, you can't make a profit.

Xiao Yunhai gave a satisfied smile and said, "very good. Kerry, when the money's in, you can give Raul the check. I'm going back to China now. The plane will take off soon, so I won't talk to you. "

Put down the mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai told the good news to everyone.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "so, 50 million of the principal has come back, and then we will see the Internet download."

Mo Yina said: "with the three songs of the two of you, I bet even the fans who have watched the live broadcast will download them online."

Zhao Wanqing asked, "how many people do you think Mo can achieve?"

Mo Yina thought for a while and said, "with your popularity and fans, I estimate that at least there are hundreds of millions of times."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I've made a lot of money. Sister Yu told me that the download fee for this Grammy Awards ceremony will be 10 yuan. If there are 100 million people downloading, I can make 200 million dollars. "

Christie shook her head and sighed, "you big capitalists, you are so good. It's easy to make money that ordinary people can't make in their lifetime. It's really irritating to compare people to people. "

The plane took off soon after everyone was talking and laughing.

Seven hours later, Xiao Yunhai and others walked out of the New Zealand International Airport. At this time, New Zealand time was 9:00 a.m.

"It's beautiful here. In Yanjing, we will never see such a blue sky, such white clouds, and it is estimated that we will never be able to breathe such fresh air. " Zhao Wanqing opened the window, greedily looked at the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Mo Yina said with a smile: "Wanqing, New Zealand is an agricultural country with little pollution, and even a large number of virgin forests and grasslands are preserved. If you have a chance to see the grassland, it will really make people happy. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, when we have time, we will come here to play for a period of time. Do you agree?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said happily, "of course."

Mo Yina laughed and said, "this is really a good place to travel. By the way, Yunhai, we are more than an hour away from David Harnett's "war of the thunder". What kind of name do you think is appropriate for us to go through? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "let's go directly to the production team to visit the class."

Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world and an international superstar, went to visit his class, which is a matter worth showing off to any crew. I believe that the "war of thunder" crew is no exception.

Moyna nodded, took out her mobile phone and called David Harnett's agent.

Although she didn't meet David Harnett himself, her social skills made it easy to make friends with Melinda Dunlop, David's beauty agent.

"Hi, Melinda, I'm here again."

Melinda on the other side of the phone was watching David Harnett filming. She said with a wry smile, "Yi Na, why are you here again? You know, David has the final say. So far, he has no idea to join any film and television company. "

Mo Yina said with a smile: "Melinda, this time I'm not here to talk to you about this matter, but to inform you that our boss and boss's wife are going to visit your crew. It'll be here in more than an hour. Please tell the director, Mr. Mitch trivican

"Your boss and his wife?" Meilin Darden stopped for a moment, and then she quickly responded and exclaimed, "Yi Na, do you mean Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao are going to visit? Oh, my God. Didn't they just finish the Grammy show last night? How could it have arrived so soon? "

Don't you know we have a private plane

Melinda said, "Yina, tell me the truth. Is Mr. Xiao here for David's sake? Apart from his own company's films, I have never heard that Mr. Xiao will visit other troupes? "

Mo Yina said with a smile, "I will not hide it from you. After attending the Grammy party, Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao originally wanted to go back to China. After hearing me talk about Mr. Harnett, I changed my mind and came to New Zealand. Can you feel Mr. Xiao's sincerity? A lazy man like him has never done this for a star. "Melinda said, "OK, I see. They're going to finish the play right away. I'll tell the crew. "

After hanging up the phone, Melinda shook her head and said, "it seems that the richest man is determined to win David."

Ten minutes later, the crew finished filming.

David hannett walked out of the set with a tired face. Melinda rushed up to meet him, handed him a bottle of mineral water and said, "David, Miss Mo is here again."

David Harnett took a sip of water and said, "they and paramount are so persistent. But I really don't want to join any company, even if it's Xiao's marvel. Forget it, the old way. Just say I'm too busy to see her. "

Melinda laughed bitterly, shook her head and said, "David, I'm afraid not this time. Because Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao came here in person and claimed that they would come to visit. In another hour, they would be almost there. Can you not see them

When David Harnett heard it, the water in his mouth almost came out. He was surprised and said, "Xiao is coming. Are you kidding? He was in Los Angeles last night. Why... Oh, by the way, he has his own private jet. Hehe, it seems that hiding can't be avoided. Well, I'll make it clear to him. I hope he can understand. Since it's a visit, I need to talk to director trevican in advance. You know, there are a lot of journalists out there. He will certainly not miss such a good publicity opportunity. "

When he came to Mr. mitchtrivican, David Harnett told him about Xiao Yunhai's visit.

When he heard that Xiao, the world's richest man, was about to come, Mickey trivican said with surprise and joy: "great. I'm thinking about how to promote our film. At this moment, the people who help us publicize have arrived. If Mr. and Mrs. Xiao are here, they can't even make headlines. "

After that, he waved his hand and called the deputy director over, asking him to inform the reporters outside the studio about Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's visit to the crew.

The deputy director nodded happily and ran out.

Soon, the reporters all knew that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing would come to "the battle of thunder" in a little while.

"Kung Fu Xiao is too fast. I also attended the Grammy Awards last night and flew to New Zealand today. "

"It's normal that people have private planes. What do you say is the main purpose of his coming here? "

"What else. It must be for David Harnett. Don't you see a lot of people from film companies gathering here and there? "

"A film emperor in his thirties is really worth visiting. I'm sure hannett is going into Marvel this time

"Not necessarily. Some time ago, CEOs of other film and television companies have also come, and even Mr. Welch from the film company has arrived. It's not that they have failed to win David Harnett. "

"I'd like Harnett to join marvel, so we have something to report on."

The reporters who got the news came to the outside of the studio, waiting for Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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