Published at 11th of May 2022 05:23:42 AM

Chapter 1214

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The car soon stopped in front of the gate of Chen Jiahong's villa. Xiao Yunhai took Chen Zhan's key, opened the door and drove in.

"Grandfather, I've come to see you." Xiao Yunhai closed the gate and gathered Qi into the Dantian, shouting loudly.

Chen Jiahong was planting vegetables in the yard. When he heard Xiao Yunhai's voice, he said with a smile, "you boy, you still have a little conscience. You know to come and see me, an old man who is about to go to the earth."

Although he said so, his voice was loud and full of air. He didn't look like he was in the ground.

Xiao Yunhai came to the vegetable field and said with a smile, "your body is stronger than 80% of the young people. If you are going to be buried, how can you let them live? "

Zhao Wanqing also came over and said, "grandfather, you are so old. How can you grow vegetables yourself?"

Seeing Zhao Wanqing, Chen Jiahong said happily, "Wanqing is here. Ha ha, I stay here all day, I want to find something to do. Oh, my guest

Mo Yina and Kristi quickly and respectfully said hello to the white haired but vigorous old man.

Xiao Yunhai said: "grandfather, I'll help you."

Chen Jiahong waved her hand and said, "no, this is my precious vegetable field. Even your uncle, I won't let him interfere, let alone your boy. Let's go in and talk

Chen Zhan said: "Dad, you and Yunhai, Wanqing go to chat for a while. We're going out to talk business. Well, now that I'm under your precious grandson, I have to follow orders. "

Chen Jiahong said with a sneer, "who made you useless. I've been a TV station director for most of my life. Look at your nephew. He is the richest man in the world at the age of twenty-five or six. You still have a face here

Chen Zhan quickly raised his hand and said, "yes, yes, you are right. I'm not promising. Let's go first."

After the three left, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing accompanied Chen Jiahong back to the living room.

Zhao Wanqing made tea for them, old and young, and asked, "grandfather, are you usually very bored?"

Chen Jiahong sighed, "who says it's not. Well, I used to teach apprentices and kill time, but now no one is willing to practice martial arts

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "grandfather, if there are children to learn boxing, would you still like to teach it? Is it too tired? "

Chen Jiahong said with a smile, "Wanqing, haven't you heard the saying that life lies in sports? If you practice Kung Fu to my level, you will only die of idleness, and you will never die of exhaustion. "

Xiao Yunhai knew that his wife would not ask for no reason and said, "wife, do you have any good ideas?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes. My grandfather practiced martial arts all his life, and his greatest wish was to carry forward Kung Fu. Why don't we set up a martial arts school? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "then I ask you, where are your students from? Which parents are willing to let their children not learn to run to practice martial arts? Even we don't want to. "

Chen Jiahong sighed, "yes. Now the children are spoiled, and no one can stand the pain of practicing kung fu. "

Zhao Wanqing said confidently: "the children who have parents will not come, but the children in the orphanage. Will they? "

Xiao Yunhai patted his thigh and said, "wife, you are so smart. Yes, there are so many orphanage children in the country that we can recruit them. When the time comes, we'll have to eat and cover up. Besides practicing martial arts, we'll also invite some teachers to teach them cultural lessons. I'm sure there will be many orphans willing to come here. Grandfather, you can go to the school as the principal, teach them Kung Fu every day, and cultivate them when they have good talents. In this way, our Chinese Kung Fu can be carried forward, and you will not be bored. "

Chen Jiahong's eyes lit up and said, "OK, that's it. Ha ha, Wan Qing is smart and much better than you. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "since it is a school, it needs to build a school. Grandfather, where do you think it's suitable nearby, we'll buy it and build it as soon as possible. "

Chen Jiahong thought about it and said, "there is a mountain three miles east of this villa area. There is a large open space at the foot of the mountain. I think we can build a school there."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem. Grandfather, since the distance is not far, let's go and have a look. If appropriate, get the relevant procedures done immediately. "

Chen Jiahong stood up and said in high spirits, "what are we waiting for? Let's go."

With that, Chen Jiahong walked out in a big stride.

Xiao Yunhai was very happy to see his grandfather's energetic appearance. He whispered to Zhao Wanqing, "thank you, wife."

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said, "thank you for what. As long as grandfather is happy

Although Chen Jiahong is ninety-five years old, he is still hearing and seeing because of his good health preservation and entering the peak state of Huajin.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing talk in a low voice, but still do not escape his ears.

Chen Jiahong was very pleased to think that his grandson and his daughter-in-law were so considerate of themselves.If there is such a grandson, what can I ask for.

They soon came to the place where Chen Jiahong said: mountains and water, trees, birds and flowers.

At the foot of the mountain there is a large open space, with an area of over 100 mu. Because it is not suitable for planting crops, it has been planted with poplar by farmers nearby. It's a forest of poplars.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and said with a smile, "grandfather, what you said here is really good. It is this forest that has some problems in handling, and it is estimated that many local farmers are involved. "

Chen Jiahong said, "as long as you give enough money, there will be no problem. Ha ha, my village head Lao Li and I are very good friends. We just need to tell him that we can pay them 50000 yuan per mu. After all, it's a land of no owners, and we've done our utmost to do so. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. It's not too late. Let's split up. Wan Qing, you and your grandfather go to the village head. I'll go directly to the Municipal Land Administration Bureau and the Education Bureau, and try to get things done today. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "OK, no problem."

Chen Jiahong said, "let's go home first. I promised to bring two bottles of good wine to that old Li."

After three people's deliberation, Xiao Yunhai drove his Uncle Chen Zhan's car to the Land Management Bureau.

Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world and an international superstar, came to the Land Management Bureau in person, which naturally caused the staff and clerks to scream and scream.

"My God. I'm lucky. I didn't expect to meet the emperor here. "

"Mr. Xiao, can you sign for me?"

"May I take a picture with you?"

Fortunately, there are not many people inside, otherwise Xiao Yunhai would be in real trouble.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his forties came in, smiling and saying, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Zhang Ke, director of the Land Management Bureau."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said, "Hello, director Zhang. Sorry to disturb your work. I'm here to buy a piece of land. I don't know what kind of procedures need to be followed? "

Zhang Ke looked around and said, "Mr. Xiao, please talk to me in my office."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "good."

When he came to the office, Zhang Ke poured a cup of tea for Xiao Yunhai himself and asked, "Mr. Xiao, I don't know which piece of land you like? Is it used to build a factory? "

Xiao Yunhai said the specific location and said, "I'm not trying to build a factory, but I want to establish a martial arts school to inherit Chinese Kung Fu."

"Martial arts school?" Zhang Ke looked surprised and asked, "who are you going to invite to teach?"

"It's my grandfather. He practiced martial arts all his life, taught hundreds of apprentices, and wanted to make some contribution to Chinese Kung Fu. Naturally, my grandson is 100% supportive. Director Zhang, I wonder if there is any problem with that land? "

Zhang Ke said with a smile: "of course, there is no problem. I've been there. It's a piece of deserted land that nobody wants. The nearby villagers planted poplars and formed a large forest. Therefore, the villagers are the main ones

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my grandfather has already gone to their village head. We are going to buy them at the price of 50000 yuan per mu to ensure that there will be no trouble for the government."

Zhang Ke said: "that's very good. If every boss is as generous as you are, our work will be much better. "

"When will the land be approved? What's the price? "

"Two days is about the same. As for the price, I can't decide. It needs to be set by the government. "

"I'd like to ask director Zhang for more help. I have to go to the Education Bureau to deal with the relevant school running procedures, so I won't disturb your work. This is my Uncle Chen Zhan's mobile phone number. When it's done, tell him to come and pay. "

"All right, Mr. Xiao. Take your time."

After sending Xiao Yunhai away with a smile, Zhang Ke sighed: "he is young and has hundreds of billions of assets, but he is not arrogant. He speaks and does things with humility. With his bearing, ordinary people can not catch up with him. No wonder you can be the richest man in the world. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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