Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:43 AM

Chapter 1213

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Xiao Yunhai said that this studio is really suitable for him. He can be his own boss and has great autonomy. He can also rely on a big tree to enjoy the cool. It is equivalent to a cooperative relationship with the parent company. Although some benefits have been taken away, it is not worth mentioning compared with the risk. The form is perfect.

Thinking of this, David Harnett said excitedly, "Shaw, your brain is so good."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "he wanted to set up a studio under my father's Hanhai film and television investment company. Later, he didn't need these things. If Mr. Harnett thinks it's good, he can set up a personal studio under marvel to recruit some employees to work for him. When he meets a suitable film, he can also invest on his own. Marvel will promote, distribute and show you around the world. This is indeed a very perfect new form of cooperation. "

David hanay nodded and said, "Miss Zhao is right. Xiao, would you like me to set up a studio under your marvel

Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "nonsense. I don't want to. Why do I tell you so much? Now you sign the contract for me, and then you can take care of your studio by yourself? Shit, you don't believe me, do you? "

David Harnett said with a smile, "how come? Not to mention our relationship, but your personal integrity is well-known in Hollywood. You've been told that what you say is safer than the contract. You even gave up the treasure of Harry Potter to MGM, not to mention my small studio

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's almost the same. Mo Jie, give the contract to David and let him have a look. No problem, sign the contract. "

Moyna nodded, took out two contracts from her bag and handed them to David Harnett.

Harnett looked at it and said in surprise, "how did you sign for a year? Do you have the wrong number? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes, it's a year. It's the same with director bikvin. If you feel uncomfortable in Marvel, you can leave. But I believe that when you join marvel, even if you drive you with a stick, you won't want to leave. "

"Xiao, you're the most confident boss I've ever met," said hannett, thumbing up his thumb. It seems that I am not wrong in choosing marvel. "

With that, David Harnett took up his pen, rinsed, and signed his name in the lower right corner of the contract.

Mo Yina put up one of the contracts and said happily, "we have actors in marvel at last."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "sister Mo, can you be more reserved? I'm also a movie maker, OK

Wrong, Mo Di, you are Yingna. Because at the level, you're in charge of me. "

David Harnett said, "by the way, Shaw, I hope Melinda will join marvel. She's been with me since I came into Hollywood. This time she came out of Columbia with me. I don't want to lose her excellent agent

Xiao Yunhai looked at him like an idiot and said, "David, I think you are very smart at ordinary times. How can you be so stupid all of a sudden. Boss, you are the boss of the studio. Who you want to be your assistant, driver, bodyguard and agent is your freedom. Even if you see a promising actor, you can recruit him into your studio. This has nothing to do with me, OK? See? My Mr. Harnett. "

David Harnett froze, then slapped his forehead and said to himself, "I'm really stupid."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai looked at his watch and said, "David, you can do it yourself after shooting the film. If you have any difficulties, you can go straight to Raul. Time is almost up. We need to go back to China as soon as possible to deal with some difficult problems. "

"Yes, I'll see you off."

David Harnett got up and walked out of the restaurant with the crowd.

Looking at the disappearing car, David Harnett said: "no wonder Xiao has been able to become the richest man in the world in just three years. His brain is really alive. Even such a way of cooperation can come up with, it is really powerful. Melinda, we need your help in this studio. "

Melinda said with a smile, "no problem. David, to be honest, I was very worried when you said you wanted to be a free artist. Now, with this studio, you can not only maintain your independence, but also rely on the giant marvel. There will be no unsolvable problems. This is indeed the best choice for you. I'm just surprised that Mr. Xiao only signed a one-year contract with you, which is too confident. I'm afraid there's no boss like him in Hollywood. "

David Harnett said: "maybe it's this difference that makes his legend. It's getting late. It's time for me to go to the set. Melinda, go back and spread the news about me joining marvel. I don't want to be harassed by other entertainment companies any more

Melinda nodded and said, "OK, I'll go back to the hotel right away."In this way, the news that David Harnett joined Marvel Comics soon spread throughout Hollywood.

"Even David's choice of Kung Fu has become more and more amazing."

"Marvel has been on the way to rise and become a world entertainment giant in the near future."

"More than a dozen film and television entertainment companies went to ask David Harnett to join, but they all failed. As soon as Xiao arrives, he will be finished with just one meal. I don't know what kind of magic Xiao has to make David join his marvel

Netizens have left messages on the forum, saying everything, and even some posts say that he and he are good foundation friends, which makes people laugh and cry.

Franklin was the most angry. As soon as he got out of the airport, he learned from Esther Hausmann that David Harnett had joined marvel, and he almost didn't blow his lungs.

"Esther, did you tell his agent what we offered him?"

"Yes, but the conditions Xiao Kung Fu gave him are much better than ours."

"What? It's impossible. "

"Boss, as soon as I learned about David Harnett, I asked his agent about it. In order to win him over, Kung Fu Xiao not only gave him a 9:1 ratio, but also gave him a short year. More importantly, Xiao allowed David Harnett to set up a star studio

"Star Studio? What is that? "

"The Star Studio is a star..."

after getting to know the star studio, Franklin was silent and his eyes flickered. After a long time, he said, "Kung Fu Xiao is really willing to lay down his blood.". No wonder David Harnett will join marvel. Relying on marvel, I will be my own boss. If I were him, I would choose the same way. I have to admit that Kung Fu Xiao is really a genius. Watch it. When David Harnett's star work is set up, many stars will follow him. Now, Hollywood is going to be busy. "

Xiao Yunhai and his party flew to Anhui Xinqiao airport at 9:00 a.m. on April 17, Chen Zhan drove a business car and waited outside the airport early.

"Yunhai, Wanqing, why are you here now?" After seeing Xiao Yunhai and others appear, Chen Zhan meets him.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I went to New Zealand on the way."

Chen Zhan Oh a, way: "first get on the car again."

After they got on the bus, Xiao Yunhai asked, "uncle, have you resigned?"

Chen Zhan said: "yesterday morning, I submitted an application to the Ministry of culture. In the afternoon, Minister Liang called me personally. When he learned that I was going to work for your TV station, he didn't say anything. It is estimated that the official documents will come down today. "

"How long will it take to complete the handover?"

"I'm done. Deputy director Li Changshan has worked in Anhui TV station for 20 years. He is more familiar with the TV station than I am. Where can I use it. By the way, where are we going now? "

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he said, "of course, I went to see the old man. Uncle, after you send Wanqing and me to my grandfather, you can go to work on Yazhou TV station and try to get it settled this afternoon. After I got the ownership of the TV station, I went to Yanjing directly to find Minister Liang to deal with the European broadcasting rights and the use of communication satellites. What do you think? "

Chen Zhan was not angry and said: "not so good. You don't care about such a big business. It's really big. "

Kristi said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, the boss has always been like this. Small things like buying TV stations are not in his eyes at all."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it's not. It's mainly because I'm not good at negotiation and it's useless to go there. Professional matters, of course, should be left to the professional people of you. Right? "

Chen Zhandao: "tell me, what are you good at?"

"I am good at management. Don't you see that all of my companies are operating well,

are thriving? "

Zhao Wanqing turned her eyes and said, "husband, how many times can you go to the company a year? That's also called management. You are too big to be ashamed of. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what do you know? This is called management concept. Well, forget it. I won't tell you. Anyway, you don't understand. "

All of them were speechless to Xiao Yunhai's thick skin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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