Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:46 AM

Chapter 1211

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A journalist in his thirties took his cell phone out of his pocket and called out.

"Miss Hausman, I have some bad news to tell you. Kung Fu Xiao Ma is coming to the" thunder war "crew. Everybody said he was for Mr. Harnett. "

"What? Here comes Kung Fu Xiao. How could it be so fast. Now it's a big problem. He and David Harnett are friends, and he himself is an international director. Our efforts for so many days may be in vain. "

"What shall we do?"

"Mr. Franklin is only here this evening. I'll report to him first."

In a five-star hotel, patrimony's head of brokerage, Esther Hausmann, wore a white Pajama and wrapped her body in a concave and convex shape. Although she was 35 years old and had a child, she was skillfully maintained. Her skin was still white, tender and smooth, and her face was as beautiful as flowers.

It's a pity that Esther Hausmann's frown destroyed her beauty.

"Boss, things are not good."

"What's the matter? I'm on the plane. " Franklin's voice soon came from the phone.

"Boss, things have changed. Kung Fu Xiao is going to join David Harnett's crew."

"What? Didn't he go to China? When did you run to New Zealand. That's ridiculous. "

For Xiao Yunhai, the enemy's whereabouts, Franklin was very concerned.

Unfortunately, what he didn't expect was that Xiao Yunhai temporarily changed his itinerary last night and flew to New Zealand, which gave him a bad feeling that he would have to make a trip in vain this time.

Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world and also the master of marvel. He personally solicited him, which can be said to have given David Harnett face.

Don't say you can't fly. Even if you see David Harnett now, it's hard to fight for each other.

After all, it's not the same level as Xiao Yunhai. Unless David Steele is there, he can be equal to the other side. Unfortunately, it is impossible for David Stern to lower his status and meet an actor, even a film emperor.

"What shall we do, boss?" Esther Hausman asked anxiously on the phone.

Franklin frowned and said, "is there any way you can see David Harnett now?"

"The crew won't let in. I haven't seen him yet

, "then contact his agent, and say that if he joins paramount, we will not only give him 1:9 But everything else has the final say. What's more, all the films invested by Paramount can play whatever he likes. In short, we must tell Kung Fu Xiao our sincerity before he arrives. Do you understand? "

"I see. You want to make a comparison with Xiao. As long as Xiao's conditions are not as good as ours, things will turn around, right? "

"Yes. Time doesn't wait. Go ahead and do it. "

Esther Hausmann put down her cell phone and immediately called Melinda, David Harnett's agent.

Melinda looked at the number on her cell phone, shook David Harnett and said, "Ms. Hausman of paramount. I think she got the news that Mr. Xiao is coming soon, so she called. "

"Then you can take it. She's probably going to tell you about Paramount's last offer

Melinda pressed the answer button and said with a smile, "Esther, you just called me last night. Why are you calling again now?"

"Melinda, if I don't call again, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for Mr. Franklin, the general manager of paramount, to come. Mr. Harnett will be in charge."

Melinda showed a certain expression and said, "Esther, do you know the news that Mr. Xiao is coming to visit the class"

"that's right. I also know that he must have come for Mr. Harnett, hasn't he? "

"I don't know. He and David are friends. Maybe they just come to visit

"No way. Kung Fu Xiao is the richest man in the world. How busy he is on weekdays? How can he just visit his class. Melinda, you don't have to lie to me. I'm not a fool. Mr. Franklin just called me in the hope that Mr. David Harnett would join us in paramount. To this end, we can give the most generous and free contract. "

After listening to Paramount's offer, Melinda said with a smile, "Paramount is really sincere. This should be the best actor contract in Hollywood. Don't worry, I'll tell David a word

"Then please."

After the phone call, Melinda told David Harnett what paramount was going to give him.

"It's very good indeed. But I don't like paramount because they do things by any means. Mr. Franklin, in particular, always gives the impression of being cruel all the time. " David Harnett said bluntly, without concealing his feelings for paramount.Melinda gave a hush, looked around and said, "David, keep your voice down. If your words reach Paramount's ears, you will be in great trouble

David Harnett said with a smile, "don't worry, I'll only tell you. Never say that in front of anyone else. "

Melinda seemed very happy about Harnett's trust and said, "actually, I feel the same as you. Mr. Xiao, if you have a good choice. He is well-known in Hollywood, and his employees are even better. "

David Harnett shrugged and said, "but I really don't want to join any of the film companies."

Melinda said: "David, you know, it's really hard to be a freelance artist in Hollywood. Even if you are a movie king, it's hard to get a foothold in it. At least, the company's blockbusters will only find their own actors, and will never look for you as an outsider. To be honest, I really don't think much of your decision. "

David Harnett said, "I know what you mean. Forget it. Let's wait until you see Xiao. "

At 11 a.m., Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the "battle of thunder" crew.

As soon as they got out of the car, the reporters surrounded them.

"Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "David is my good friend. He had a cameo in the good voice of America, so I came to see him

"Mr. Xiao, is the main purpose of your visit to persuade hannett to join marvel? You know, a lot of film companies have been here before. "

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be surprised and said, "isn't he a Colombian actor? Is his contract expired? Sorry, I really don't know about it. I'm going to have a good question when I see you later. If you can join us in Marvel, it would be great. As we all know, we don't have a movie emperor actor in our Marvel agency department. "

At this point, director Mitch trivican and David Harnett, who had already been informed, came up.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, I'm very glad that you two can come to visit our" war of thunder "crew. I'm the director Mitch trivican. "

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "director trivican, I'm sorry to disturb your filming."

Mickey trivican laughed and said, "it's our honor for Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao to be here in person. I don't want to disturb you. "

Xiao Yunhai gave a smile and turned his head to David. Harnett said with a smile: "David, it seems that you are very good here. In such a hot sun, my skin is not tanned. "

David Harnett said, "come on, it's an action movie. I'm half dead tired every day. If only I had one tenth of your Kung Fu, at least not so hard. Miss Zhao, the song "my heart will last forever" that you sang last night was really wonderful. I don't know when the MV will come out. I must buy one. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "thank you for your appreciation. I can have it delivered to you. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "David, it seems that I can sing well. If you want, I can send you one after I shoot the MV. "

David Harnett shrugged and said, "forget it. I'm afraid you'll ask me for money

"Ha ha ha."

When they heard this, they could not help laughing.

Xiao Yunhai slapped him gently and said with a smile: "you bastard, am I such a person?"

David Harnett thought about it and said, "that's true."

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and was speechless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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