Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:45 AM

Chapter 1212

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Led by Mickey trevican and David Harnett, Xiao Yunhai walked around the crew, watched several scenes from the camera, and burst into admiration.

Seeing the rare opportunity, Mickey trivican asked Xiao Yunhai about the problems he encountered in using the 3D camera.

Xiao Yunhai naturally answered all questions and made a demonstration in person, which benefited Mickey trivican a lot.

So David McConnell insisted on having dinner with xiaoyunehai.

At one o'clock, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing invited David hannett and Melinda to a restaurant where Mo Yina and Kristi were waiting for them.

When David Harnett saw that there was no one around him, he knew that Xiao Yunhai had taken care of him here. He could not help shaking his head and said with a bitter smile, "Xiao, it seems that you are going to eat me?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? I just want to treat you to a meal. I'm not sure what comes from. Sit down

Mo Yina nodded to the waiter, and a variety of Western restaurants, such as steak, hamburger and coke, appeared on the table one after another.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "David, let's eat first and then talk about things. My stomach is growling with hunger

David Harnett said, "I'm hungry. I started shooting at six in the morning, and I haven't had a serious meal yet. "

All of them were polite and started to move together.

Xiao Yunhai is naturally the biggest eater. He ate 15 plates of beef and 10 hamburgers to fill his stomach.

Let the waiter give everyone a cup of coffee, Xiao Yunhai this just talked about the business.

"David, we are old friends. You're a real jerk. I'm so sad that you didn't tell me about your departure from Columbia Pictures when you went to the voice of America

David Harnett said, "if I had told you, you wouldn't have let me go."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes. A young film maker like you is a strategic existence for any entertainment company. Of course, I would advise you to join us. As you know, Marvel's foundation is too thin. Almost all the artists in it are promoted by ourselves, and none of the actors of the Movie Empire class. This is not commensurate with the status of Marvel comics in Hollywood. "

"It's a pity that we can't dig up any of the famous stars who have won the Oscars all the time. It's not easy for you to come out of Columbia Pictures. If you replace me with you, can you let it go? You forgot to ask me. Are you uncomfortable in Colombia? How do you want to leave? "

David Harnett sighed. "I don't like their working environment. It's full of copper smell. In everyone's eyes, money is still money. It's not a company that really likes movies. There's no human touch in it."

"I joined Columbia Pictures ten years ago, and my boss was Hugo Joshua. He was a good man and a real filmmaker with special feelings for movies. I have great respect for him, and he has taken a fancy to me and given me a lot of opportunities, which makes me step by step from a little boy to today's film emperor's position. It's a pity that six years ago, he died of illness and the company was handed over to his son, Isaiah Joshua. Everything has changed. He has become mercenary. He can no longer find the feeling of Hugo Joshua when he was alive

"Xiao, do you believe it? I haven't been to Columbia Pictures' headquarters for three years. I won't even go to the annual meeting. Isaiah Joshua seemed to know that I had made up my mind to go, and didn't even mean to stay. Hehe, anyway, I've made a lot of money for the company in the past ten years. He didn't even meet me. Just in the phone, the false appeal for some time, and then there is no movement. It's sad to think about it. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a deep voice: "nothing to be sad about. Columbia Pictures has gone from bad to worse in recent years. Although it has several Oscar winners and many Grammy winning singers, they have not made good use of them. The films and albums produced are not so well received. In the increasingly competitive Hollywood, I think it is not far away from the end. I'm sorry, but I'm telling the truth

David Harnett said with a little sadness: "yes, it will be very difficult for it to return to its former glory unless someone can suddenly come forward to turn the tide."

Xiao Yunhai was silent for a moment and said, "David, I didn't expect that you should have left Columbia Pictures for this reason. In this case, let's come to marvel. I can assure you, as Mr. Hugo Joshua can do, so can I. I can do what he can't do. David, we all love movies and share a lot of common language. Why not give marvel and me a chance

David Harnett shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Shaw. I don't want to join any company, including your marvel. Over the years, I've made a lot of money myself. I'd like to set up a small film company and invite some directors to make films I like. This way of working gives me a sense of freedom and I really don't want to be constrained by the company any more. "Hearing David Harnett's words, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help shaking his head and saying, "David, I didn't expect that this guy is an idealist without any common sense of business. Ha ha, I didn't see that. Do you think you can set up a film company and be free? I'm kidding

"I tell you that if your plan is completely wrong, it will only make you more constrained. From the preparation to the final screening of a film, it takes many steps, such as shooting, post production, review, publicity, distribution, release and so on. Now you can do a few things. I counted the first three points. The rest of you need help. David, your film company won't bring you freedom. It will just lock you up like a chain and make you less free. Do you understand? "

Mo Yina, who was next to her, obviously didn't expect that the famous film emperor would be so naive. She could not help asking Melinda next to her, "Mr. Harnett wants to set up a film company. Why don't you stop him?"

Melinda shook her head and said with a wry smile, "David just said to be a free man. He didn't tell me to start a company. If I had known, I would have stopped him

With that, Melinda said to David, "Mr. Shaw is right. You should think about it. And what I want to tell you is that it's hard to manage a film company with your personality. "

"I'm sorry, Melinda," said David hannett stubbornly. "I've made up my mind."

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "David, why don't you set up a personal studio?"

David Harnett was stunned and said, "personal studio? What? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is a new thing I created. Let's put it this way, when a star becomes famous and wants to do a career on his own and is divorced from the high dependence on the entertainment company, but finds that he does not have the ability to be perfect, then he can set up a personal studio relying on the entertainment company. Use their own popularity and influence, borrow the resources of the parent company to integrate. The employees are recruited by the stars themselves, who are responsible for their own profits and losses, and maintain their own independence. When you see a good film, you can make your own investment, choose your own directors and actors to shoot. If you encounter problems such as capital, distribution and projection, you can also seek the parent company behind to solve them. Only the benefits obtained should be shared with the parent company. In this way, all the problems of stars will be solved. David, don't you think this studio is right for you

David Harnett listened to the glare of his eyes and nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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